Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Пояснительная записка

Раздел 1 «Почему мы учим английский язык?»

Уроки 1-3

Глагол "to be"

Конструкция there is/are

Раздел 2 «О себе», «Хобби»

Уроки 4-10

Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные

The Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

The Present Simple(Indefinite) & Present Progressive (Continuous)

Раздел 3 «Страны изучаемого языка»

Уроки 11-25

Артикль и его употребление

Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Возвратные местоимения


Местоимения much, many, (a) little, (a) few, a lot of

Притяжательный падеж существительных Possessive Case

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Раздел 4 «Праздники»

Уроки 26-33

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

The Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense

The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense

The Future Continuous Tense

Раздел 5 «Выдающиеся люди»

Уроки 34-39

The Present Perfect Tense

The Past Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect Tense


Список литературы

Пояснительная записка

Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку предназначена для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса учреждений среднего профессионального образования базового уровня. Она содержит лексико-грамматические упражнения по основным темам английской грамматики, необходимой для развития навыков чтения, устной и письменной речи.

Рабочая тетрадь позволяет за короткий срок проконтролировать усвоение знаний значительной части изученной информации. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они подобраны и составлены с таким расчетом, чтобы охватить лексико-грамматические трудности каждого урока в соответствии с принципом возрастания сложности материала.

Выполнение упражнений, содержащихся в рабочей тетради, помогут выявить пробелы в усвоении текущего материала, систематизировать и закрепить знания.

Весь представленный в данной рабочей тетради учебный материал сгруппирован по тематическому признаку в 5 разделов: 1 раздел - «Почему мы изучаем английский язык?», 2 раздел - «О себе», «Хобби», 3 раздел - «Страны изучаемого языка», 4 раздел - «Праздники в англо-язычных странах», 5 раздел - «Выдающиеся люди». Каждый раздел включает уроки по конкретной теме и представленные в нем лексико-грамматические упражнения рекомендуется выполнять во время прохождения темы.

Лучшему усвоению материала должны способствовать модели и таблицы, содержащиеся в рабочей тетради.

Контроль заданий, выполненных студентами во время самостоятельной работы с рабочей тетрадью, осуществляется на аудиторных занятиях путем фронтального устного опроса.


Topic "Why we learn English?"

Lessons 1-3

Exercise 1.

Дополните эти предложения, используя необходимое слово: foreign, international, proper, necessary, difficult, own.

  1. Everybody knows his __________ language.

  2. It is __________ to learn a foreign language.

  3. I learn English because I want to read __________ literature in the original.

  4. It is __________ to visit countries, when you don't know the language of these countries.

  5. There are __________ friendship camps in the world.

  6. I understand that I have to learn English in a __________ way.

Exercise 2.

Как вы думаете, если вы будете знать Английский, как измениться ваша жизнь?

Example: If I know English my life will be…






Exercise 3.

Какое слово не принадлежит к теме "Why do we learn English?":

Foreign, learn, improve, different, translate, read, create, develop, language,

original, speak, understand, friendship, butterfly, useful, knowledge, necessary.

Your answer: _______________.

Exercise 4.

Как вы скажете это по-русски:

  1. It is necessary.


  1. It is difficult.


  1. In a proper way.


  1. For example.


  1. In short.


  1. The most important language.


  1. For every educated person.


  1. In my opinion


  1. Nowadays.


  1. Some rules of memory.


  1. I hope.


Exercise 5.

Дополните диалог:

1: Hello

2: Hello, _______________________________________________________?

1: I am well and _____________________?

2: Fine, thanks.

1: ________________ somewhere together.

2: I don't mind, but I am in a hurry now.

1: I __________________ we'll meet soon.

2: Certainly. Bye.

1: Good-bye.

The verb

"to be"

(быть, находиться, являться)

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ




(he, she, it)


(you, we, they)

Настоящее время

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ


(I, he, she, it)


(You, we, they)

Прошедшее время

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ


(I, we)


(I, he, she, it, you, we, they)

Будущее время

Выражения с глаголом to be:

TO BE ABLE TO - мочь, быть в состоянии

TO BE ABSENT - отсутствовать

TO BE AFRAID - бояться кого-то

TO BE ANGRY WITH - сердиться

TO BE ASHAMED - стыдиться

TO BE ASLEEP - спать, онеметь

TO BE AT A LOSS - быть в затруднении

TO BE AWAY - отсутствовать

TO BE BACK - возвращаться

TO BE BORN - родиться

TO BE BUSY - быть занятым

TO BE ENGAGED IN - быть занятым

TO BE FOND OF - любить

TO BE GLAD - радоваться

TO BE GOING TO DO SOMETHING - собираться сделать что-то

TO BE HUNGRY - быть голодным

TO BE ILL - болеть

TO BE IN - быть дома

TO BE LATE - опаздывать

TO BE LAZY - лениться

TO BE PRESENT - присутствовать

TO BE PROUD OF - гордиться

TO BE SLEEPY - хотеть спать

TO BE SURE - быть уверенным

TO BE TIRED - уставать

Exercise 6.

Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык:

  1. My sister is afraid of mice.


  1. They are fond of English.


  1. We were busy yesterday.


  1. She was angry with us.


  1. Don't be lazy.


  1. He will be absent tomorrow.


  1. Were you in New York last month?


  1. I will be glad to meet you.


Exercise 7.

Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык:

  1. Я не уверен.


  1. Она рассердилась на нас.


  1. Ты голоден?


  1. Они гордятся своими родителями.


  1. Мой друг сможет помочь тебе.


  1. Ты был болен вчера?


  1. Почему ты отсутствовал на прошлой неделе?


  1. Мы устали.

Exercise 8.

