Использование коммуникативной технологии на уроках английского языка

В последние годы я работаю над учебно-методической проблемой «Развитие навыков устной речи учащихся через современные подходы к обучению». Работая над данной проблемой, стараюсь в своей работе использовать современные различные технологии обучения иностранным языкам: личностно-ориентированные технологии, игровые технологии, нестандартные формы проведения уроков. Но, пожалуй, основным методом обучения, которому я отдаю предпочтение и использую в своей работе, является повсеместно признанный в мире «коммуникативный метод», разрушающий психологический барьер между учителем и учеником. Когда дети перестают чувствовать «дистанцию» между собой и преподавателем, когда им интересно, весело и приятно с ним общаться, им проще начать разговаривать на иностранном языке. Известно, что традиционная для нас методика преподавания направлена на развитие навыков чтения и перевода, но никак не на развитие навыков устной речи.
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Использование коммуникативной технологии на уроках

английского языка.

Левицкая М.Н.

В последние годы я работаю над учебно-методической проблемой «Развитие навыков устной речи учащихся через современные подходы к обучению».

Работая над данной проблемой, стараюсь в своей работе использовать современные различные технологии обучения иностранным языкам: личностно-ориентированные технологии, игровые технологии, нестандартные формы проведения уроков.

Но, пожалуй, основным методом обучения, которому я отдаю предпочтение и использую в своей работе, является повсеместно признанный в мире «коммуникативный метод», разрушающий психологический барьер между учителем и учеником. Когда дети перестают чувствовать «дистанцию» между собой и преподавателем, когда им интересно, весело и приятно с ним общаться, им проще начать разговаривать на иностранном языке.

Известно, что традиционная для нас методика преподавания направлена на развитие навыков чтения и перевода, но никак не на развитие навыков устной речи.

А суть коммуникативного метода заключается в том, что он направлен на одновременное развитие основных языковых навыков (устной и письменной речи, грамматики, чтения и восприятия на слух или аудирования) в процессе живого, непринужденного общения.

Ведь главная задача преподавателя - научить ученика общаться на иностранном языке.

Когда лексика, грамматические структуры преподносятся учащимся в контексте реальной, эмоционально окрашенной ситуации, то это способствует более быстрому и прочному запоминанию изучаемого материала.

Также на своих уроках применяю игровые элементы, которые поддерживают положительный, эмоциональный настрой учащихся, усиливают их мотивацию.

В предлагаемом модуле по теме «США», использовала разнообразные формы работы: фонетические разминки, стихи и песни на английском языке, задания для развития диалогической и монологической речи, конкурсы.

Работа «в парах», «в тройках», «в группах», игры и конкурсы, инсценирование диалогов, участие в дискуссиях на интересующие учащихся темы-все это позволяет мне учесть индивидуальные особенности учащихся, сделать мои занятия творческими и увлекательными; а также это дает мне возможность незаметно для учащихся осуществлять полный контроль над процессом обучения.

Level: the 8th form

Theme: A Trip to the USA

Objectives: 1. to teach the pupils to read the dialogue «A Trip to the USA»

2. to teach the pupils to speak about the USA on the utterance level;

3. to widen the pupils' interest in learning English and
their knowledge about the USA;

4. to teach the pupils to treat traditions, culture, national symbols of their Country with respect (like Americans, who like their country's culture, traditions etc.)

Language material; Ex. 1 p.214; Ex. 2 p.216; Ex. 3 p.216; Ex. 6 p.218;

the song " Which Land is the Best?"

Accessories: the map of the USA, colored pictures with the sights of different cities of the USA; the portrait of the President of the USA.

Technical aids: tape- recorder, cassettes.

The succession of the lesson.

1. Org. moment:

a) greeting;

b) a talk with the pupil on duty;

  1. the introductory talk of the teacher about the aims of the lesson

Teacher: So, children, at our today's lesson we shall speak about the USA. For today you were to get ready with the competition which we are going to have at our lesson. But first we shall begin our lesson with the phonetic drill in order to get ready for speaking at our lesson in a proper way.

II. Phonetic drill.

Teacher: Children, let's sing the song "Which Land is the Best?"

