Тест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі

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Класс 10 класс
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Ағылшын тілінен 10сыныпқа арналған бақылау жұмысытары (Т.Аяпова б-ша)

Категориясы: Қоғамдық / Шет тілдері

Жарияланды: 29-01-2015, 12:07

Қарау саны: 1327







Алғашқы бақылау жұмысы №1
10 сынып
- 9 сыныпта өтілген тақырыптар бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
- Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
-Present/Continuous/Simple, Past/ Continuous/ Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple етістіктерінің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
-Елтану сұрақтарын білу және қолдану.
-Сын есімнің шырайларын білу және қолдану.
-Сан есімдерді,модал етістіктерді білу және қолдану.
-Инфинитив,Герундий білу және қолдану.
-Буынның IV типте оқылуын білу және қолдану.
-"Seasons",''Country" тақырыптарға берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу,олардың синоним және антонимдерін қолдану

1. Берілген сөздерден «О» әріпінің оқылуы ерекше сөзді табыңдар.
1) phone 2) know 3) sorry 4) zero 5) no 6) bone 7) role
2. «to be» етістіктің дұрыс формасын таңда.
1) I … in the 10th grade.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) were
2) He … at the theatre yesterday.
a) is
b) was
c) will be
D) were
3. «to be» етістігі көмекші етістік болып келетін сөйлемді көрсет.
a) She was sixteen last year.
b) The delegation is to come on Monday.
c) Mother is at home.
d) What are you doing ?
4. «to have» етістіктің дұрыс формасын тап.
Mr. Smith stayed at his office very late because he … a lot of work.
a) has
b) have
c) will have
d) had
5. «to have» модаль етістігі болып табылатын сөйлемді көрсет.
a) We shall have a party tomorrow.
b) We have invited our friends.
c) We'll have to prepare for the party.
d) I hope we'll have a good time.

6. Сөйлемнің дұрыс аудармасын көрсет.
1) The flowers are in the vase
a) Гүлдер құмыраның ішінде.
b) Құмырадағы гүлдер.
7) Дұрыс есімдікті тап.
1) I invited my friend to … place.
a) me
b) his
c) my
d) mine
8) Зат есімнің дұрыс формасын тап.
1) The … comes every morning.
a) postman
b) postmen
9) Асты сызылған сөздің орнына мағынасы өзгермегендей сөзді таңда.
1) We usually drink much water in hot weather.
a) few
b) a lot of
c) many
d) little
2) This text is easy, there are not many new words in it.
a) little
b) a plenty of
c) many
d) few
10) Мағынасына қарай дұрысын таңда.
1) We have … bread, please, go and buy some.
a) much
b) many
c) little
d) few
11) Дұрыс есімдікті тап.
1) She wanted tj tell me … interesting.
a) somebody
b) something
c) some
d) somewhere
12) Герундий қолданылған сөйлемді тап.
a) Babies like to play with a ball
b) Pete was to playing tennis when I came
c) Playing football is his hobby
13) Реттік сан есім қолданған сөйлемді тап.
1) There are 300 pages in the book.
2) He was born in 1980.
3) School year begins on the 1st of September.
4) Room 5 is empty.
14) асты сызылған сөздердің мағынасына қарай сөзді тап.
1) We do English at school.
a) work
b) learn
c) teach
d) know

15) Қайсы сөз артық?
1) weather, season, rain, cloudy, expensive, forecast, hot, cold.
2) London, sights, monument, tourist, art gallery, to found, to build, to desing,
guide, the president.
16) Берілген сөздердің қайсысы тағамға жатпайтынын тап.
Butter, cream, fiour, tea, orange, cucumber, fish, sausage, beans, chicken, ham, hot
dog, chips, butter fly, berries, jam, pine - apple.
17) Берілген қай сөздің мағынасы рас?
a) English is impossible to learn.
b) English is the most difficult language in the world.
c) English is the most popular foreign language in our country.
a) After Friday comes Monday.
b) The sun rises in the West.
c) The 1st of April is All Fools' Day'' in Britain.
18) Сөйлемдердің қайсысы нақты?
1) People don't usually work hard on their days off.
2) All schools have classes on Sundays.
3) Few people leave school at the age of 16.
19) Сұраққа дұрыс жауап бер. When was John to pass exams?
John came late. The party was very interesting. He didn't want to leave earlier than others. He liked the parties that the Browns sometimes had on Saturdays. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he must take his exam in History and there was no time left. He had only one day to prepare for it. The party was forgotten at once.

