Разработка урока английского языка по теме Спорт

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Тема «Спорт в Великобритании и в Казахстане»

Цель: Познакомить учащихся с различными видами спорта в Великобритании и в Казахстане.


1. Закрепить знания учащихся о популярных видах спорта в Великобритании и в Казахстане.

2. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся на основе опорных схем, умений сопоставлять и делать выводы, совершенствование навыков работы с тестовым материалом.

3. Воспитание активной жизненной позиции у учащихся.

Тип урока: Урок систематизации и углубления изученного материала.

Оборудование: ПК, электронный учебник.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

  1. Проверка готовности учащихся к уроку.

  2. Целевая установка на предстоящую деятельность.

    1. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению нового материала.

Пословицы: 1. A sound mind is in a sound body.

2. If we are healthy, we are wealthy.

- Translate these proverbs.

- Do you agree with this quatation?

III. Этап повторения изученного материала.

  1. Повторение лексики по теме по электронному учебнику.

  2. Чтение текста «Sport in Great Britain» по электронному учебнику.

  3. Развитие монологической речи учащихся.

Сообщения учащихся о популярных видах спорта в Великобритании.

- Football

- Cricket

- Rugby

- Netball

- Squash

4. Проверка усвоения темы «Спортивны игры Великобритании»

( на основании предложенных утверждений, учащиеся делают вывод об их справедливости).

T. F.

1. A lot of people go skiing in Britain.

2. Rugby is a popular sport in Britain.

3. There are 11 players in each cricket team.

4 Cricket is a slow game.

5. Squash is a game of 2 players using rackets, and a small black rubber ball.

6. Rugby is a team game played with rackets.

7. Football is a game in which you try to knock a ball into a goal.

8. Basketball is a game between 2 teams of 8 players.

IV. Подготовка учащихся к усвоению более сложного материала.

  1. Просмотр фрагмента из фильма «Спортивные игры в Казахстане».

  2. Развитие диалогической речи учащихся.

- Sport in Kazakhstan.

- Different kinds of sports in Kazakhstan.

- Our famous sportsmen.

- The 21st Winter Olympic Games.

- My favoutite sport.

- The conclusion of the lesson

- Sport builds character.

  • It teaches you about life.

  • Sport makes men out of boys and women out of girls.

  • Sport helps people to become good friends.

  • It takes a lot of energy.

  • Sport helps to meet people.

  • It helps to work off your extra energy.

  • It makes you happy when you win.

  • It teaches you to win and to lose.

  • It makes you strong.

  • It teaches you to be disciplined.

  • Sport makes you fast and patient.

  1. Мини-тест по теме «Прошедшее время».

V. Подведение итога урока.

VI. Домашнее задание. Упр 20 стр 155 (письменно)

Самоанализ урока.

Тема: «Спорт в Великобритании и в Казахстане»

На организационном этапе урока была определена основная идея урока, которая заключалась в том, что спорт является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. На втором этапе - этапе подготовки учащихся к усвоению материала детям были предложены несколько пословиц с последующим обсуждением.

A sound mind is in a sound body.

If we are healthy, we are wealthy.

Используя игровые моменты в электронных учебниках, дети повторили лексику по теме «Спорт» и прочитали текст «Sport in Great Britain».

Высокая работоспособность учащихся обеспечивалась в течение всего урока за счет применения разнообразных методов, а также за счет смены видов деятельности. На мой взгляд данный урок работал на развитие мыслительной и речевой деятельности учащихся. Учащиеся показали свои навыки и умения работать с дополнительной литературой, анализировать, обобщать и систематизировать материал. Логическая последовательность и взаимосвязь этапов урока выдержана.

На уроке соблюдены следующие принципы:

- доступности

- наглядности

- связь с жизнью

- научности

- принцип самоорганизации учащихся в ходе урока

- принцип развития личности

- принцип ответственности

- принцип психологического обеспечения

В качестве основного технического средства обучения я выбрала интерактивную доску,

поскольку она обеспечивает визуальную насыщенность учебного материала и делает его ярким и убедительным. Ребята хорошо владеют компьютером, выполняя различные задания.

Для достижения положительного результата учителем были использованы следующие формы обучения:

- применение дидактических игр

- мозговой штурм

- тестирование, фронтальный опрос

- беседа по опорным схемам

- самоконтроль

При разработке урока мною была проведена тщательная работа по отбору содержания учебного материала. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся осуществлялось на протяжение всего урока, формирование знаний и умений осуществлялось целенаправленно.

В конце урока были подведены итоги и дан инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания. Считаю, что посредством управленческой деятельности учителя, направленной на организацию учебного процесса и формирование учебно-познавательной деятельности учащихся были реализована основная цель урока.

«Sport in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.» (слайд№1)

T: Good morning boys and girls. Sit down, please. Good morning our dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. Today the theme of our lesson is "Sport in Great Britai and in Kazakhstan" We'll speak about different kinds of sport.