(the pupils listen to the song on the cassette, and then sing it to the music)

Wliich Land is the Best?
In my country we are happy,
In my country we are happier,

In my country we are the happiest of all.
In my country we are friendly,
In my country we are friendlier,

In my country we are the friendliest of all.
. My Country, your Country,

Travel East or West

If North is good and South is better

Which land is the best?(etc.)

III. Work at reading of the dialogue:

"A Trip to the USA" (Ex.6 p.218)
Teacher: Listen to the dialogue "A Trip to the USA" (on the cassette).

Try to read it in a proper way later on and to say what other places in

the USA the children could visit except of the places that they are

going to see.

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following proper names;

(the pupils listen to the cassette).

Kennedy Airport







The Bronx Zoo

The Metropolitan (Museum)
the Niagara Falls

IV. Competition:

Teacher: Children, you have already learned much about the United States of America and its people. So, let's see how much you know about the USA.

At home you were to do Ex. 1, 2 p.214 in order to get ready for our competition.

(the pupils are divided into three groups and for their right answers they get

the prizes (pens);( the teacher writes the scores on the blackboard)

Task 1: Make the right choice.

1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in...

  1. 1402 c) 1492

  2. 1482 d)1392

2. Christopher Columbus discovered...

a) Central America; b) South America;

c) North America; d) the United States of America;

3. The first English settlements appeared in…

  1. North America in the 17th century

  2. South America in the 17th century

  3. Central America in the 16th century

  4. America in the 18th century

4. The "Mayflower" is...

  1. the name of a season

  2. the name of a flower

  3. the name of the first settlement in America

  4. the name of the ship that sailed from
    Plymouth for the New World on 1620

5. The first colonies started the tradition of...

  1. Halloween c) Thanksgiving Day

  2. Independent Day d) Memorial Day

6. The first president of the USA was...

  1. George Washington c) Jeffrey Jefferson

  2. Abraham Lincoln d) Bill Clinton

7. The capital of the USA is...

  1. Washington, D.C. c) New York

  2. Washington d) Philadelphia

8. There were... colonies in America in 1733

  1. 13 c)21

  2. 7 d) 10

9. Jeans are clothes worn by...

  1. cowboys in the Wild West

  2. actors in America

  3. Levi Strauss people

  4. people all over the world

10. American flag is often called...

  1. Union Jack c) the Red Dragon

b) stars and stripes d) the White Eagle
11 .There are.. .stripes on the American flag.

  1. 7 c)50

  2. 6 d) 13

12.The official national symbol of the USA is...

  1. the Statue of Liberty

  2. the eagle

  3. the turkey

  4. the "Mayflower"

Task 2: Answer the following questions about the USA. Remember, that everybody who gives the right answer to the question will get a prize (a pen).

  1. What do you remember about the discoverer of America? (Where was he

born? Where did he live? What country was he looking for in 1492 when he discovered the new continent?)

  1. What do you know about the first English settlements in America and the first
    English colonists? (When and where and why did England become interested in
    America? When was the "Mayflower" sent to America? What did they call the part
    of America where they set up their first colony? What kind of life did they lead?)

  2. There were 13 colonies in America in 1773, weren't there?

  3. Why did people in America fight for their independence from England?

  4. How can you characterize the colonists?

  5. What big US cities do you know?

  6. How many cents are there in a dollar?

  7. What are the colors of the American flag? Why are there 50 stars on the flag?
    Why are there 13 stripes on it? How do people often call the American flag?

  8. The eagle became the official national symbol of the USA in 1782, didn't it? What
    symbol is an olive branch? What do arrows symbolize? Where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows?

