КВН по теме Здоровье

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Донецкая общеобразовательная школа І-ІІІ ступеней № 101

Министерства образования и науки Донецкой Народной Республики




Шульман Э.Б.

В нашей школе проводился КВН на английском языке. Это интересный и эффективный вид работы, позволяющий вовлекать большое количество учащихся, развивать их творческие способности.

КВН является как бы итогом работы над темой.

Организация и проведение КВН требуют от учащихся и учителя большой предварительной подготовки.

Мы с ребятами разучиваем песни, стихотворения, поговорки и т.п. на занятиях и факультативах. Время выполнения каждого задания строго ограничиваем в зависимости от подготовленности каждого класса по английскому языку.

Предлагаемый КВН был проведен в девятых классах школы № 101 города Донецка, после того как была отработана тема «Health».

Зал нарядно оформлен. Стены украшены юмористическими рисунками с надписями на английском языке. Над сценой плакат: Today the lively and quick-witted will win!

Программу КВН ведут учащиеся 10 класса (несколько человек).

Ниже привожу подробный сценарий КВН.

Ведущие КВНа, учащиеся 10 класса, сменяют друг друга.

Болельщики команд приходят в зал с лозунгами:

Cheer up!

Never say die!

Keep up your spirits!

Keep your chin up!

Don't give in!

Good for you!

Right you are!

We are with you!

Capital! Fine!

Ведущий: Dear comrades! Now you'll see a competition of the lively and quick-witted between the teams of 9 - A and 9 - B.

We welcome you to this event and wish you every success. We elect a competent jury with the following membership: our English teacher…and two members of each team. They are…

Let me introduce you to 9 - A team. They are called "Brave Captains". This is their captain.

Команда выстраивается по два человека и выходит на сцену. Это мальчики и девочки с матросскими воротниками, в синих пилотках.

Ведущий: Who are you?

Команда (хором): We are the brave captains!

Команда запевает песню «The Captain's Song»

Once there lived a captain brave,

And he crossed the ocean wave,

And he called at many lands on his way.

Fifteen times he tried to sink,

Sharks could catch him on the brink,

But he never, really never, gave a wink.

And in trouble and in war

Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:

"Captain brave, captain brave, give a smile, sir,

For a smile is like the flag of a ship,

Captain brave, captain brave, give a smile, sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick".

Ведущий: Now the team of 9 - B will welcome you.

Вся команда в одежде ковбоев проходит на сцену с песней «The Cowboy Song»

Roll along, covered wagon, roll along,

To the turn of your wheels I'll sing a song,

City ladies may be fine, but give me that girl of mine.

Roll along, covered wagon, roll along.

Ведущий: So we can see that you are "Cowboys".

Introduce us to the captain.

And now we come to the second round of our competition - "Guess Which Proverb". Each team will show three pictures connected with proverbs and the other will find the respective proverb.

Так первая команда показала картинки, к которым можно было подобрать пословицы:

It is raining cats and dogs.

As plain as two and two make four.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Вторая команда проиллюстрировала следующие пословицы:

As old as the hills.

A drop in the bucket.

A hard nut to crack.

Пословицу-отгадку произносит один из членов команды или вся команда хором.

Ведущий: The next round in the competition is called "Split Proverbs". Each team in turn has to find the beginning or the end of its proverb and say it in chorus. Team the "Brave Captains", your turn to begin!

Каждая команда получает по 5 плакатных листов, на которых написано начало или конец пословицы.

  1. Good health …

  2. … must be endured.

  3. Prevention …

  4. … in a sound body.

  5. … die.

  1. … is above wealth.

  2. What can't be cured …

  3. … is better than cure.

  4. A sound mind …

  5. Never say …

Ведущий: Now we ask the jury to give us the results of the three rounds.

Жюри объявляет количество баллов за каждый вид соревнования, исходя из пятибалльной системы оценивания.

Ведущий: Now we begin the competition to find the quickest and cleverest.

Make up a sentence using words connected with "Health". The first word combination is for the team "Brave Captains", the second - for the "Cowboys".

Attention! Read the word combination:

  1. To be ill. (You must call a doctor if you are ill)

  2. To catch a cold. (I don't feel well, I've caught a cold.)

  3. Medical service. (All medical services are financed by the state.)

  4. To cough. (I coughed all the night long because I had caught a cold.)

  5. To call a doctor. (Please, call a doctor. I have a temperature and a very bad headache.)

  6. To examine one's heart. (The doctor examined my heart and lungs and told me I had the flu.)

Первое, третье и пятое задания предлагаются команде "Brave Captains", второе, четвертое, шестое - команде "Cowboys".

В скобках приводятся ответы команд.

Ведущий: The next round is a competition for our fans. We suggest you sing a song and recite a poem in English.

"Cowboys" fans will begin. Now it's your turn to sing a song, "Brave Captains".

