Тестовые задания по английскому языку

Тест1. Напишите в две колонки слова, которые употребляются только в единственном числе и слова которые употребляются только во множественном числе.Knowledge, thanks, trousers, glasses, furniture, news, goods, love, clothes, scissors, shorts, luggage, advice, information, money.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:


1. Напишите в две колонки слова, которые употребляются только в единственном числе и слова которые употребляются только во множественном числе.

Knowledge, thanks, trousers, glasses, furniture, news, goods, love, clothes, scissors, shorts, luggage, advice, information, money.

1._______________ 1.__________________

2._______________ 2.__________________

3._______________ 3.__________________

4._______________ 4.__________________

5._______________ 5.__________________

6._______________ 6.__________________

7._______________ 7.__________________


2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. This is the …… restaurant in the town.

a) better b) best с)good

2. This castle is one of the …… in Europe.

a) older b) oldest c)old

3. Your hotel is …… comfortable than ours.

a) more b) most c) the most

4. This is the …… holiday I have ever had!

a) worse b) worst c)bad

5. Bill is the …… person in the world.

a) richer b) richest c)rich

6. A tram is not so ……..as a bus.

a) quick b) more quick c) quicker

7. Apples are …………than oranges.

a) cheap b) more cheap c) cheaper

3. Вставьте артикли a(an), the где необходимо.

I have (1)… colour TV-set. (2)… TV-set is on (3)… little table in (4)… corner of (5)… room.

There is (6)… book, (7)…pen, and (8)… paper on my (9)…desk.

My (10)… brother is (11)… teacher. He works at (12)… school. He has (13)…very good books. His (14) books are in (15)…big bookcase.

There is (16) …tea in (17)… glass. His (18)… glass is empty.

Where is (19)… coffee-table in your (20)…room? (21) coffee-table is in (22)… front of (23)…sofa. There is (24) …cup on (25)… coffee-table and (26)… newspapers. There is (27)… coffee in (28)…cup.


ед.ч мн.ч

1.knowledge thanks

  1. furniture trousers

  2. news glasses

  3. love goods

  4. luggage clothes

  5. advice scissors

  6. information shorts

  7. money


  1. - b

  2. - b

  3. - a

  4. - b

  5. - b

  6. - a

  7. - c


  1. - a

  2. - the

  3. - the

  4. - the

  5. - the

  6. - a

  7. - a

  8. - a

  9. - -

  10. -

  11. - a

  12. -

  13. -

  14. -

  15. -a

  16. -

  17. -the

  18. -

  19. - a

  20. -

  21. -the

  22. -

  23. - the

  24. - a

  25. -the

  26. - the

  27. -

28 - the


  1. Найдите неправильный глагол:

  1. To sleep b) to smile c) to want d) to play

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. We …………………. (have) a party next Sunday. Would you like to come?

  2. The art exhibition …………… (open) on 4 April and …………(finish) on 10 June.

  3. They …………….. (go) to the cinema this evening.

  4. What you ………………. (do) on Monday evening?

  1. Выберите наиболее подходящий ответ.

"What are they doing?"

  • They are doctors.

  • They read books every day.

  • They are playing football now.

  • They are clean the room.

  1. При помощи какого суффикса и от какой части речи образуются наречия в английском языке?

  • При помощи суффикса"es" от существительных

  • При помощи суффикса"ly" от глаголов

  • При помощи суффикса "ing"от прилагательных

  • При помощи суффикса "ly" от прилагательных

  1. Составьте вопросы с where, who, what, how old, why.

  1. …. is present today?

  2. …. do you live?

  3. …. is your father?

  4. …. do you like summer?

  5. …. is your sister?

  1. Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. Nick play ….. piano?

  1. not b)an c)a d)the

  1. ….. she your sister?

a) are b)to be c)am d)is

3. This table is made ….. wood

a) with b) in c)at d)of

4. Let's go to the disco ….. night.

a) on b) at c)by d)from


  1. - a - (to sleep)

  2. 1. Are having; 2. opens …. finishes; 3. are going; 4. are… doing;

  3. The are playing football now.

  4. При помощи суффикса "ly" от прилагательных

  5. 1. who; 2. where; 3. what; 4. why; 5. how old;

  6. 1. d; 2. d; 3. d; 4. b;

Test. Modal Verbs.

  1. Choose the correct word.

1. Who ….. answer my question?

a) can b) must c) may

2. Nobody ….. translate this text.

a) could b) may c) couldn't

3….. I attend this meeting?

a) May b) Must c) Can

4. Your son ….. do this work himself.

a) must b) may c) can

5…… you tell me the way to the station?

a) Can b) Would c) May

6. ……I leave for a while?

a) Can b) May c) Must

7. You ….. come so early.

a) needn't b) mustn't c) cannot

  1. Put in can, can't, may, must, mustn't, needn't.

Let us ask mother. She ….. know his address.