  9. What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?

11. The capital of the USA is Washington, D.C. isn't it? What do the letters D.C. stand for?

12. Why do people say "Washington, D.C."? When do they speak about the US capital?

Task 3: After doing task 1 and task 2 the pupils have to decide who of their classmates knows the USA and its people best. Let him be a visiting professor from New York and ask him questions about the USA. (the pupils ask "a visiting professor" the questions given in Ex.3 p. 216)

  1. Why is Washington D.C. a special city?

  2. What oceans are the USA washed by in the east and in the west?

  3. What can you tell us about the statue of Liberty?

  4. What must the people in the USA know about their national flag?

  5. When did the story of the "Wild West" begin? Why did people go west?

  6. What do you know about the native Americans?

  7. What is the life of the native Americans nowadays like?

  8. When and why did Americans begin to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

V.Giving of the home task: Ex.9 p.219 (role play the dialogue from Ex.6, 7 p.219;

V1. Summing up of the results of the lesson (marks, objections);

Theme: The USA

Objectives; 1) to teach the pupils to use the new words from the theme " The USA" on the utterance level;

  1. to teach the pupils dialogue and monologue speech;

  2. to enlarge the pupils knowledge about the USA;

  3. to teach the pupils to use the sentences in the Past Perfect Tense in

their speech;

5) to teach the pupils to love our world and to be friendly with all the

people of our world;

Language material; the new words from the theme "The USA"; the poem "Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters", the song "Which Land is the Best?", the text "Country and People" (Ex.20 p.233, Ex.6 p.218), the song "Yesterday".

Accessories: pictures, cards, structures;

Technical aids; a tape-recorder, cassettes.

The succession of the lesson

I. Org moment:

a) greeting:

Teacher: How do you do, children?

Pupils: How do you do, teacher?

Teacher: Who is on duty today?

Pupil: I am on duty today.

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Pupil: All are present (or .... is absent)

II.The introductory talk of the teacher with the pupils about the aims of the lesson;

Teacher: So, children, the theme of our today's lesson is "The USA". You already know some facts about the United States and its people: e.g. about the political and geographical position of the country, about the President and the Constitution of the USA. But, let's begin our lesson with a nice song "Which Land is the Best?" Let's warm up our tongues.

III. Phonetic drill;

(singing of the song to the music)
In my country we are happy

In my country we are happier

In my country we are the happiest of all.

In my country we are friendly

In my country we are friendlier

In my country we are the friendliest of all.

My country, your country,

Travel East or West,

If North is good, and South is better

Which Land is the best?

IV. Further consolidation of the theme "The USA";

Teacher: So, children, while working at the theme "The USA" today, we will need many

expressions and words, proper names. Let's revise them.
a) repeat after the teacher all together:

the United States of America

Washington D.C.

New York

the Capitol

the White House

the Statue of Liberty



Disneyland ['dizniland]



the Bronx Zoo

the Metropolitan

the Niagara Falls

b) checking of the home task;

Teacher: And now, let's come on to our home task. For today, you were to read and try to understand the dialogue, and to act the dialogue.

So, first of all I want to see if you understood the text in a proper way. Agree or disagree with me. Use the phrases: Yes, it is true;

No, it is false;

Yes, you are right; Ex.7 p.219 Just so;

No, you are wrong; No, you are mistaken; You don't say so!

  1. They are flying from Sheremetyevo to New York, Kennedy Airport.

  2. They are going to stay in New York for two days.

  3. They won't visit Texas.

  4. A rodeo is an exciting show.

  5. The Niagara Falls is a great place to visit.

  6. California is the birthplace of American democracy. (Philadelfia...)

  7. The pupils are going to see only the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Teacher: OK, children. I see, that you understood the dialogue. And now let's do more difficult task. Translate the following sentences from the dialogue from Russian into English. Let's imagine ourselves in the roles of interpriters.

  1. В конце апреля победители конкурса знатоков английского языка едут в

  2. Это фантастика!

  3. Я не могу в это поверить! Это слишком хорошая новость, чтобы можно было
    в неё поверить.

  4. Когда мы отправляемся?

  5. Какие места мы там посетим?

6) Главные достопримечательности: Статуя Свободы, Манхэттен, известные
небоскребы, метро, зоопарк.

  1. Мне бы хотелось увидеть Голливуд и Диснейлэнд.

  2. А в Калифорнию тоже поедем?
    9)Филадельфия - родина Американской демократии.
    10) Мне бы хотелось увидеть Ниагарский водопад.

Task: Our next task is to act in the dialogue. I would like you to be very emotional.

Teacher: Hi, everybody! I've got a great news for you. At the end of the April we are going to the USA Tanya: It's fantastic!

