Проверочная контрольная работа по английскому языку Simple Tenses. Questions

Данная работа содержит 4 варианта и позволяет проверить знания и умения обучающихся профессиональных образовательных организаций относительно временной группы Simple c помощью разнообразных упражнений различной сложности. Данный материал может быть использован на этапе предварительной или промежуточной аттестации.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Obligatory control work /1/

1. Choose the correct form of the verb (Present, Past, Future simple)

1. Ann ... an interesting story yesterday.

a/ tells b/ told c/ will tell

2. Betty usually ... ice-cream.

a/ wants b/ wanted c/ will want

3. The son ... in the first-year next year.

a/ is b/ was c/ will be

4. His daughter ... well sums last lesson.

a/ does b/ did c/ will do

5. Children often ...the computer.

a/ play b/ played c/ will play

6. Parents usually ... their children.

a/ help b/ helped c/ will help

7. In a few days his niece ... a new book.

a/ reads b/ read c/ will read

8. I ... to the college last week.

a/ go b/ went c/ will go

9. The husband ... the room tomorrow.

a/ tidy b/ tidyed c/ will tidy

II .Use the Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses.

1. Sometimes he (get up) at 7 a.m. 2. We (wash) dishes yesterday. 3. They (clean) the room tomorrow. 4. Ann (not, take) a book in the laboratory last week. 5. Pete (give) money to his friend next week. 6. The nephew often (go) to the kindergarden. 7. They (write) a test soon 8. He (write) a test yesterday.

III. Pose the question (general, special, and alternative, disjunctive)

1. They tidy the room every day.

2. The husbund helped about the house last week.

3. You will translate this text tomorrow.

4. He is a good student.

IV. Find the correspondence:

1. Present Simple a/ will + V1

2. Past Simple b/ V1

3. Future Simple c/ V2

4. General question d/ вопрос.слово+вспомог.гл.+подлеж.+сказуем.

5. Special question e/ вспом.гл.+ подлеж.+ сказуем.

6. Alternative question f/ общий вопрос + or + выбор

V. Translate

1. Он обычно решает задачи хорошо.

2. Жена вымыла посуду вчера.

3. Дети будут играть завтра.

4. 5.35; 8.20.

5. Мои часы отстают, а его часы спешат.

Obligatry control work /2/

1. Choose the correct form of the verb (Present, Past, Future simple)

1. Max ... an interesting book yesterday.

a/ brings b/ brought c/ will bring

2. Steve often ... cake.

a/ wants b/ wanted c/ will want

3. The niece... in the second-year in two years.

a/ is b/ was c/ will be

4. His son ... badly sums yesterday.

a/ does b/ did c/ will do

5. Pupils often ...football.

a/ play b/ played c/ will play

6. Sometimes parents ... their children.

a/ help b/ helped c/ will help

7. In a few days his dad ... a new car.

a/ buys b/ bought c/ will buy

8. You ... to the cinema last week.

a/ go b/ went c/ will go

9. The husband ... the room tomorrow.

a/ clean b/ cleaned c/ will clean

II. Use the Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses.

1. Sometimes she (wake up) at 6 a.m. 2. The wife (wash) dishes every day. 3. They (air) the room tomorrow. 3. Ann (not, bring) a book to the laboratory yesterday. 4. Pete (tell) the story to his friend tomorrow. 5. The nephew (go) to the kindergarden last year 6. They (pass) exams soon 7. Ann (write) a test yesterday.

III. Pose the question (general, special, and alternative, disjunctive)

1. They often clean the room.

2. The children washed the dishes last week.

3. You will read this text tomorrow.

4. She is a good student.

IV. Find the correspondence:

1. Past Simple a/ V1

2. Future Simple b/ V2

3. General question c/ вопрос.слово+вспомог.гл.+подлеж.+сказуем.

4. Special question d/ вспом.гл.+ подлеж.+ сказуем.

5. Alternative question e/ общий вопрос + or + выбор

6. Present Simple f/ will + V1

V. Translate

1. Мы обычно помогаем по дому.