Употребите правильную форму глагола "to be":

  1. He __________ a student ten years ago.

  2. I __________ an engineer when I finish the college.

  3. __________ she __________ at home tomorrow?

  4. My sister __________ ill last week.

  5. When my granny __________ young she __________ an actress.

  6. Where __________ your parents now? Theу __________ in Paris.

  7. They __________ in St. Petersburg tomorrow.

  8. __________ you able to help her?

Конструкция there is/are

TРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работhere

is/are was/were will be

(быть, имеется, находиться, существует)

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 9.

Употребите конструкцию "there is/are" в нужном времени:

  1. Look! __________ a photograph of George in the newspaper.

  2. Dunford is a very modern town __________ many old buildings.

  3. Excuse me, __________ a restaurant near here?

  4. How many students __________ in your group?

  5. I was hungry but __________ anything to eat.

  6. __________ a football match on TV last night.

  7. "__________ many people at the meeting?"

  8. Look! __________ an accident. Call the ambulance!

  9. __________ 24 hours in a day.

  10. This bag is empty __________ nothing in it.

  11. __________ somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.

  12. When we arrived at the cinema ___________ a long queue outside.

Exercise 10.

Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. There is a bus at the bus stop.


  1. There are a few changes in the text.


  1. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.


  1. There were a lot of people at the stadium.


  1. There is something on the plate.


  1. There was somebody in the room.


  1. There are difficult exercises in this book.


  1. There is something on the shelf.


  1. There will be some interesting programs on TV tomorrow.


  1. There are several empty seats in the room.


  1. There were some pears on the plate.


Exercise 11.

Переведите предложения c русского на английский язык:

  1. В этом журнале много интересных статей.


  1. В нашем городе много музеев и театров.


  1. В этой комнате есть телефон?


  1. В этой комнате два окна.


  1. В чашке не было чая.


  1. Сколько статей было в этом журнале? - Там было несколько статей.


  1. Сколько студентов в аудитории? - Двадцать.


  1. Рядом с нашим домом будет парк.


  1. На этой улице была школа?


  1. На столе лежит несколько книг.



Topic "About Myself"

Lessons 4-10

Exercise 12.

Переведите на английский:

  1. Как тебя зовут?


  1. Сколько тебе лет?


  1. Откуда ты родом?


  1. У тебя есть брат или сестра?


  1. Сколько у тебя двоюродных братьев и сестёр?


  1. Какое у тебя хобби?


  1. Какая музыка тебе нравится?


  1. Ты играешь на каком-либо музыкальном инструменте?


  1. Ты часто смотришь телевизор?


  1. Какая твоя любимая телевизионная программа?


  1. Чем занимается твоя мама?


  1. Чем занимается твой отец?


  1. У тебя есть настоящий друг?


  1. Ты можешь положиться на него во всём?


Exercise 13.

Выберите правильный вариант данных слов

1. Loyal

a. Вежливый

2. Selfish


3. Shortcoming

c. Недостаток

4. Stubborn

d. Отзывчивый

5. Understanding

e. Застенчивый

6. Shy

f. Дружелюбный

7. Amicable

g. Честный

8. Clever

h. Аккуратный

9. Honest

i. Надёжный

10. Neat

j. Слабый

11. Reliable

k. Верный

12. Weak

l. Упрямый

13. Polite

m. Умный














Exercise 14.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант из данных слов: attention, adult studies, eleven, lazy, computer games, pupil, free, home, grandmother.

I've got a brother. He is _______________. He is a _______________. He _______________ at school. I think he is _______________ because he doesn't like to go to school. He has a lot of _______________ time, because he's got only 4 lessons a day. After school he goes _______________ and at once begins to play _______________. Our _______________ often scold him for it, but he doesn't pay _______________. He wants to be an _______________ as quickly as possible. He wants to do what he wants.

Exercise 15.

Дополните диалог "About Myself":

1: What is your name?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: How old are you?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: Where are you from?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: Where do you study?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: What is your hobby?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: At what sport are you best?

2: ___________________________________________________________

1: What kind of music do you like?

2: ___________________________________________________________

Exercise 16.

Как вы скажете это по-русски?

  1. I don't know how to thank you.


  1. Don't mention it.


  1. It was no trouble at all.


  1. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.


  1. I must apologize to you.


  1. Don't worry.


  1. Forget if.


  1. Sorry for being late.


  1. Never mind.


Exercise 17.

Что бы вы сказали о таком человеке?

  1. Who always says what he thinks?


  1. Who never boasts?


  1. Who is always ready to share what he has got with others?


  1. Who is fond of praising himself?


  1. Who always achieves his aim?


  1. Who is hard to get along with?


  1. Who is easily hurt?


  1. Who grasps things easily?


  1. Who makes friends easily?


  1. Who is never shy with stranger?


  1. Who works a lot?


  1. Who can not behave?


  1. Who never says what's on his mind?


  1. Who cannot be trusted?


  1. Who you cannot rely?


  1. Who refuses to obey or accept orders?


  1. Who feels or shows kindness?


  1. Who is pleasant and friendly?


  1. Who is (seems) interested only in his own thoughts?


Two teenage geniuses

Задание перед чтением:

What do teenagers like doing in your country?

Think of three things and tell the others in the class.

Разделитесь на две группы, и читайте:

Группа A: Read about Ivan Mirsky.

Группа B: Read about Jaya Rajah.

  1. Ivan Mirsky is thirteen and he is the number 13 chess player in the world. He was born in Russia but now lives in America with his father, Vadim. They live in a one room flat in Brooklyn. Ivan doesn't go to school and his father doesn't have a job. They practice chess problems all day, every day, morning, afternoon, and evening.

Ivan was different from a very young age: he could ride a bike when he was eighteen months old and read before he was two. He could play cards at three and the piano at four. When he was twelve, he was the under-20 chess champion of Russia.