You ….. drink cold water if you don't want to fall ill.

….. you help me? - I am afraid not.

You ….. interrupt me when I am speaking.

Pupils ….. talk during the lesson.

My father ….. be at his office now as it is 8 O'clock already.

….. I switch on the radio? - Yes, You ….. .

….. I smoke here? - No, you ….. .

You ….. take my pencil for a moment.

I ….. finish this work today. I am tired.

  1. Translate the sentences.

1.Ты можешь помочь мне сейчас?______________________________

2.Я должна была приехать домой в 7 часов.____________________________

3.Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?_______________________

4.Тебе следует поспешить на станцию._____________________________

5.Мы не должны пропустить поезд.________________________________

Keys: Test Modal Verbs.


1. can

2. could

3. must

4. can

5. would

6. may

7. needn't


1. must

2. needn't

3. can

4. mustn't

5. mustn't

6. may

7. may, may

8. may, cannot

9. may

10. can't


1. Can you help me?

2. I was to come home at 7 o'clock p.m.

3. May I use your telephone?

4. You have to hurry to the station?

5. We mustn't miss the train?

Test . Present Simple.

1. Put in the verb into correct form.

The swimming bath............ (open) at 9.00 and ………(close) at 18.30 every day.

What time ………… (the banks/ close) in Britain?

I have a car but I …………. (not/use) it very often.

Have many cigarettes …………….. (you/ smoke) a day?

What …………… (you/do)? 'I'm an electrical engineer.

Where ………………….(your father/ come ) from? 'He ………. (come) from Scotland.

If you need money, why ………………. (you/not/get) a job?

I…………….. (play) the piano, but I…………(not/play) very well.

I don't understand the word 'deceive'. What ……….. ('deceive'/ mean)?

2. Complete each sentence. Put the words in brackets into the correct order.

a) Our (smoke, not, teachers, do) …………………………..at school.

b) Where (Helen, live, does)…………………………………………?

c) (do, not, go, we)………………………. to the cinema on Friday.

d) (David, does, ride)……………………………………….a bike?

e) (play, do, you) ……………………………….football after school?

f) Kate (like, does, not)………………………………..oranges.

g) I (lunch, usually, have)………………………………………..at 1.30.

3. Fill in "do" or "does".

1. … your mum know English well? 2.… your children play the piano? No, they … 3.My granny … like to go far from home. 4. Who goes to the South on holidays? I … and Lisa…. 5. He … play basketball. He can't. But his sister … . 6. My friends like to play chess but they … like to play any active sport games. 7.… your granny like to cook pies. Yes, she … . And she cooks them excellently. 8.… you know French? No, I … . 9. I know only English and German. 10. My sister Alice … know French too. She can speak Italian.

Keys: Test. Present Simple.

opens … closes

do the banks close

don't use

do you smoke

do you do

does your father come … comes

don't you get

play … don't play

does 'deceive' mean


a) teachers do not smoke

b) does Helen live

c) We do not go

d) Does David ride

e) Do you play

f) does not like

g) usually have lunch


1. Does

2. do, don't

3. doesn't

4. do, does

5. doesn't, does

6. don't

7. does, does

8. do, don't

9. doesn't


1.В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой «о», отличается от остальных?

1) tall, 2)know, 3)sorry, 4)zero, 5)no, 6)bone, 7)role

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола to be

1. She … at the cinema two days ago.

a) is, b) was, c) will be, d) were.

2. They …in the10th grad

a) is, b)are, c)am, d)were

3.Укажите предложение, в котором глагол to be является вспомогательным.

a )She was sixteen last year.

b) The delegation is to come on Monday.

c) Mother is at home.

d) What are you doing?

4.Выберите правильную форму глагола to have.

  1. Nick stayed at his office very late because he … a lot of work.

  1. has, b) have, c) will have, d) had.

  1. I ……. a new car last summer.

a) has, b) have, c) will have, d) had.

5.Укажите правильный вариант перевода.

There are flowers in the vase.

a) Цветы в вазе.

b) В вазе цветы.

6.Выберите нужное местоимение.

1) These are …. pen, take ….if you want.

a) me, b)his, c) my, d) her, e) it, f) them

7. Выберите правильную форму существительного

1) The comes every morning.

a) postman, b)postmen

  1. How many … high is this house?

a) feet, b) foot

9.Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

The police stop the car. There are 3 people in the car: John, Ann and Mary. On the back seat there is a revolver. John says: "It's mine." Ann says: "it's hers." Mary says; "It's his". Nobody is telling the truth. Whose revolver is it?


1. - 3

2. - 1) b; 2) b;

3. - d

4. - 1) a; 2) d;

5. - b

6. - 1) c, e;

7. - 1) a; 2) a

9. - Ann's

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