Алғашқы бақылау жұмысы №1
10 сынып
- 9 сыныпта өтілген тақырыптар бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
-Present/Continuous/Simple, Past/ Continuous/ Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple етістіктерінің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
-Елтану сұрақтарын білу және қолдану.
-Сын есімнің шырайларын білу және қолдану.
-Сан есімдерді,модал етістіктерді білу және қолдану.
-"Seasons",''Country" тақырыптарға берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу,олардың синоним және антонимдерін қолдану

1) Берілген сөздерден "th" әріпінің оқылуы ерекше сөзді табыңдар.
1) thin 2) thing 3) thick 4) bathe 5) bath 6) mathematics 7) path
2) Дұрыс етістіктің формасын тап.
1) He … school two years ago.
a) finishes
b) will finish
c) finished
2) I … in the garden last Sunday.
a) worked
b) work
c) am working
3) Көмекші етістіктің дұрысын тап.
1) … you meet her at the station?
a) does
b) did
c) was
2) … she cook breakfast every morning?
a) does
b) was
c) were
4) "ed" жалғаумен сөйлемдердің қайсысы баяндауыш болып келеді.
1) The unemployed demanded jobs.
a) unemployed
b) demanded
5) Сұрақты аяқта.
1) You went to the stadium with him, … ?
a) don't you
b) didn't you
c) won't you
d) wasn't you

6) Қысқаша жауаптарды сұрақтармен сәйкестіріңдер.
1) Will you join us?
2) Is it warm outside?
3) Did you buy the book?
4) Were they late for classes?
a) Yes, they were
b) Yes, he does
c) Yes, it is
d) Yes, I shall
e) Yes, I did
7) Мына жауаптарға дұрыс сұрақтарды белгіле.
1) She lost her umbrella.
a) When did she lose her umbrella?
b) Where did she lose her umbrella?
c) What did she lost?
d) Why did she lose her umbrella?
8) "Have" етістігінің сөйлемде көмекші болып табылатының көрсет.
1) I had a goodtime in the south.
2) He has to tell the truth.
3) She had to tell the truth.
4) They have told the truth.
9) Етістіктің дұрыс формасын тап.
1) I … all my exams in June.
a) have passed
b) passed
c) is passing
10) Көмекші етістіктің дұрысын тап.
1) I … not heard this news.
a) did
b) have
c) will
11) Дұрыс етістіктің формасын тап.
1) We … her at the Institute yesterday.
a) saw
b) have seen
2) I … her at the Institute today.
a) saw
b) have seen
12) Сөйлем қай шақта тұр?
1) She has worked at this office for 10 years.
a) осы шақ
b) жедел өткен шақ
13) Сұрақты аяқта.
1) She has bought many good things today, … ?
a) didn't she
b) hasn't she
c) hadn't she
14) "to" шылауы инфинитив алдында тұратын сөйлемде көрсет.
1) He wants … visit our relatives in Kiev.
2) I made her … tell the truth.
3) Will you … answer my question?
4) He can … help you if you want.

