Данная работа позволяет определить уровень знаний учащихся по теме "Видо- временные формы глагола в будущем времени". Тест включает в себя несколько заданий. В первом учащиеся должны заполнить пропуски в предложениях, выбрав один правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Во втором и третьем задание необходимо раскрыть скобки, поставив глаголы в Future Progressive или Future Perfect. Тест можно проводить в седьмых или восьмых классах общеобразовательной школы. Данная работа может быть использована...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Тестовое задание

(8 класс)

Choose the correct item.

1.The students ____ the test at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

a. will write b. will have written c. will be written

2.My friends ______ part in the basketball competition between the school teems next Tuesday.

a. will have taken b. will be taking c. will take

3.Alan _____ a winner of the boxing competition long before the end of the year.

a. will have become b .will become c. will be becoming

4. Marry ___ smart in her new grey dress at the party tomorrow evening.

a. will be looking b. will look c. will have looked

5. I ___ your favourite dessert by the time you come home.

a. will be making b .will have made c. will make

6.My sister _____ school in 2007.

a. will be finishing b.will have finished c. will finish

7.I___ this book by next Sunday.

a. will be reading b .will have read c. will read

8. Mark ____ roller-skating in the yard from 6 till 8 o'clock tomorrow evening.

a. will be going b .will have gone c. will go

9. Mary ___ this text from the English text book by Tuesday.

A .will be translating b. will have translated c. will translate

Open the brackets . Put the verbs in to the Future Perfect Tense.

  1. You (to fly) To New York by tomorrow morning?

  2. Where Helen (to arrive) tomorrow evening?

  3. Bill (not to write) his new book by the end of the month.

Open the brackets . Put the verbs in to the Future Progressive Tense

  1. Molly (to fly ) to New York at this time next Friday.

  2. Where she (to walk) with her child from 1 till 3 tomorrow?

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