Misha: Wow!

Volodya: I can't believe it. It's too good to be true.

Irina: I knew it! I knew it!

Teacher: Please, be quite! I'm here to tell you all you want to know. But be quite. We are

flying from Sheremetyevo to New York, Kennedy Airport.

Tanya: What places are we going to visit?

Teacher: The main sights are: the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan, the famous skyscrapers.,

the Metropolitan and the Bronks Zoo.

Irina: I've always wanted to see Hollywood and Disneyland.

Volodya: And I want to see the Niagara Falls.

Teacher: Sorry, children. We've got ten days. I hope we'll see too many sights in the

USA. Have a good time! Bye!

A short rest; (physical exercise, 5 min.)

Teacher: and now, children, let's have a short rest; we'll do our usual physical exercise;

Going on a Lion Hunt.

Going on a lion hunt.

Trying to catch a big one.

I'm not scared!

Look at all these flowers.

It's a nice day!

Oh-Oh, some mud.

Some greesy, greesy mud. . . .

I can't go over it,

I can't go under it,

I can't go around it.

I just have to go across it.

(a river, a deep, deep river; a tree, a big-big tree; a mountain, a high, high mountain; a forest, a dark, dark forest; a cave, a deep, deep cave).

I just have to go across it (to swim across it; to climb it; to enter it).

What's this?

A strong body,

big paws,

soft fur,

sharp teeth,

it's a lion!!!

(repeat all the movements in the reversed order: entering the cave, going through the forest etc.).

Teacher: And now let's warm up our tongues and our feet at the same time:

The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue. (many times)

c) English Learners Contest.

Teacher: And now, children, we are going to have our own English Learners Contest. The winners of this contest are not going to visit the USA, but to earn money.

First, I want to remind you what kind of money the American people use in their country. For that, listen to the rhyme (the teacher uses the tape- recorder).

American Coins.

Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

How many pennies in a nickel?

Five. How many nickels in a dime?


Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

How many dimes in a dollar?


How many nickels in a dime?


Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

How many quarters in a dollar?


How many nickels in a dime?


Teacher: And now, look at the pictures and answer the following guestions.

  1. How many pennies are there in a nickel?

  2. What American coins do you know?

  3. How many nickels are there in a dime?

  4. How many dimes are there in a guarter?

  5. How many guarters are there in a dollar?

Teacher: So, it's high time to begin our first round. The winner will earn one million dollars.

Round 1

How Much Do We Know about the USA? You already know some facts about the United States of America and its people. I would like you to remember certain things about the US. So, let's start.

1. Make the right choice.

1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in...(10)

a) 1402 c) 1492

b)1482 d)1392

2. Christopher Columbus discovered...(20)

  1. Central America c) North America

  2. South America d) the United States of America

3. The first English settlements appeared in...(30)

a) North America in the 17th c) Central America in the 16th

century century

b) South America in the 17th d) America in the 18th

century century

4. The "Mayflower" is ...(40)

a) the name of a season b) the name of a flower

c) the name of the English d) the name of the ship that sailed
settlement in America from Rlymouth for the New

World in 1620

5. The first colonists started the tradition of.. .(50)

  1. Hallow'en c) Thanksgiving Day

  2. Independence Day d) Memorial Day

6. The first president of the US was...(100)

  1. George Washington c) Jeffrey Jefferson

  2. Abraham Lincoln d) Bill Clinton

7. The capital of the US is... (200)

a) Washington, D.C b) New York

c) Washington d) Philadelphia

8. There were ... colonies in America in 1733. (300)

a) 13 c)2

b)7 d)10

9. Jeans are clothes worn by... (400)

  1. cowboys in the Wild West c) Levi Strauss people

  2. actors in America d) people all over the world

10. The American flag is often called...(500)

  1. Union Jack c) the red Dragon

  2. The Stars and Stripes d) the White Eagle

11. There are ... stripes on the American flag. (800)

a) 7 c) 50

b)6 d)13

12. The official national symbol of the USA is... (1000)

  1. the Statue of Liberty c) the turkey

  2. the Eagle d) the "Mayflower"

Round 2.