15) Сөйлемді қазақшасымен сәйкестіріңдер.
1) I want you to invite him to the concert.
a) Мен оны концертке шақырғым келеді.
b) Мен сені онымен бірге концертке шақырғым келеді.
c) Мен сен оны концертке шақыруынды қалаймын.
16) Сөздерді синонимдерімен сәйкестіріңдер.
1) describe a) exciting
2) Writer b) book
3) interesting c) author
4) novel d) well - known
5) famous e) write about
6) hero f) leading
7) scene g) character
8) main h) action
17) Мына сөздердің ішінде қай сөз артық
1) did 2) make 3) described 4) have come 5) is writing 6) looked 7) showed 8) will return 9) enjoy 10) dinner 11) cooked 12) is singing 13) takes
18) Берілген 3 сөйлем қай тақырыпқа жатады.
1) The plot is very smile.
2) We enjoyed all the three acts.
3) The show began at five.
a) cinema
b) theatre
c) exhibition

19) Тексті оқып, сұрақтарға жауап бер. Did she realy miss all the previous plays?
A lady was 5 minutes late for the concert. When she came into the hall the orchestra was playing some music. She found her seat and asked her right - hand neighbor: "What are they playing?" The man looked at her angrily and said: " The Ninth Symphony" . " Oh, dear" exclaimed the lady. " I have missed all the previous ones" .

I тоқсандық бақылау жұмысы № 2
10 сынып
- Unit I Travelling тарауы бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
-Present/Continuous/Simple, Past/Continuous/ Simple, Present/ Past/ Future Perfect, Future Simple/ Continuous/ етістіктерінің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
- Фразалық етістіктерді білу және қолдану.
-Саяхат,ауа-райы тақырыптарға берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу, қолдану
Read the text.
Do you like travelling by air? Some people are afraid to travel by air either they are airsick or get bored by delays. Still there are people who consider air travel the most exciting one. This is what some people say about air travel:
"I feel nervous and worried before each flight. I usually stay near the arrivals and departures notice board because I want to be sure I am at the right gate, at the right hour."
"As for me I get bored when waiting at the airports. When plane is delayed I wander around duty - free shops or read a book or a magazine."
"For me airports are the most exciting places in the world. I enjoy waiting at airports, 1 like to see planes taking off and landing. 1 look around at different people: tourists, lost passengers, porters and so on. 1 always find it quite easy to fill up the time at airports."
Choose the right answer.
1. The text is about:
a) Different airports;
b) different opinions about travelling by plane;
c) different means of travelling.
2. The first person stays near notice boards because:
a) He is afraid of getting lost;
b) he wants to board the right plane in time;
c) he has no book with him to read.
3.The third person finds it easy:
a) To spend his time at airports;
b) to take off;
c) to see planes landing.
Read the postcard and fill in the gaps with the correctFORMТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі of the verbs given in brackets.
I`m having the wonderful time here. It's very beautiful and the sun (shine) _. Yesterday, I climbed the mountains. What (think) ____you of that?
The hotel room is fine, but 1 (not, like)___the food very much. But 1 think it (not, matter)____because
I ( be,invited)____to a restaurant every evening by friends.
Here I (get up)____quite late in the morning. My holiday is so good that I (forget)____ all about my work. So the holiday is perfect but it (cost) _____ me a lot of money. But I (worry) ____ about that later.
Or (send)____you____me some money?

Choose the right answer.
1.I prefer travelling by train because I'm ___
a) carsick;
b) airsickness;
c) airsick.
2.Travelling_____one's mind.
a) broadness;
b) enlarges;
c) wides.
3. Can you imagine! Yesterday I____ my friend whom I hadn't seen for 10 years
a) run over;
b) run into;
c) run on..
4. This area of our country has a very heavy
a) raindrop;
b) rainproof;
c) rainfall.
5 .Language and culture are the best preserved in the____ part of Wales.
a) northern and western;
b) worth and west;
c) northern and west.

6. What is the _ winter temperature of your country /area?
a) middle;
b) average;
c) common.
7. A very violent wind____ is very frequent in my country
a) earthquake;
b) flood;
c) tornado

a).What is most important to you about a holiday?
b). What is your favourite kind of holiday?