2. Дочь убрала комнату вчера.

3. Родители расскажут интересные истории завтра.

4. 5.55; 8.10. Мои часы отстают, а его часы идут правильно.

Obligatory control work /3/

1. Choose the correct form of the verb (Present, Past, Future simple)

1. Alex ... us about his family last lesson.

a/ tells b/ told c/ will tell

2. Baby usually ... milk.

a/ wants b/ wanted c/ will want

3. The son ... part-time student next year.

a/ is b/ was c/ will be

4. His nephew ... well sums last lesson.

a/ does b/ did c/ will do

5. Our granny often ...the dishes.

a/ washes b/ washed c/ will wash

6. Students usually ... lecture.

a/ attend b/ attended c/ will attend

7. In a few days Betty... a new book.

a/ reads b/ read c/ will read

8. We ... to the theatre two years ago.

a/ go b/ went c/ will go

9. They ... the room tomorrow.

a/ air b/ aired c/ will air

II. Use the Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses.

1. Usually he (go) to bed at 11 a.m. 2. He (clean) his room yesterday. 3. They (bring) a new game tomorrow. 3. Max (not, read) a book last week. 4. Serge (write) money to his friend next week. 5. The nephew often (sing) songs. 6. They (take) a test soon 7. He (discuss) this problem yesterday.

III. Pose the question (general, special, and alternative, disjunctive)

1. They have breakfast every day in the morning.

2. The wife washed many dishes yesterday.

3. The husband will repair his car tomorrow.

4. They are good students.

IV. Find the correspondence:

1. Present Simple a/ V2

2. Past Simple b/ V1

3. Future Simple c/ will + V1

4. General question d/ вопрос.слово+вспомог.гл.+подлеж.+сказуем.

5. Special question e/ вспом.гл.+ подлеж.+ сказуем.

6. Alternative question f/ общий вопрос + or + выбор

V. Translate

1. Мы встаем в 6 утра.

2. Жена рассказала о рабочем дне вчера.

3. Студенты решат хорошо задачи завтра.

4. 6.55; 8.15. Его часы спешат на 15 минут, а мои часы отстают.

Obligatry control work /4/

1. Choose the correct form of the verb (Present, Past, Future simple)

1. Betty ... an interesting story yesterday.

a/ wites b/ wrote c/ writed

2. Child often ... sweets.

a/ eats b/ ate c/ eat

3. My sister ... in the second-year next year.

a/ is b/ was c/ will be

4. His uncle ... well sums last lesson.

a/ buy b/ bought c/ will buy

5. Parents ... to bring up their children.

a/ like b/ liked c/ will like

6. Children usually ... their parents.

a/ help b/ helped c/ will help

7. In a few days his niece ... a new book.

a/ reads b/ read c/ will read

8. I ... to the college last week.

a/ go b/ went c/ will go

9. The husband ... up the room tomorrow.

a/ tidy b/ tidied c/ will tidy

II. Use the Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses.

1. My brother usually (wake) up at 6 a.m. 2. Ann and Betty (wash) dishes yesterday. 3. They (tell) it in 2 days. 3. Ann (not, pass) exams last week. 4. Pete (give) money to his friend next week. 5. My friend often (go) home by step. 6. They (write) a test soon 7. He (write) a new test yesterday.

III. Pose the question (general, special, and alternative, disjunctive)

1. They often play football.

2. The husbund will help about the house next week.

3. I prepared for the seminar yesterday.

4. He is fond of sport.

IV. Find the correspondence:

1. Present Simple a/ will + V1

2. Past Simple b/ V1

3. Future Simple c/ V2

4. General question d/ вопрос.слово+вспомог.гл.+подлеж.+сказуем.

5. Special question e/ вспом.гл.+ подлеж.+ сказуем.

6. Alternative question f/ общий вопрос + or + выбор

V. Translate

1. Он обычно отдыхает летом.

2. На прошлой неделе они ходили в театр.

3. Завтра мы все объявим.

4. 5.35; 8.20.

5. Мои часы отстают, а его часы спешат.

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