Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Семья

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Урок в 6 классе по УМК М. З. Биболетовой

«Английский с удовольствием (Enjoy English)»

Тема урока: Семья

Цель урока: повторить известные, ввести и активизировать новые лексические единицы по теме «Семья» в диалогических высказываниях, развивать память и воображение, воспитывать отношение к семье как одной из самых главных человеческих ценностей.

ТСО, используемые на уроке: компьютер, магнитофон, мультимедийный проигрыватель.

Наглядный и раздаточный материал: рисунок семейного древа, карточки и таблицы для учеников.

Ход урока

1. Greeting (приветствие).

2. Try to guess the topic of our lesson. Listen to my riddle and name the last word.

Father, mother, elder brother Dan,

Sister Mary and grandpa Sam.

A lot of relatives you can see.

They all together are a big …

OK. Today we are to learn new words: all relatives in the family and to understand who is who.

3. Look at the photo-album of one family. Listen, repeat and remember the words.


4.1 The family is like a tree. The roots are traditions and customs of the family, which are formed for years. The trunk is the head of the family: our grand grandparents and grandparents. The leaves and the branches represent the young generation: our parents, aunts, uncles. And the fruits are you, your brothers and sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews. Let`s choose two pupils: a boy and a girl with help of the rhyme. Look at my family tree and name only males please. And you name all females please. All pupils, repeat the words after them.

One, two, three, four.

Can I count a little more?

Five, six, seven, eight.

Jump far away.

4.2 My brother is a poet. He has written a poem about the family, but his English is so bad, that he could write only the first letters of some words. Help him and write these words up to the end.


This is my family.


I love them every day.


M………., f …………, baby, oh.


B……….. , s………… you can see.


I also have a granddad.

Make a new poem and name other relatives. Listen to the music and repeat after me.

5. Match the words and the descriptions. Student's book: p. 124, ex. 8.

6. Let`s speak about your relatives` names. My mother`s name is Helen. Whose relative`s name is Helen too? Fill in the table and compare your relatives` names with your classmates`. Find the same (одинаковые) names.

For example: 1. My …`s name is … . 2. My …`s name is … too.



1. father

2. mother

3. brother

4. sister

5. grandma

6. grandpa

7. aunt

8. uncle

9. cousin

10. niece

11. nephew

7. Let`s play the game "Bob`s birthday". I`ll give you new English names. Fasten them to your clothes. Listen to me and do what I command you.

John Brown, his wife Helen and his daughter Alice are in the kitchen. Bob is sleeping in his room. John says: Helen, today is Bob`s birthday. All relatives will come. Set the table. Alice, help your Mum. They are setting the table. They are going to Bob`s room. Now Bob is getting up. His mother Helen says: Good morning dear son. Happy birthday to you. She is putting the cap on his head. Alice says: My best wishes dear brother. Bob answers: Thank you very much. I`m so happy. Somebody is knocking at the door. Alice says: Oh, our grandma and granddad have come. Mary says: My dear Bob, be clever. Frank says: Bob, be strong and helpful. Bob answers: I`m glad to see you. John`s brother David, his wife Ann and his son Tom are coming in. Ann says: My dear nephew, I love you so much. David puts his hand on Bob`s shoulder and says: I wish you good luck. Tom says: You are not only my cousin, you are my best friend. They are hugging. Bob says: You are so nice. At the end Bob`s elder sister Evelyn and her 2 children: Emma and Mark have come. Evelyn says: I haven`t seen you for a long time. You are so big. My children want to tell you something. Emma says: You are my dear uncle. Mark says: You are the best. Bob answers: You are welcome. Helen invites all guests to the table and says: Help yourselves please. The relatives are taking the cups from the table. John takes the box and says to Bob: Here is your present, my sonny. Bob is opening the box. What is it? You see family trees. Give them to all your classmates.

8. Paste in your relatives` photos and sign them.

9. Read all phrases about the family and choose one, that you like best. Read it loudly.

I think my family is good.

Я думаю, моя семья - хорошая.

I believe my family is friendly.

Я считаю, что моя семья - дружная.

I consider my family is one of the best.

Я полагаю, моя семья - одна из лучших.

I`m sure [ʃuə] my family is happy.

Я уверен(а), моя семья -счастливая.

I have never thought that my family is so merry.

Я никогда не думал(а), что моя семья такая веселая.

I am proud [praud] of my family.

Я горжусь своей семьей.

I care [kɛə] for my relatives.

Я люблю моих родных.

Believe it or not but my family is very nice.

Хотите, верьте, хотите, нет, но моя семья очень милая.

I trust [trʌst] my family, because they understand me.

Я доверяю моей семье, потому что они меня понимают.

Thank you for your work. You've done the best today. I wish your families to be happy and friendly.

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