I тоқсандық бақылау жұмысы № 2
10 сынып
- Unit I Travelling тарауы бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
-Present/Continuous/Simple, Past/Continuous/ Simple, Present/ Past/ Future Perfect, Future Simple/ Continuous/ етістіктерінің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
- Фразалық етістіктерді білу және қолдану.
-Саяхат,ауа-райы тақырыптарға берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу, қолдану
Read the text.
The difference between a tour operator and a travel agent? Well, it's quite simple, really. Obviously there is a lot overlap between the two roles, but basically, a tour operator buys the separate elements of transport, accommodation, and other services, and combines them into a package. A travel agent sells this product and other services to the public, and provides a convenient location, such as a shop or office, for the purchase of travel.
If you imagine how a car is made and sold, the tour operator is like the factory where the different pieces of the car are assembled. The travel agent is like the car showroom which sells the finished product.
A tour operator doesn't usually have so much direct contact with the customer. The travel agent, on the other hand, is in direct contact with the customer, advising on resorts, carriers, and travel facilities in general, helping to plan it in eararies for customers, arranging corporate travel.
1. The text is mainly about:
a) Differences between travel agent and tour operators:
b) different opinions about travel agencies;
c) functions of tour operators:
2. According to this text,there are:
a) No similarities between travel agent and tour operators:
b) a lot of similarities between the roles of travel agent and tour operators
c) no differences between travel agent and tour operators at all.
3.The travel agents:
a) sell the "finished product":
b) combine transport, accommodation and other services into a package;
c) are not in direct contact with the customer.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
a) Do you know that singer____(make) all his clothes himself?
b) Look! The man ____(come up) to us, do you know him?
c) I can't find the cat.____you_____(see) her?
d) Jane ___(come) to Almaty before winter holidays.When she_____(arrived) she _____(go) to stay with some friends.She ____(be) in Almaty for several weeks and she is going to stay until March.
e) Last year we_____(buy) a cottage
f) Leaves ____(fall) in autumn.

Choose the right answer.
1._____registers guests at the hotel and gives them room keys.
a) purser;
b) receptionist;
c) travel agent.
2.Our ____due to arrive at 8:30 p.m.-will be landing on time.
a) guard;
b) pilot;
c) flight.
3. Pete is friendly. He always _____his classmates.
a) gets along with;
b) get into;
c) get up.
4. After the rain we saw in the sky a very beautiful_____
a) rain coat;
b) rain check;
c) rainbow.
5 .Kazakhstan borders Russia in the _____and China in the ____
a) north / west;
b) north / east;
c) south / east.

6. A rather long journey,especially by water
a) sea voyage;
b) railway;
c) excursion.
7. The _____of Great Britain is mild.
a) weather;
b) climate;
c) temperature

a).Why do people travel?
b). What is the best way of travelling?