His father can't speak English and can't play chess, either! Ivan translates for him. Vadim says, 'I know that I can't play chess, but I can still help Ivan. He and I don't have any friends - we don't want any friends. Other teenagers are boring! We don't like playing sports or watching TV. We live for chess!'

  1. Jaya Rajah is fourteen but he doesn't go to school. He studies medicine at New York University in a class of twenty-year-olds. Jaya was born in Madras in India but now lives in a house in New York with his mother, father, and brother. They can all speak English fluently. His father is a doctor.

Jaya was different from a very young age. He could count before he could say 'Mummy' or 'Daddy'. He could answer questions on calculus when he was five and do algebra when he was eight. Now he studies from 8.15 to 4.00 every day at the university. Then he studies at home with his father from 6.30 to 10.00 every evening. Jaya doesn't have any friends. He never goes out in the evenings, but he sometimes watches TV. He says, 'I live for one thing - I want to be a doctor before I am seventeen. Other children of my age are boring. They can't understand me.'

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. How old is he?


  1. Does he go to school?


  1. Where was he born?


  1. Where does he live now?


  1. Who does he live with?


  1. What does his father do?


  1. How was he different when he was very young?


  1. What does he do in the evening?


  1. Can his father speak English?


  1. Does he have any friends?


  1. What does he do in his free time?


Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные

Some обозначает некоторое количество


Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

We have got some dictionaries

We have got no dictionaries

We haven't hot any dictionaries

Have you got any dictionaries?

Exercise 18.

Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. You will need __________ warm clothes there.


  1. I don't have __________ money with me.


  1. Please, give me __________ more coffee. - I'm sorry, but there isn't __________ more coffee.


  1. I'm sorry, but I didn't have __________ time to prepare my lessons last night.


  1. I didn't have __________ stamps, so I went to the post-office to buy __________


  1. Please, put __________ water in that vase, the flowers are dying.


  1. There are __________ famous museums in that city but we didn't have time to visit __________.


  1. The doctor gave me __________ medicine for my cough.


  1. There aren't __________ students in the room at the moment.


Exercise 19.

Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

  1. There are some extra chairs in the next room.



  1. He made some mistakes in spelling.



  1. They have some pretty dresses in that store,



  1. The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar.



  1. We learned some new words in class yesterday.



  1. There are some flowers in the yellow vase.



  1. The doctor gave her some pills to take.



  1. I bought some stamps at the post office.



  1. He told us about some of his experiences.



Exercise 20.

Вставьте some, any или no:

  1. There are __________ pictures in the book.

  2. Are there __________ new students in your group?

  3. There are __________ old houses in our street.

  4. Are there __________ English text books on the desks? - Yes. There are __________.

  5. Are there __________ maps on the walls? - No, there aren't __________.

  6. Are there __________ pens on the desk? - Yes, there are__________.

  7. Are there __________ sweets in your bag? - Yes, There are__________.

  8. Have you got __________ English books at home? - Yes, I have __________.

  9. There are __________ beautiful pictures in the magazine, look at them.

  10. There is __________ ink in my pen. I cannot write.

  11. Is there __________ paper on your table?

  12. 12.1 haven't got__________ exercise book. Give me __________, please.

  13. It is winter. There are __________ leaves on the trees.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ


















Все (каждый)



Exercise 21.

Вставьте some, any, no или их производные:

  1. Are there __________ cinemas or theatres in your town? - There aren't __________ cinemas - but there is a theatre festival in summer.

  2. It there __________ for young people - a zoo, interesting museums? - I'm sorry, there is __________ zoo in our town. But there are __________ museums, __________ discos and every three weeks there is a rock concert for young people here.

  3. Have you __________ relations? - No, I haven't __________, I have __________ relations.

  4. Has she __________ nephews or nieces? - She has" __________ nephews.

  5. She has __________ sisters, she has only brothers.

  6. Do you know __________ about Chinese art?

  7. They have __________ cousins in Minsk.

  8. Have you __________ brothers? - No, I haven't __________, I have __________ brothers.

  9. I have __________ good friends.

  10. We did not know __________ about his problems: he told us __________.

  11. Have you got __________ interesting books?

  12. Have you __________ friends in America?

  13. He has __________ English books in this bookcase.

  14. Did you meet __________ on your way to school?

  15. Have you got __________ pencils in your bag?

  16. Do we have __________ chalk on the black­board?

  17. How could I know that he was ill? __________ told me __________.

  18. She has __________ mistakes in her test.

Topic "Hobby"

Exercise 22.

Найдите правильный вариант данных слова

1. Stamp

a. Вязание

2. Badge

b. Шитьё одежды

3. Knitting

c. Альпинизм

4. Dressmaking

d. Бег трусцой

5. Water-skiing

e. Шитьё

6. Coin

f. Марка

7. Mountain climbing

g. Езда на велосипеде

8. Jogging

h. Досуг, время провождения

9. Sewing

i. Кружок

10. Cycling

j. Значок

11. Shell

k. Просмотр телепередач

12. Pastime

l. Садоводство

13. Hobby group

m. Монета

14. Watching TV

n. Народная музыка

15. Musical instrument

o. Катание на водных лыжах

16. Folk music

p. Ракушка

17. Gardening

q. Музыкальный инструмент

18. Record

r. Записывать



















Exercise 23.

Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is the most popular hobby in your country?


  1. What is your best friend's hobby?


  1. What do your parents (grandparents) like to do in their free time.


Exercise 24.

Вставьте эти слова к правильным существительным: play, build, ride, sing, climb, plant, collect, take, design, manage, paint, look after.

  1. _______________ mountains.

  2. _______________ vegetables.

  3. _______________ folk songs.

  4. _______________ the guitar.

  5. _______________ a bike.