  1. The number of states in the USA? (5)

  2. What is the USA washed by? (10)

  1. What is the population of the country? (15)

  2. What are the most famous places to enjoy in the USA? (20)

  3. What mighty rivers of the USA do you know? (25)

  4. What are the biggest mountain chains? (50)

  1. How do you understand the phrase "The USA is a big melting port?"

  1. The size of the Grand Canyon is.. .(200)

  2. What can be the American government compared with? (300)

  1. What is the capital of the USA? (400)

  2. Who was the first president of the USA? (500)

  3. Who is the president of the USA now? (600)

  4. How many Presidents of the USA can you name? (700)

  5. What big cities of the USA do you know? (850)

  6. What holidays are celebrated in the USA? ($1000)

Round 3

1. Choose the right version.

1. The war of Independence began in ...

a) 1775 b) 1785 c) 1875

2. The war of Independence ended in...

a) 1780 b) 1783 c) 1873

3. The Constitution was written in...

a) New York b) Washington d) Philadelphia

4. The Constitution is...

a) building in Washington b) law c) group of people

5. The US Government has ... branches.

a) three b) four c) five

6. People who work in the Senate are called senators and people who work
in the House of Representatives are called...

a) housemen b)congressmen c) members of Parliament

7. There are ... senators than congressmen in the Congress.

a) more b) a lot more c) fewer

8. The US President's term is... .

a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years

9. There are ... judges in the US Supreme Court.

a) nine b) eleven c) thirteen

10. The Civil War lasted ... years.

a) three b) four c) five

11. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called...

a) the Bill of Citizens b) the Bill of Freedoms

c) The Bill of Rights

12. All together there are ... amendments to the Constitution.

a) twenty b) twenty - six c) thirty - six

2. What have you learned about the USA? Retell the text.

3. Ask questions to which these are answers.

  1. There were thirteen colonies.

  2. To write the Constitution.

  3. The US capitol is in Washington, D.C.

  4. One hundred.

  5. Four hundred and thirty - five.

  6. Two years and six years.

  7. They carry out the laws that the Congress makes.

  8. They help the President to make decisions.

V. Summing up of the results of the lesson: ( marks, objections)

VI. A final song; (the pupils sing the song "Yesterday")
The end of the lesson.)

Theme: The USA.

Objectives: 1) to teach the pupils to speak English in a proper way;

  1. to teach the pupils to love our world and to be friendly with all the people of our world;

  2. to widen the pupils knowledge about the USA;

Language material; the new words on the theme "The USA" taken at the previous lessons; the play "Star Search Contest" ;the songs "Yesterday", "Which Land is the Best?"

Accessories: pictures (the sights of the USA); the map of the USA;

Technical aids; tape-recorder; cassettes;

The succession of the lesson:

I. Org. moment:

  1. greeting;

  2. a talk with the pupil on duty;

  3. a short talk of the teacher about the aims of the lesson;

II. Phonetic drill:

(singing of the song "Which Land is the Best?" taken at the previous lessons)

III. Star Search Contest.

Good evening. Glad to see everyone. We are having the Star Search Contest now.

Let me introduce the participants of the contest. They are:

Shminke Boris. His classmates call him A Walking Encyclopedia. What is your favorite subject, Boris?

Our next participant is Sharikova Rosa. A very modest and bright pupil. What is your hobby, Rosa?

Iralina Lilia is the third participant of the contest.

"Quick-minded and sometimes naughty"- this is what her classmates say about her.

Lilia, are you interested in sports?

Shmelyev Sasha is our forth participant. He likes to retell stories very much. He is usually the first to make a summary of a text. Do you think English is very difficult? Koritskaya Marina is our last participant. Sometimes Marina is so slow that you can have your lunch during this pause. But her reading is perfect. What are you going to be, Marina?

Let me introduce the jury to you... .

Are you ready to start our game? O.K. I have prepared some tasks on the history of America. I've read a lot about the discovery of the country and its discoverer, but I'm afraid that everything has mixed up in my mind. I don't remember where Columbus was exactly born. Whether he was born in India and then he lived in Italy and sailed to Spain or somewhere else. Here are three possible answers. Choose the right one. The one who shows the right answer gets a star.

a) Italy * b) Spain c) India (The winners make a step forward).