I жарты жылдық бақылау жұмысы № 3
10 сынып
- Unit II Health Care тараулары бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
- Етістіктерідің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
-Infinitive, Gerund, Participle етістік түрлерін білу және қолдану.
-Саяхат,денcаулық тақырыптарына берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын қолдану
I. READING. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
Are you one of the many who lie awake at night listening to anything that makes the slightest noise? Or you wake up from sleep in the middle of the night only to spend the rest of it tossing and turning? Insomnia is one of the most common and most misunderstood problems. Many people seek professional help. Conventional medicine, however, is of limited help: the typical sufferer will be prescribed someFORMТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі of medication that is effective in the short term, so, he or she is desperate for a good night's sleep. In recent years researchers have invited insomniacs to take part in treatment programmes so that their sleep patterns and behaviour can be studied.
Normally, people sleep between seven and eight hours a day, although some people need less than this and some may need more. According to sleep expert Dr.Robert Schachter, many people do not know why they have difficulty in sleeping. Most people know that tea and coffee often make it difficult to go to sleep because they contain caffeine.
But some medicines, such as cold tablets, also contain caffeine and interfere with sleep. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep, but when you wake theNEXTТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі morning you don't feel refreshed. Our living habits also affect our sleep. Busy people who are under stress during the day may not be able to calm down and fall asleep at night.
Dr.Schachter says that you will sleep more easily if your bedroom is used only for sleep. You shouldn't use your bedroom as a conference room, a TV room, or an exercise room. You should also establish a regular sleeping schedule, but don't go to bed until you are tired. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. And if all this doesn't work, try counting sheep!
1. According to the text
a) insomnia is the problem of only unhealthy people;
b) sleep also depends on our living habits;
c) there's a special treatment for insomnia.
2. People who suffer from insomnia
a) should take sleeping pills;
b) should try counting sheep;
c) should have a regular sleeping timetable.
3. According to sleep expert Dr. Robert Shachter:
a) caffeine is the main problem of insomniacs;
b) only busy people suffer from insomnia;
c) many people have no idea why they can't sleep.
II . GRAMMAR .Choose the suitableFORMТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі of the verb.
1. This jacket is rather dirty. It needs
a) to have been cleaned;
b) cleaning;
c) being cleaned.

2. I'll never forget____you. It was the most important day in my life.
a) to have met;
b) having met;
c) meeting.
3. He was made at home.
a) stay;
b) to stay;
c) staying.
4. My parents are used _______ in the countryside.
a) to live;
b) living;
c) to have lived.
5. My father is thinking of a car.
a) buy;
b) to go;
c) buying.
6. Dina is very keen on_____ proverbs
d) say;
e) to say;
f) saying.
7. Not ____to wake up my parents, I took off my shoes and crept upstairs
g) want;
h) wanted;
i) wanting.
8. The police found the ____car yesterday.
j) steal;
k) stolen;
l) stealing.
III. LEXICAL . Choose the right answer.
1. Tanya needs a holiday. She has been under a lot of
a) depression;
b) pain;
c) stress.
2. You have to learn to take .
a) responsibility;
b) decision;
c) attention.
3. I am being for my bad back by a physiotherapist.
a) caused;
b) treated;
c) healed.
4. Facial expression and tone of voice obvious ways of showing our_____
a) view;
b) feeling;
c) reaction.
Complete the sentences using the given words: intelligent, fitness, habit, health ,smoking
5. ____and good____ are the most important things in life.
6.____ is an easier ____to give up.
7. Carol is the most ____student in our class.
a).Which is the effective ways of keeping fit?
b). Do you have any bad habit?

I жарты жылдық бақылау жұмысы № 3
10 сынып
- Unit II Health Care тарауы бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
- Етістіктерідің шақтарын болымды ,болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде дұрыс қолдану.
-Infinitive, Gerund, Participle етістік түрлерін білу және қолдану.
-Саяхат,денcаулық тақырыптарына берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын қолдану
I. READING. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
It is generally recognized that stress is a major reason of heart disease, and causes many other illnesses. Stress is increased by factors such as worry, over worry and lack of exercise or relaxation. Important form of psychological point of view it just is relax. Relaxing does not necessarily mean just lazing about and doing nothing. Above all, there should be some freedom from the tensions of everyday life, and this may mean getting out of the house and forgetting about both domestic and professional worries.
Some people can do this most easily through sport, though others may take such activities just as seriously as anything else. Professional sportsmen and women suffer high levels of stress. As some environmental factors as noise, light or even colour may affect stress levels, it is generally advisable to have a change of scene if you wish to relax after a hard day. The benefits of a weekend away and an annual holiday are considerable. Overworking or over involvement in domestic problems lead to a feeling of exhaustion, and can bring on severe depression.
1. What's the main purpose of the text?
a) To help to overcome their problems;
b) To discuss the problems connected with stress;
c) To recommend some exercises for avoiding stress
2. The other mentions domestic problems to show that;
a) they can be the reason of stress;
b) they can be considered as physical exercises;
c) people who have domestic problems aren't satisfied with their lives.
3. Which conclusions does the text support?
a) People sometimes forget about both domestic and professional worries;
b) Sportsmen don't have any problems with stress;
c) It's very important to relax
Choose the suitable form of the verb.
1. This coat is very dirty. It needs
a) to have been cleaned;
b) cleaning;
c) being cleaned.
2. I was made at home.
d) stay;
e) to stay;
f) staying.