  6. _______________ photographs.

  7. _______________ badges.

  8. _______________ a football club.

  9. _______________ clothes.

  10. _______________ houses.

  11. _______________ a garden.

  12. _______________ pictures.

Exercise 25.

Дополните эти предложения вместе со словом в скобках.

  1. Can you play __________. (tennis)

  2. I am learning to play __________. (piano)

  3. Playing __________ can annoy your neighbors. (trumpet).

  4. Playing __________ is good for you. (sport)

  5. I can't play __________. (golf)

  6. Playing __________ can be dangerous. (rugby)

  7. He plays __________. (drums)

  8. Can you play __________? (violin)

The Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense


Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работTo be is + V + ing


Действие происходит в настоящий момент времени

(Now, at present, at this moment)

Глаголы, не употребляемые во времени Progressive (Continuous):

To see


To know


To doubt


To understand


To wish


To like


To hate


To belong


To hear


To believe


To remember


To want

Желать, хотеть

To love


To dislike

Не нравиться

To prefer


To need



I am writing a letter now.

Tom is playing tennis at the sports ground.

Who is laughing so loudly? - We are.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 26.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Progressive:


  1. Timothy ____________________ (to feed) his dog.

  2. Mr. Jones ____________________ (to clean) his yard.

  3. What she ____________________ (to do) now? She ____________________ (to dance).

  4. They ____________________ (to have) a big dinner together.

  5. The old man ____________________ (to walk) about the room.

  6. What they ____________________ (to talk) about?

  7. John and his friends ____________________ (to go) to the library.

  8. Our neighbors ____________________ (to wash) their car.

Exercise 27.

Закончите предложения, употребляя данные глаголы в Present Progressive: get, become, change, improve, fall, increase, rise:

Example: The water level is rising very fast.

  1. The prices for food ____________________ at the moment

  2. He is still weak but he ____________________ stronger slowly

  3. These days life ____________________ more and more expensive

  4. The weather ____________________ every moment: now cold, now hot

  5. The cost of living _______________. Every year things are more expensive.

  6. Victor has gone to work in America. When he arrived, his English wasn't very good but now it ____________________.

  7. The environment is already very bad and it ____________________.

Exercise 28.

Напишите данные предложения в отрицательной форме и образуйте общий, Who и Why - вопрос к каждому из них:

  1. He is studying.



  1. They are trying to open the door.


  1. The child is making a lot of noise.


  1. Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree.


  1. Sasha and Nick are driving very fast.


The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

V, V+ es (he, she, it)

? Do/Does + V

(Don't/Doesn't + V)

Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom


Summer follows spring.

I usually go away at weekends.

Do you hear the sound of the bell?

Ann doesn't drink tea very often.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 29.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Simple:

  1. My working day _______________ (to begin) at seven o'clock.

  2. My sister _______________ (to get) up at eight o'clock.

  3. She _______________ (to go) to school in the afternoon.

  4. My parents _______________ (to leave) home at eight o'clock.

  5. In the evening we _______________ (to gather) in the living-room.

  6. It _______________ (to take) him two hours to do his homework.

  7. She _______________ (to speak) French well.

Exercise 30.

Напишите следующие предложения в 3-ем лице единственного числа:

  1. I think I am ill.

He ___________________________________________________________

  1. They often visit their granny.

She __________________________________________________________

  1. We live in Leeds.

She __________________________________________________________

  1. You usually speak too quickly.

He ___________________________________________________________

  1. Do you like boiled potatoes?

He ___________________________________________________________

  1. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise.

It ____________________________________________________________

  1. His dogs always attack the neighbors.

It ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 31.

Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме, и образуйте общий, Why и Who - вопрос, к каждому из них.

  1. He knows French perfectly. _________________________________



  1. I understand every thing he says. _____________________________



  1. She makes mistakes in spelling. ______________________________



  1. They enjoy their English lessons. _____________________________



Exercise 32.

Задайте вопрос к предложению, используя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках:

  1. I write to my parents. (How often?)


  1. I have dinner in the evening. (What time ?).


  1. She works. (Where?)


  1. I go to the Zoo. (How often?)


  1. People do stupid things. (Why?)


  1. The motor breaks down. (How often?)


The Present Simple & Present Progressive

Exercise 33.

Раскройте скобки, и выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. "Where is Andy?" Mary _______________ (read) him a bed-time story;

  2. Modern trains _______________ (go) very fast.

  3. "I'm afraid I must go now". Where you _______________ (go)?

  4. I _______________ (go) to have lunch with my partner.

  5. "Why you _______________ (laugh)?" - she cried.

  6. He _______________ (laugh) best, who _______________ (laugh) last.

  7. Actions _______________ (speak) louder than words.

  8. "I've got a headache, Milli moaned." Get me some pain killer. My head _______________ (split).

  9. That's the way she always _______________ (react).

  10. I'm so careless. I always _______________ (forget) my keys.

  11. They _______________ (be) in the cafeteria. They _______________ (have) their breakfast.

Exercise 34.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

  1. He _______________ (to work) in the centre of Chicago.

  2. He _______________ (to work) in he centre of Chicago?

  3. He _______________ (not to work) in the centre of Chicago.

  4. They _______________ (to read) many books.

  5. They _______________ (to read) many books?

  6. They _______________ (not to read) many books.

  7. The Children _______________ (to eat) soup now.

  8. The children _______________ (to eat) soup now?

  9. The children _______________ (not to eat) soup now.

  10. You _______________ (to play) volleyball well?

  11. When you _______________ (to play) volleyball?

  12. What Nick _______________ (to do) in the evening?

  13. He _______________ (to go) to the cinema in the evening?

  14. We _______________ (not to dance) every day.

  15. Look! Kate _______________ (to dance).

  16. Kate _______________ (to sing) well?

  17. Where he _______________ (to go) in the morning?

  18. He _______________ (not to sleep) after dinner.

  19. My granny _______________ (to sleep) after dinner.

  20. When you _______________ (to sleep)?

  21. Nina _______________ (not to sleep) now.

  22. Where John _______________ (to live)? - He _______________ (to live) in England.

  23. My friends from Switzerland _______________ (to speak) four languages.

  24. Elvire _______________ (to speak) English.

  25. She only _______________ (not to speak) Italian.


Topic "Countries"

Lessons 11-25

Exercise 35.