Now we come to the poems. "Brave Captains" fans, who will recite a poem? "Cowboys" fans, introduce us to your representative.

Болельщики обеих команд поют песни, читают стихотворения.

Ведущий: Some matching words exist in English. When one is mentioned you are sure to know the other. They are called matching words. Now guess what goes with salt.

Предлагается небольшой список слов, которые можно использовать при составлении этого задания:

Black - white, ham - eggs, bread - butter, soap - water, right - wrong, hide - seek, boys - girls, big - little, hands - feet, weak - strong, high - low, first - last, hat - coat, shoes - socks.

Ведущий: The competition goes on. Before we begin the competition of the captains I remind the members of the teams of their home-assignment to stage a scene entitled "First-Aid Service". Those who are taking part in it, go and get things ready.

Now we come to the competition of the captains. In the first round the competitors must describe a visit to the doctor. "Brave Captains" will start.

Приводим рассказ капитана команды:

"It was Sunday. I didn't feel well. My forehead was hot. I was coughing and sneezing. My mother didn't let me go to school and on Monday she called the doctor.

The doctor came, sounded my chest and lungs, took my temperature and said I had caught a cold.

She prescribed some medicine and said I had to stay in bed for a few days. I followed her instructions and soon I was all right".

Ведущий: Now let us ask the captain of the "Cowboys" to describe a visit to the dentist.

Вот что рассказал капитан второй команды:

"I had a terrible toothache. I couldn't sleep at night and early one morning I went to the dentist. The dentist asked, "What's the matter with you?" I couldn't speak, I just pointed to my tooth. I see, said the dentist, you will have to have your tooth out. But I'm afraid, said I. Boys shouldn't be afraid of things like that, and a moment later he showed me the tooth".

Ведущий: The second round is to read a tongue-twister. Say each of these tongue-twisters as quickly as you can:

  1. William want to know whether the weather will be wet.

  2. Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round.

  3. A tutor who taught on the flute tried to teach two young tooters to toot.

  4. The net is neat. This is a neat net. Ned has not a neat net.

Первую и третью скороговорки произносит капитан одной команды, вторую и четвертую - капитан другой команды.

Ведущий: The third round. You must answer some questions on the geography of Great Britain:

  • What is the capital of Scotland?

  • What is the capital of Wales?

  • What do we call the mountains in Wales?

  • What do we call the mountains in Scotland?

  • What is the longest river in Scotland?

  • What is the longest river in Wales?

Капитаны по очереди отвечают на вопросы ведущего.

Ведущий: Your home assignment was to stage a short scene entitled "First-Aid Service".

Вот как выполнили команды свои домашние задания:


Woman: Oh, my heart! Help! Help!

People in the street: What's the matter? Shall we call an ambulance?

Woman: Yes, please.

The ambulance arrives.

Doctor: What's the matter with you? What's troubling you? Let me sound your chest. Now I'll see what your blood pressures like. You must stay in bed for a couple of days and take this medicine, and I think everything will be all right. Don't worry about it. We'll take you home.


"What has happened to you?"

"Oh, I don't know, doctor, something is wrong with my leg".

"Well, show me where it hurts you".

"In the right knee".

"Does it hurt you when I press here?"

"Oh, it's unbearable!"

"You must have your knee X-rayed. We'll take you to hospital and if the bone is fractured we'll put your leg in plaster".

"Will that hurt, doctor?"

"Don't worry. You are a brave boy, I can see that. Come on".

Ведущий: Let us play a little game and see who is the most attentive in our teams and has the best memory. For each team we put on a tray 10 objects the names of which you know in English. In a minute I'll take the tray away and you must remember all the things you've seen. Go! Have a look at them, and be ready to call them out.

Команды по очереди выполняют задание.

Ведущий: In the next round you must make up a story about "Health" using the picture. So here are two pictures, one for each team. You have one minute. Ready now. Let us see what the captains' scores are.

Капитаны команд после небольшой подготовки по очереди описывают содержание картины.

Ведущий: Now the two teams will sit down at the table and pley the following game.

Sit on the opposite sides of the table. Take this ball and pass it from one team to the other pronouncing different words connected with "Health".

Члены одной команды садятся по одну сторону стола, по другую сторону - учащиеся второй команды. Перекатывая шарик своим противникам, играющий должен назвать какое-либо слово по теме «Здоровье». Ученик, не сумевший назвать слово, выбывает из игры.

Игра продолжается в течение обусловленного времени (8 - 10 минут). Выигрывает команда, сохранившая большее количество участников.

Ведущий: And now to sum up, members of the jury, we should like to know your decision. Let us know the results and the total scores.

Жюри объявляет количество очков, которое набрала каждая команда, и называет команду-победительницу.

Ведущий: Thank you for your attention. The competition is over. Team… is the winner.

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