You might remember that Columbus's dream was to become a seaman. He made many voyages. And one day, I don't remember when, he decided to sail west to reach India, and discovered America. You know he thought it was India. When was it?

a) 1492* b)1493 c) 1592

He discovered a new land and people began to speak about this land as the New World. Spain was very much interested in this land and this territory. That's why Columbus made some more voyages to this land. How many of them did he make to the New World?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 *

By the way, do you remember how many ships he took on his second voyage?

a) 15 b)16 c)17*

Yes, he had 17 ships. But one of them was his favorite one. Which one?

a) the Pinta b) the Nina * c) the Mayflower

The first round is over. The stars should be counted. The winner will get a prize.

The second round will be devoted to English colonies.

England became interested in the New World, too. And the first English settlements appeared in America. Was it at the beginning of the 18th, 16th, or 17th centuries?

a) 18 b) 16 c) 17*

The first group of people sailed from the English city of Plymouth on board of the ship. What was the name of that ship?

a) the Mayrose b) the Mayflower * c) the Pinta

Do you remember the reasons that made them leave the country for America? (The participants can give answers without getting a star). The first group was not very large. As far as I remember, there were only men on board of the ship. Am I right?

a) 102 b) 74+28* c) 28+74

Their voyage was very dangerous. Sometimes they had nothing to eat. How long did they sail?

a) 3 months * b) half a year c) 4 months

In the winter of 1621 they built a small village with two streets on new land. What was the name of their first settlement?

a) New Plymouth * b) American Plymouth c) Mayflower

The first colonists arrived in America to start a new life. It was a hard life full of danger. In autumn of 1622 they had their first harvest. It was rather good. Since that day every autumn Americans celebrate a holiday, which is called Thanksgiving day. When do Americans do it?

a) the last Thursday of November * b) the last Thursday of October c) the first Thursday of November

There comes a break, during which pupils can sing a song and listen to the joke:

Teacher: Which is further, the moon or America?

Pupil: America.

Teacher: Why?

Pupil: Because I can see the moon, but I can't see America.

The third round will be devoted to Wild West and Native Americans. At the beginning of the 17th century the first colonies appeared in America. There were English, Spanish, German colonies. There were many colonies in 1733. But how many?

a) 11 b)13* c)15

What country did all colonies depend on?

a) Spain b) England * с) Germany

The colonies didn't like it. They began to fight for the independence and got it. Who became the first president?

a) George Washington * b) George Bush c) George Michael

It was in the 17th century. And in the 19th century the story of Wild West began. People went west to look for gold. They took lands from the Native Americans, who got very angry. You can understand why; they lived on this land for many centuries. When did the first Americans arrive in America?

a) over 20,000 * b) over 200,000 c) 2,000

Where did they come from?

a) Asia * b) Europe c) Africa

(The participant who has the least number of stars leaves the game.) The fourth round will be devoted to American symbols. There are 4 main American symbols: the American Flag, the Statue of Liberty, the Eagle, and the Song. I'm sure you know many things about the flag. Americans are very proud of it and display it in many places: in offices, shops, schools, streets, etc. The main colors of the flag are red, blue and white. But how many stars and stripes are there on the flag?

a) 50/13* b) 49/13 c) 50/14

The Statue of Liberty is the second American symbol. It is one of the first things people can see when they arrive in New York by sea. It is situated on the Liberty Island. What country gave it to America?

a) Spain b) Germany c) France *

The next symbol of America is the Eagle. You can see it on the back of the dollar bill. When did it become the official national symbol of the country?

a) 1872 b)1782* c) 1582

And the forth symbol of America is its Song. How is it called?

a) The Star Spangled Banner * b) The Banner with Stripes and Stars c) The Banner Sparkled with Stars

The last two winners of the contest must make up as many words as possible with the word "American".

Here are possible words:

am, me, rice, aim, men, came, nice, in, an, rain, arm, man, rim, near, mean, race, ran, rime, ice, care, camera, mice, cream, can, name.

IV. Summing up of the results of the lesson;

(marks, objections)

V. Singing of the final song of the lesson "Yesterday".


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