Выберете правильное слово:

1. Population

a. Глубокий

2. Climate

b. Озеро

3. Deep

c. Страна

4. Country

d. Территория

5. Lake

e. Благоприятный

6. River

f. Столица

7. Territory

g. Граничить

8. Favorable

h. Состоять

9. Capital

i. Символ

10. Border

j. Развитие

11. Consist

k. Климат

12. Symbol

l. Река

13. Development

m. Население














Exercise 36.

Дополните диалог:

1: Where are you from?

2: I'm from ___________________________________________________.

1: What is the _______________ of your country?

2: Moscow.

1: What kind of _______________ is there in your country?

2: There are different types of _______________ on the territory of our country. It is very cold in the north. In the South the temperature is usually _______________ zero all year round.

1: What _______________ does Russia _______________ on?

2: It _______________ on the Baltic Republics and some European countries in the west and on Asian countries in the South.

1: What are the most famous _______________ in Russia?

2: The Urals.

Exercise 37.

Что вы знаете о России?

  1. In which century was Christianity officially adopted in Russia?

    1. Eighth century

    2. Tenth century

    3. Twelfth century

  2. In which year do the ancient chronicles first mention Moscow?

    1. 1147

    2. 1241

    3. 1380

  3. Which prince of Moscow defeated the Mongols in 1380?

    1. Ivan Kalita

    2. Yuriy Dolgoruky

    3. Dmitry Donskoy

  4. When was the Romanov's dynasty established?

    1. In 1380 after the battle at Kulikovo field.

    2. In 1613 after the Time of Troubles.

    3. In 1812 after the defeat of Napoleon.

  5. St. Petersburg was founded in

    1. 1703

    2. 1767

    3. 1796

  6. Catherine II invited colonists from which country to settle in Russia in 1762?

    1. France

    2. Germany

    3. Poland

  7. Which emperor signed a manifesto abolishing in 1861.

    1. Alexander I

    2. Nicholas I

    3. Alexander II

  8. The first man in space was

    1. Gagarin

    2. Armstrong

    3. Glenn

  9. There are a lot of museum collections in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Do you know when they were founded?

    1. The Tretyakov Gallery a. 1852

    2. Russian Museum b. 1912

    3. The Hermitage c. 1895

    4. Fine Arts Museum d. 1856





  1. A lot of famous Russian artists took pleasure in painting great writers and poets. Match the painter and the poet ( or a writer).

    1. Tolstoy a. Kiprensky

    2. Pushkin b. Repin

    3. Radishchev c. Kramskoy

    4. Griboyedov d. Loktionov





11. Check your knowledge of Pushkin's poetry. Try to remember who wrote the music on Pushkin's poems and the composer.

1) "Ruslan and Ludmila" a. Tchaikovsky

2) "Evgeny Onegin" b. Rimsky-Korsakov

3) "Mazepa" c. Glinka

4) "Boris Godunov" d. Rachmaninov

5) "Aleko" e. Musorgsky

6) "Zolotoy Petushok"







Exercise 38.

Переведите следующие слова и выражения.

  1. Научный центр _______________________________________________

  2. Культурный центр _____________________________________________

  3. Достопримечательность ________________________________________

  4. Характерные черты ____________________________________________

  5. Многочисленный ______________________________________________

  6. Резиденция правительства ______________________________________

  7. Крепость _____________________________________________________

  8. Появиться ____________________________________________________

  9. Основывать __________________________________________________

  10. Памятник ____________________________________________________

  11. Прекрасный город _____________________________________________

  12. Включать ____________________________________________________

  13. Церковь ______________________________________________________

  14. Собор _______________________________________________________

  15. Шедевр ______________________________________________________

  16. Важный ______________________________________________________

  17. Архитектурный _______________________________________________

Exercise 39.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where is Great Britain situated?



  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?


  1. What are the largest cities in Great Britain?


  1. Is Britain a monarchy?


  1. Write the most famous places of interest in London.



  1. What part of Great Britain do you want to visit best of all? Why?



Text "Meals of Britain"

Задание перед чтением.

  1. What's your favorite food?

What do you eat with it?

When do you have it?

  1. You are going to read a text about what British people eat and when.

What do you want to know? Write some questions.


What do they have for breakfast?

Do they have hot things or cold things?

Do they eat a lot of fish?

Проверка понимания.

Правильны ли предложения(T) или нет (F)?

    1. Many British people have a big breakfast.

    2. People often have cereal or toast for breakfast.

    3. Marmalade is different from jam.

    4. People drink tea with hot milk.

    5. Many foreign visitors love instant coffee.

    6. All British people have a hot lunch.

    7. Pubs are good places to go for lunch.

    8. British people eat dinner late in the evening.

    9. Sunday lunch is a special meal.

Прочитайте текст:

A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms… But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting!

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want - brown, white, or a roll - and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cake) with cream and jam.

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6.00 and 8.00, and often the whole family eats together.

On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

The British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese, and Indian. People often get take-away meals - you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international!

Text "Buckingham Palace"

Переведите данные слова с английского на русский язык:

Inside _______________

The whole _______________

Famous _______________

To grow up _______________

To like _______________

To prepare _______________

Own _______________

Piper _______________

Outside _______________

To do the washing _______________

Everybody _______________

During _______________

Course (food) _______________

Проверка понимания.