3. My father is used _______ tea in the evening.
d) to have;
e) having;
f) to have had.
4.Sabyr is thinking of a yacht.
m) buy;
n) to go;
o) buying.
5. I'm having difficulty in at night.
a) sleeping;
b) to sleep;
c) sleep.
6.I remembered ____the door before I left home but I forgot to shut theWINDOWSТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі.
a) locking;
b) having locked;
c) to lock.
7. I got a letter this morning____ that I won 2 million dollars
a) saying
b) said
c) say
8. The burglar found some valuable coins____ under the pillow
a) hiding
b) hide
c) hidden
III. LEXICAL . Choose the right answer.
1. I've let my get out of control
a) mood;
b) feelings;
c) impression.
2. We need to _____ this problem.
a) solve;
b) decide;
c) control.
phone numbers.
3. Erlan is very good at_________
a) remembering;
b) recalling;
c) memorising.
4. You can ___your brain solving puzzles, crosswords.
a) improve
b) connect
c) help

Complete the sentences using the words given below:
control, hurt, feelings, temper, pills.
5. Sometimes we have to tell a white lie not to____ people's______.
6. It's very important to_____ ______ in any situation.
7. The doctor prescribed some____
a).What do you do to be healthy?
b). Do you have any bad habits?

III тоқсандық бақылау жұмысы № 4
10 сынып
- Unit III Ecology,geography and nature,Unit IV International partners тараулары бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
- Модал етістіктері can/may/have to/must/should/might/could/ білу және дұрыс қолдану.
-Артикльдерді білу және дұрыс қолдану
-географиялық, табиғат, өсімдіктер, жануарлар,қауымдастық тақырыптарына берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу және қолдану

I. READING. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
Prince Philip started school in France in 1928.He left at 12 to spend a year at Salem School in Morayshire (which all three of his sons also attended) in Germany. He became the Head of the School and the Captain of Hockey and Cricket. He also took part in sailing expeditions around the coast of Scotland and to Norway.
1. Did Philip begin studying at school in his country?
a) Yes, he did
b) No, he didn't
c) No, I don't.
2. Why did Prince Philip left school in France
a) because he had to attend school in Germany
b) because he wanted to be the king
c) because he was fond of sport.
3. His three sons finished the school:
a) In France;
b) In Italy;
c) In Morayshire.
4. Prince Phillip became:
a) a sportsman;
b) the Head of the School;
c) a winner of hockey.
II . GRAMMAR.. Choose the best answer
Test 1.
-______(1) you retell this text in English right now?
- Unfortunately I______(2).______(3) to do this I______(4) to repeat some words which I______(5).
a) b) c)
1can 1.can 1. must
2. can't 2. can't 2. can't
3. to be able 3. be able 3. to be able
4. have 4. have 4. must
5. need- 5. need 5. can

Test 2
- (1) I help you?
- Please, do. 1 ______(2) shut the door. The lock______(3) be out of order. Yesterday I______(4) lock the door either and I______(5) to ask for help.
a) b) c)
1.can 1.can 1.can
2. can't 2. must 2. can't
3. must 3. must 3. should
4. couldn't 4. couldn't 4. could
5. had 5. had 5. had
Test 3
-______(1) I borrow your newspaper for a minute?
- Yes, you______(2). But you______(3) give it back to me since 1______(4) it to wrap the bunch of flowers which______(5) fade.
a) b) c)
l.may 1. shall l.may
2. may . 2. may 2. may
3. must 3. must 3. must
4. need 4. need 4. '11 have
5. mustn't 5. mustn't 5. mustn't