Now, look at the screen. These are English proverbs. Read and translate the 1st proverb.

A sound mind is in a sound body. (слайд№2)

Nastya, how do you ynderstand this proverb?

P: Millions of peple who go in for sport know from their own experience that this famous saying is true to fact. At the same time a great number of people do not go in for sports. Some of them realize that sports is useful but prefer watching sport competitions on TV to going in for it themselves.

T: Thanks. Yana, read and translate the 2nd proverb.

If we are healthy, we are wealthy. (слайд№3)

Do you agree with this quatation?

P: Of course! Sport plays a great and important role in my life. I think if you want to be healhty and keep fit you must go in for sport. I play in our volleyball team. Playing volleyball is a hard work, but I like it. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool. So, I am O'K and I think everything will be all right in my future life. This is a true statement if we are healthy, we are wealthy.

T: It's very good. Thank you.

Children, before speaking about the sport, now let's review the following words: badminton, basketball, rowing, ice-hockey, golf, sailing, figure skating (использование электронного учебника «Английский язык» 7 класс)

Let's do some exercises.

T: I see, you know words very well. Now, listen to the text "Sport in Great Britain."

Please, put on your ear phones and listen to the text. (использование электронного учебника «Английский язык» 7 класс)

That's all. Now, I'd like you to read the text.

Now, let's speak about popular sport games in Great Britain. (слайд№4)

T: Maksat, what can you say about football in Great Britain?

P: Football is the most popular team game in Britain. It is played in most of the schools, and there are thousands of amateur teams for young men in all parts of the country. But for most of the public, football is a professional game which is watched on Saturday afternoons at the local stadium. Professional football is a big business. Every large town has one or more professional football clubs. So, football is the national sport and British club teams are successful in Europe.

T: That's right. Thank you.

Kristina, tell us please about cricket.

P: Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in understanding. There are two teams of eleven players. Matches last from 1 to 5 days. Many people think it is a slow and boring game. But it can be very exciting and rather dangerous.

T: Thank you, Kristina for your interesting information. Go on please. And what do you know about rugby? Kamila, please.

P: Rugby football is a type of football played with an oval ball, by 2 teams of 13 or 15 men. This is the kind of football in which the players may run with the ball in their hands. Some people say that's not game, it's a battle because when you pick up the ball and run with it the other side tries to make you fall.

T: Thanks, Kamila. I agree with you entirely. Netball is a sport game in GB too. Ersen, continue please about netball.

P: Netball is similar to basketball. Ther are 7 players (usually girls or women) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball: to trow the ball through a net at the top of a three - metre post.

T: Children, I think squash is a very unusial game in G.B. Yana, say some words about squash.

P: Squash is another British invention. It is a form of tennis. There are two players and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball. They play indoors. It is a very fast and tiring sport!

T: Children, as you know, physical training lessons are favourite lessons for many British pupils. Now, Raihan, it's your turn. Please. Sport in British schools is compulsory and schoolchildren spend at least one afternnon a week playing sport. These are some of the sports played in most British secondary schools. In winter boys play football or rugby and go running, whole girls play netball or hockey. Some boys' schools also teach rowing. In summer boys play cricket, do athletics or go swimming, while girls play rounders, do athletics or go swimming.

T: Nice of you, thanks a lot.

So, I see you know much interesting information about sports and sport games in G.B. Now , read the following sentences and say what the sentence is true and what the sentence is faulse.

T. F. (слайд№5)

1. A lot of people go skiing in Britain.

2. Rugby is a popular sport in Britain.

3. There are 11 players in each cricket team.

4 Cricket is a slow game.

5. Squash is a game of 2 players using rackets, and a small black rubber ball.

6. Rugby is a team game played with rackets.

7. Football is a game in which you try to knock a ball into a goal.

8. Basketball is a game between 2 teams of 8 players.

T: Children, well done!!!

Now, we'll speak about sport in Kazakhstan. But at first we'll watch the film.

Film. (фрагмент фильма)

T: What can you say about sport in Kazakhstan. (слайд6)

P: There are different sporting societies and amateur clubs in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Some of them take part in different international competitions and are well known all over the world.

T: Who wants to tell us about kinds of sport in Kazakhstan?

P: Sport helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized.

Many sports are popular in Kazakhstan: football, tennis, hockey, weight-lifting, track and field, boxing, judo, horse-racing gymnastics, swimming.

T: Thank you. You are absolutely right. Now, let's speak about sportsmen in our country.Marina, please.

P: Kazakhstan sportsmen have won a great number of world records in gymnastics, judo, wrestling, athletics. There are many Kazakh sportsmen. Maksat Erezhepov is a famous wrestler.Beibet Nugumanov is a wrestler too, he is a candidate of sport.