  1. Правильны ли предложения(T) или нет (F)? Исправьте неправильные предложения:

    1. The palace is more than two hundred years old.

    2. It is famous because it is in the centre of London.

    3. The same person starts the Queen's bath prepares her clothes, and feed the dogs.

    4. The dogs sleep in the Queen's bedroom.

    5. The Queen and the Prime Minister go out for a drink on Tuesday nights.

  2. Ответьте на вопросы:

    1. 'Buckingham Palace is two places, not one.' How?

    2. Why is it like a small town?

    3. Are there a lot of clocks?

    4. How many dogs does the Queen have?

    5. What newspaper does she read?

    6. What sort of music does the piper play?

    7. Why do people have five glasses on the table?

    8. Who does the Queen speak to during a meal?

    9. What happens when the Queen finishes her food?

The Palace

There are two addresses in London that the whole world knows. One is 10 Downing Street, where the Prime Minister lives. The other is Buckingham Palace. This famous palace, first built in 1703, is in the very centre of London.

It is two places, not one. It is a family house, where children play and grow up. It is also the place where presidents, kings, and politicians go to meet the Queen.

Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema, and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work in the Palace.

The Queen's day

When the Queen gets up in the morning, seven people look after her. One starts her bath, one prepares her clothes, and one feeds the Royal dogs. She has eight or nine dogs, and they sleep in their own bedroom near the Queen's bedroom. Two people bring her breakfast. She has coffee from Harrods, toast, and eggs. Every day for fifteen minutes, a piper plays Scottish music outside her room and the Queen reads The Times.

Every Tuesday evening, she meets the Prime Minister. They talk about world news and have a drink, perhaps a gin and tonic or a whisky.

An invitation to the Palace

When the Queen invites a lot of people for dinner, it takes three days to prepare the table and three days to do the washing up. Everybody has five glasses: one for red wine, one for white wine, one for water, one for port, and one for liqueur. During the first and second courses, the Queen speaks to the person on her left and then she speaks to the person on her right for the rest of the meal. When the Queen finishes her food, everybody finishes, and it is time for the next course!

Exercise 40.

Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола:

Some facts about London:

London _______________ (to be) the home of many famous Englishmen. Some _______________ (to be) born there. Some _______________ (to live) there all their lives. Others _______________ (to live) in London only for a short time but all _______________(to give) something to this great city.

One of the first names of importance _______________ (to be) that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet. He _______________ ( to live) most of his life in London. Chaucer _______________ (to hold) official posts in London and _______________ (to burry) in Westminster Abbey.

William Shakespeare also _______________ (to live) in London. He _______________ (to live) there for more than twenty years. He _______________ (to act) at the Globe Theatre and most of his plays _______________ (to write) in London.

Sir Christopher Wren, the architect, _______________ (to spend) most of his life in London. He _______________ (to design) many beautiful churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral. Some palaces and fine homes _______________ (to design) also by him.

Exercise 41.

Что вы знаете о других англоязычных странах?

  1. What is the major language spoken in London

    1. Welsh

    2. Irish

    3. English

  2. What is the official language of Ireland?

    1. Welsh

    2. Irish

    3. English

  3. What are the colors of the Irish flag?

    1. Orange, green, and white

    2. Red, white, and blue

    3. Red and white

  4. Canada has two official languages. What are they?

    1. English and Spanish

    2. English and French

    3. English and Irish

  5. What is the national symbol of Canada?

    1. The bald eagle

    2. The maple leaf

    3. The magnolia tree

  6. What is the capital of Australia?

    1. Sydney

    2. Canberra

    3. Melbourne

  7. What is the largest city in Australia?

    1. Sydney

    2. Canberra

    3. Melbourne

  8. What is one of Australia's most famous and best-loved animals?

    1. The penguin

    2. The eagle

    3. The koala

  9. Australia is a(n)

    1. Peninsula

    2. Island continent

    3. City

  10. What currency is used in New Zealand?

    1. The New Zealand pound

    2. The New Zealand shilling

    3. The New Zealand dollar

Exercise 42.

Что вы знаете об Америке?

  1. Christopher Columbus landed in America in

    1. 1620

    2. 1942

    3. 1492

  2. Washington D.C., is a

    1. State

    2. Country

    3. District

  3. How many states are there in America?

    1. 50

    2. 52

    3. 25

  4. Who arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620?

    1. The Indians

    2. The pilgrims

    3. The French

  5. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

    1. December

    2. February

    3. November

  6. Who built the first car?

    1. Benjamin Franklin

    2. Alexander Graham Bell

    3. Henry Ford

  7. What is the capital of Georgia?

    1. Atlanta

    2. San Francisco

    3. Los Angeles

  8. What is the tallest building in the world?

    1. The Empire State Building

    2. The Sears Tower

    3. The Washington Monument

  9. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960's?

    1. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    2. Frank Lloyd Wright

    3. Emily Dickinson

  10. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from

    1. Italy

    2. England

    3. France

  11. What is the capital of Massachusetts?

    1. St. Louis

    2. Memphis

    3. Boston

  12. A famous American artist is

    1. Norman Rockwell

    2. Jack London

    3. Robert Lee Frost

  13. The first university in America was

    1. Boston University

    2. Harvard

    3. MIT

  14. Who was the first president of the United States?

    1. Thomas Jefferson

    2. Abraham Lincoln

    3. George Washington

  15. A popular American foods is

    1. Barbecue ribs

    2. Pelmeni

    3. Fish and chips

Exercise 43.

Кроссворд Puzzle.