III. LEXICAL . Complete the sentences using the words given below:
cooperation, relations, renamed, suffer, capital, gorge
1. Skating rink Medeu was built in a______ which is located not far from Almaty.
2. Kazakh -American _____ developed steadily
3. The British Council was founded _______ cultural, educational and technical ______between Britain and other countries
4. In May 1998 Akmola was ______Astana, the Kazakh word for _____

IV. Find the synonyms:
Settle- Rapidly-
Inhabit- Solid-
A baby- Evolve-

III тоқсандық бақылау жұмысы № 4
10 сынып
- Unit III Ecology,geography and nature,Unit IV International partners тараулары бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материалдарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
- Модал етістіктері can/may/have to/must/should/might/could/ білу және дұрыс қолдану.
-Артикльдерді білу және дұрыс қолдану
-географиялық, табиғат, өсімдіктер, жануарлар,қауымдастық тақырыптарына берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу және қолдану

I. READING. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
Kevin saw two men with their large bags. He thought they were making films. One of them had Scottish accent. He entered the room and caught Kevin and kept his foot on the top of Kevin. Kevin heard the police siren and banging of doors. Kevin was lucky to be alive
1.What were the two men doing? *
a) making aFILMТест 10 сынып ағылшын тілі;
b) were playing;
c) were robbering
2.What did Kevin think?
a) They were making a film
b) They were Scottish
c) They were policemen.
3.Kevin heard:
a) a crash;
b) siren;
c) somebody is crying.
4.Who helped Kevin to be alive?
a) the police;
b) the luck;
c) the two men.

II . GRAMMAR.. Choose the best answer
Тест 1
He______(1) write in German, but he______(2) to speak the language fluently. He______(3) to listen to many tapes ______(4) to understand native speakers when he______(5) to work in Germany.
a) b) c)
1. can 1. can 1. is able
2. isn't able 2. isn't able 2. isn't able
3. '11 have 3. '11 have 3. '11 have
4. to be able 4. to be able 4. to be able
5.'11 have 5. has 5. has

Тест 2
-______(1) I come in?
- No, you______(2) because the bell has already rung.
- Oh, I'm sorry.______(3) I go to the dean's office for permission?
- No, you______(4). You______(5) join us after the break.
a) b) c)
1. shall l.may 1. may
2. mustn't 2. must 2. mustn't
3. shall 3. shall 3. shall
4. needn't 4. needn't 4. needn't
5. may 5. may 5. may
Тест 3
You (1)______to be respectful when you______(2) to make a trip in Afganistan. And namely you______(3) greet someone with the left hand. Besides you______(4) praise any thing in your host's house because according to the old custom they______(5) to give what you liked to you.
a) b) c)
1. ought 1.bought 1. ought
2. have 2. must 2. Have
3. mustn't 3. shouldn't 3. needn't
4. shouldn't 4. mustn't 4. oughtn't
5. ought 5. ought 5. Ought

III. LEXICAL . Complete the sentences using the words given below:
continental, extreme, suffer, glacier, reserves
1. Many people _____from different illnesses
2. The climate of Kazakhstan is considered to be as _____ ______
3. The Caspian Sea is the home of oil ______
4. _____ - a large body of ice moving slowly