T: Who wants to add? Nastya, please.

P: Intrnational and national matches attract many fans. Some most important games and sport events are transmitted over the radio and T.V.

There are many famous football players in Kazakhstan: Ruslan Baltiev, Daniyar Mukanov, Samat Smakov, Azat Nurgaliev and others.

T: It's very good. You know our sportsmen. Children, as you know the 21st Winter Olympic Games took place in Vancouver, in Canada. This international sport event lasted 17 days from the 12th of February till the 28th of February. Our sportsmen took part in many competirions Do you know them? (слайд№7)

P: I'd like to say some words about the Winter Olympic Games. I watched the games on TV every day. I kmow our rportsmoman Hrustaleva Elena got a silver medal. I think it was a great victory. We are proud of her.

T: Valya, you are quite right. Hrustaleva Elena received a silver medal. Who wants to add?

P: As for me, I know Zakurdaen Igor and Phedotova Lyudmila took part in competition in skiing. Ten Denis in figure skating, Keneshev Dias Lebedeva Marina in running. So I consider, there are many famous remarkable strong sportsmen in Kazakhstan. I dream to be a famous champion too.

T: Really? Do you like sport?

P: It is out of the question.

T: I'm glad to hear these words. And what sport and games are popular in our school?

P: Many children in our school go in for sport. Our teachers organize very interesting sport festivals every autumn. Football, basketball, badminton, volleyball are very popular in our school.

T: Kamila, I know you are fond of basketball. Am I right?

P: Oh, yes, you are right. I play in our basketball team. So, I simply have to keep fit. Playing basketball is a hard work. I have to train a lot. After trainings I feel fine.

T: It's O"K. And what do you do at your physical training lessons? (слайд№8)

P: Physical training is an important subject at school. We run, jump, play volleyball and basketball at these lessons. If the weather is nice, we have Physical training lessons at the sports ground near our school. It's fun to have lessons in the open air. In our school a lot of different competitions are held, a great number of pupils take part in them. The participants who show the best results become winners.

T: I consider, it's very well.

Ersen, what is your favoutite sport? I think it's swimming. I often see you in the swimming pool.

P: My favourite sport is swimming. I can go swimming all the round. In summer I swim outdoors and in winter I go swimming in the pool. Swimming is popular with grown-ups and children. Swimming makes peple healthy and strong. I also enjoy watching swimming competitions on TV. They are also usually exciting.

T: And Vika, and you?

P: I like tennis very much. Tennis is fun, and very exciting. It's very good for arms and legs. I like it a lot. I have been playing it since I was 10 yeare old. Tennis helps me to relax after my lessons.

T: Children, what do you think why sport is so popular. Now make up the conclusion of our lessons. (слайд№9)

P: - Sport builds character.

  • It teaches you about life.

  • Sport makes men out of boys and women out of girls.

  • Sport helps people to become good friends.

  • It takes a lot of energy.

  • Sport helps to meet people.

  • It helps to work off your extra energy.

  • It makes you happy when you win.

  • It teaches you to win and to lose.

  • It makes you strong.

  • It teaches you to be disciplined.

  • Sport makes you fast and patient.

T: That's very good. Now children I suppose you have an idea of the most popular kinds of sports in GB and in Kazakhstan. Very well.

Now let's review grammar material.

Test. (Использование программы Activote)

  1. The first Winter Olympic Games … place in 1924.

  1. took

  2. taken

  3. had taken

  4. are taken

  5. take

  1. The boys … skating at the skating-rink yesterday at 6 o'clock.

  1. were

  2. was

  3. are

  4. is

  5. have

  1. … you watch hockey mathes on T.V. yesterday?

  1. is

  2. has

  3. did

  4. do

  5. have

  1. We … to a football match yesterday.

  1. go

  2. goes

  3. were going

  4. was going

  5. went

  1. They … … basketball yesterday at 5 o'clock.

  1. played

  2. were playing

  3. are playing

  4. have played

  5. plays

  1. Asel … … her work yesterday by 6 o'clock.

  1. has done

  2. have doneat 7 o'clock.

  3. had done

  4. done

  5. did

  1. Omar … … chess with his friend yesterday.

  1. was playing

  2. is playing

  3. are playing

  4. playing

  5. play

  1. The girls … the stadium 2 hours ago.

  1. is leaving

  2. are leaving

  3. leave

  4. left

  5. was leaving

  1. He … … the whole text by 11 o'clock.

  1. has translated

  2. translated

  3. had translated

  4. translate

  5. translates

  1. My brother … … at the stadium from 6 till 8 yesterday.

  1. was trining

  2. is training

  3. training

  4. are training

  5. trains

T: The results are before you. I hope you are satisfied with your marks. In conclusion I would like to thank you for active work during the lesson. Unfortunately the time is over. And now please, write down your homework. Good luck, see you at the next lesson. Good buy.

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