IV. Find the synonyms:
Belief- Create-
Threaten- Diplomacy-
Beverage- Cooperation-

Жылдық бақылау жұмысы № 5
10 сынып
- Unit I-V тараулары бойынша оқушылардың білім деңгейін тексеру, өтілген материал дарды бекіту.
-оқушылардың дербестілігін, өзін-өзі бақылау дағдысына тәрбиелеу.
- ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- оқушылардың коммуникативтік біліктіліктерін дамыту.
-Ағылшын тілінде жазылған мәтінді түсініп оқу,сұрақтарға жауап беру.
- Модал етістіктері can/may/have to/must/should/might/could/ білу және дұрыс қолдану.
-Артикльдерді білу және дұрыс қолдану
-географиялық, табиғат, өсімдіктер, жануарлар,қауымдастық тақырыптарына берілген сөздердің лексикалық мағынасын білу және қолдану
I. READING. Read the text and choose the correct answers.
My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to look after us. So we got Alison. She was very young, seventeen I think and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part-time with us before she started her training at Norland College. She had to dress in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlotte's birthday she organized a fantastic party.
When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full-time. She was called Nanny Barnes by everyone, including my parents.
She was older and quite traditional and wore a uniform. It was then that I realized that I wanted to be a nanny. I have always got on well with children. I have always enjoyed taking care of my sister and younger cousins. I told Mummy very firmly that I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. At the time she laughed. I know that she and Daddy thought it was just a childish phase I was going through, but it wasn't. They thought I would follow in my father's footsteps and study law. But I didn't. There were some terrible rows but I didn't go to university.
I left school and spent a year working at Ludgrove School, where Prince William used to go. Then I started my training course at Norland College. I finished the course last month and I've applied for the post of nanny to twins aged six months. Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before I went to college, and they have encouraged me ever since.
1.Why did Mummy decide to hire a nanny?
a) because she was old;
b) because she went to university;
c) because she had a small child.
2.What did a girl do at Norland College?
a) she worked there;
b) she had a training course there;
c) she studied law there.
3.Why did a girl want to be a nanny?
a) because she liked the uniform;
b) because she could dress children in the morning;
c) because she couldn't go to university.
II. GRAMMAR .Choose the sentence with the same meaning.
1.David fell down the steps. Rachel saw him.
a) Rachel saw David falling down the steps.
b) Rachel saw David fall down the steps.
c) Rachel saw David fell down the steps.
2.Trevor was planting the tree. We saw him in the middle of the job.
a) We saw Trevor planting the tree;
b) We saw Trevor plant the tree;
c) We saw Trevor planted the tree.
3.I have a message for people who are being delayed by the traffic jam.
a) I have a message for people being delayed by the traffic jam;
b) I have a message for people delay by the traffic jam;
c) I have a message for people delayed by the traffic jam.
4.A car which was carrying school books has lost its way.
a) A car carrying school books has lost its way;
b) Car carry school books has lost its way;
c) A car carried school books has lost its way.
5.I went to sleep while I was watching TV.
a) I went to sleep watching TV;
b) I went to sleep watch TV;
c) I went to sleep watched TV.
6.After opening the bottle Mike poured the drinks.
a) Opening the bottle, Mike poured the drinks;
b) Opened the bottle, Mike poured the drinks;
c) Having opened the bottle, Mike poured the drinks.
7.The car turned right into Madison Avenue, and then drove north for two blocks.
a) Turning right into Madison Avenue, the car drove north for two blocks;
b) Turned right into Madison Avenue, the car drove north for two blocks;
c) Having turned right into Madison Avenue, the car drove north for two blocks.
III. LEXICAL .Choose the right answer
1.I have no job, so I go to… every week.
a) Cinemacentre;
b) Jobcentre;
c) Marketcentre.
2… . for farm labourers are usually low.
a) Wages;
b) Prizes;
c) Bonuses.
3.Some islanders …..in the mining and drilling industries.
a) occupy;
b) work;
c) job.
4.Most teenagers want a job just for the….
a) entertainment;
b) employment;
c) money.
5.A….is someone learning to do something.
a) professional;
b) trainee;
c) receptionist.
6.When you write a job….. letter write your full name
a) experience;
b) interview;
c) application.
7.It's important to create a good impression at the….. interview;
a) interview;
b) experience;
c) application.
IV. Write a short description of your future job.

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