По горизонтали:

  1. An American river

  2. Benjamin Franklin wrote a famous…

  3. Jack London went to … to find gold.

  4. Someone who dresses up like someone else.

  5. Alexander Graham Bell was born in…

По вертикали:

  1. Elvis Presley was called the … of rock 'n' roll.

  2. The Wright brother invented the first…

  3. Frank Lloyd Wright was a great…

  4. Emily Dickinson was a…

  5. Henry Ford introduced the mass production assembly…

Exercise 44.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант из данных слов: rocks, important, capital, the largest, the highest, world-known, interesting, the White House, government, attracts, structures.

Дайте название тексту

Washington, the _______________ of the United States, is situated on the _______________ River in the District of Columbia. Washington is not _______________ city in the United States but in the political sense it is the most important city.

Washington has one major business and that business is government. Many people living in Washington work for the federal _______________. At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue there in _______________ where the President lives and has his office.

The Capitol, with its great Hall of Representatives and the Senate, is _______________ building in Washington. There is a law against building _______________ more than 90 feet high in the capital. With its beautiful building and its tree-lined avenues Washington _______________ a lot of visitors.

The capital has _______________ art galleries, museums and monuments. One of the most _______________ museums in Washington is the National Art and Space Museum. The museum has aircraft and spacecraft that were _______________ in aviation history. There are even _______________ that the astronauts brought to the Earth after their Moon landing.

Артикль и его употребление

Exercise 45.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. We have _______ large _______ family.

  2. My granny often tells us _______ long _______ interesting _______ stories.

  3. My _______ father is _______ engineer. He works at _______ factory. _______ factory is large.

  4. My _______ mother is _______ doctor. She works at _______ large _______ hospital. She is at _______ work now.

  5. My _______ aunt is _______ teacher. She works at _______ school. _______ school is good. My _______ aunt is not at _______ school now. She is at _______ home. She is drinking _______ tea and eating _______ jam. _______ jam is sweet. I am at _______ home, too. I am drinking _______ tea and eating _______ sandwich. _______ sandwich is tasty.

  6. My sister is at _______ school. She is _______ pupil.

  7. My cousin has _______ big _______ black _______ cat. My cousin's _______ cat has two _______ kittens. _______ cat likes _______ milk. _______ kittens like _______ milk, too.

  8. I am _______ engineer.

  9. My _______ son is _______ pupil.

  10. He is _______ good _______ pupil.

  11. This is _______ house.

  12. This is my _______ pencil.

  13. You have some _______ pencils, but I have no _______ pen­cil. Give me _______ pencil, please.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Запомните следующие словосочетания, в которых артикль не употребляется:

At school

At home

At work

After school

After work

From school

From work

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 46.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. I have two _______ sisters. My _______ sisters are _______stu­dents.

  2. We are at _______ home.

  3. My _______ brother is not at _______ home, he is at _______ school.

  4. My _______ mother is at _______ work. She is _______ doctor.

  5. I am not _______ doctor.

  6. 1 have no _______ sister.

  7. He is not _______ pilot.

  8. I have thirty-two _______ teeth.

  9. He has _______ child.

  10. She has two _______ children. Her children are at _______school.

  11. Is your father at _______ home? - No, he is at _______ work.

  12. Where is your _______ brother? - He is at _______ home.

  13. There is _______ picture on _______ wall.

  14. What is _______ date today? It is _______ seventh of _______ December.

  15. _______ third lesson today is _______ lesson of English.

  16. Pete, go to _______ blackboard.

  17. After school 1 usually go _______ home

  18. My father always comes from _______ work late: at eight o'clock or at _______ half past eight. But on _______ Friday he comes _______ home early: at half past four or at _______ quarter to five. On _______ Saturday and on _______ Sun­day he does not go to _______ work.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

To play chess

To play the piano

To play football

To play the guitar

Out of doors

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 47.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. My _______ name is Charlie. I come from _______ pretty big _______ family. I have two _______ brothers and _______ sister. I am _______ oldest and my _______sister is _______ youngest; she plays _______ violin really well and wants to be _______ professional _______ musician. She has other _______ hobbies, too, and she often goes swimming with her _______ friends if _______ weather is nice.

  2. Do you play _______ piano?

  3. There is _______ big black piano in our living room. It is at _______ wall to _______ left of _______ door opposite _______ sideboard. My mother likes to play _______ piano. She often plays _______ pi­ano in _______ evening.

  4. _______ boys like to play _______ foot­ball.

  5. What do you do in _______ evening? - I often play _______ chess with my grandfather.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

To the cinema

At the cinema

To the theatre

At the theatre

To the shop

At the shop

To the market

At the market

To go for a walk

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 48.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. Let's go to _______ shop. I must buy _______ bread and _______ milk.

  2. I was at _______ cinema yesterday. - What _______ film did you see? Oh, I saw _______ very good film. I think it is _______ best film of _______ year.

  3. Do you often go to _______ theatre? - No, I don't. I like to go to _______ theatre, but I am very busy. I work from _______ morn­ing till _______ night. I even have no _______ time to play _______ piano.

  4. Oleg has _______ lot of _______ interesting books at _______ home.

  5. _______ lot of _______ tourists from _______different countries come to _______ St. Petersburg. They won't to see one of _______ most beautiful cities in _______ world.

  6. My new friend said to me: "I am _______ student of _______ first course."

  7. We went to _______ cinema in _______ evening.

  8. What _______ foreign languages does your father speak? - He speaks _______ English. He studied _______ Eng­lish at _______ school.

  9. I am interested in _______ history.

  10. We played _______ tennis at_______ lesson of _______ physical training yesterday. We had _______ good time.

  11. Did you go for _______ walk yesterday? - No, we didn't. _______ weather was bad, and we went to _______ cinema.

  12. What are your friends doing? - Mary is playing _______ piano. Tom and Nick are playing _______ chess.

Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Nominative Pronouns

Objective Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

Absolute Forms





























Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 49.

Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

  1. I often see __________ (he, him) in the bus.

  2. She lives near __________ (we, us).

  3. (We, us) __________ always walk to school together.

  4. He teaches __________ (we, us) English.

  5. He sits near __________ (1, me) during the lesson.

  6. I always speak to __________ (he, him) in English.

  7. What is the matter with __________ (he, him) today?

  8. He explains the lesson to __________ (we, us) each morning.

  9. There are some letters here for you and __________ (I, me).

  10. I know __________ (she, her) and her sister very well.

Exercise 50.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями, соответствующими личным местоимениям, данным в скобках:

  1. __________ (Не) composition is very interesting.

  2. __________ (We) son goes to school.

  3. __________ (You) sister is young.

  4. __________ (They) knowledge of the subject is very poor.

  5. __________ (He) name is John.

  6. __________ (I) family lives in Kiev.

  7. __________ (She) friends often visit her

Exercise 51.

Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:

  1. Would you like to see same of _______ (her, hers) poems?

  2. _______ (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to _______ (our, ours).

  3. You take care of _______ (your, yours) things and I'll take care of _______ (my, mine).

  4. All _______ (our, ours) clothes were dirty, and _______ (my, mine) especially so.

  5. _______ (Their, theirs) boat was faster than _______ (our, ours).

  6. I'm afraid they will take _______ (your, yours) words against _______ (her, hers).

  7. _______ (Their, theirs) home is pretty but _______ (our, ours) is prettier.

Возвратные местоимения

I  myself He  himself

She  herself You  yourself/yourselves

We  ourselves They  themselves

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 52.

Закончите предложения, употребив необходимую форму возвратных местоимений:

  1. I cut __________ with a knife.

  2. Be careful! That plate is very hot. Don't burn __________.

  3. I'm not angry with you. I'm angry, with __________.

  4. They never think about other people. They only think about __________.

  5. I got our of the ball and dries __________with a towel.

  6. I'd like to know more about you. Tell me about __________.

  7. When people are alone, they often talk to __________.

  8. He fell off the ladder but he didn't hurt __________.


1. Образование множественного числа существительных:

a street - streets

a dog - dogs

a road - roads

a play - plays

a lady - ladies

a bench - benches

a box - boxes

a dress - dresses

a tomato - tomatoes

a wife - wives

a shelf - shelves

2. Существительные - исключения:

a man - men

a woman - women

a child - children

a foot - feet

an Englishman - Englishmen

an Frenchman - Frenchmen

a mouse - mice

a goose - geese

an ox - oxen


a German - Germans

a sheep - sheep

a swine - swine

3. Употребляется только в единственном числе:

News, information, knowledge, advice, money, progress, hair, fruit, gymnastics, mathematics

4. Употребляется только во множественном числе:

Glasses, trousers, goods, cattle, shorts, pajamas, clothes, scissors, police, people.

Exercise 53.

Поставьте следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Пример: policeman - policemen

1. Sportswoman - _________________

11. Berry - _______________________

2. Valley - _______________________

12. Child - _______________________

3. Thief - ________________________

13. Radio - _______________________

4. Mouse - _______________________

14. Tooth - _______________________

5. Sheep - ________________________

15. Englishman - __________________

6. Wolf - ________________________

16. Hero - _______________________

7. Deep - ________________________

17. Video - _______________________

8. Shelf - ________________________

18. Wife - _______________________

9. Potato - _______________________

19. Goose - ______________________

10. Brush - _______________________

20. Photo - _______________________

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ


This is - these are

That is - those are

There is - there are

It is - they are

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 54.

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе:

  1. This is a spider.


  1. That is a snake.


  1. This is a thriller.


  1. That is a cartoon.


  1. This is a child.


  1. That is a Sheep.


  1. Is this a man?


  1. It isn't a bush.


  1. It isn't a mouse.


  1. Is the window closed?


  1. That is not a queen.


  1. Is that a train?


  1. Is this a sofa?


  1. This isn't a mountain.


Exercise 55.

Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Ее советы очень полезны


  1. Математика - мой любимый предмет.


  1. Ее одежда очень красива.


  1. Какие новости?


  1. Где деньги? - Они на столе.


  1. Этот товар недоброкачественный.


Exercise 56.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите внимание на употребление слов news, advice, progress, information.

  1. Могу я дать тебе совет? Конечно, твои советы всегда полезные.


  1. Я услышал захватывающую новость.


  1. Его успехи в спорте - очень хороши.


  1. Это важные сведения, не правда ли?


  1. Вы сделали большие успехи в своей работе.


  1. Я не собираюсь следовать вашим советам.


Exercise 57.

Выберите правильно слово в каждом предложении:

  1. ____________________ (million\millions) of people travel abroad and enjoy it.

  2. I have there ____________________ (hundred\hundreds) books at home.

  3. I know at least two ____________________ (dozen\dozens) places where we could go on holiday.

  4. One can see ____________________ (thousand\thousands) of stars in the night sky.

  5. Nick brought ____________________ (hundred\hundreds) of photos from the summer camp.

  6. We have learned several ____________________ (hundred\hundreds) English words.

  7. This car can do ten ____________________ (dozen\dozens) miles an hour.

  8. The population of Great Britain is over fifty ____________________ (million\millions) people.

  9. Moscow zoo has ____________________ (hundred\hundreds) of species of different birds.

  10. There are only four ____________________ (hundred\hundreds) pupils in this college.

Местоимения much, many, (a) little, (a) few,

a lot of

С исчисляемыми существительными мн. числа:

A lot of

С исчисляемыми существительными ед. числа:


A few



A little



Many much (?-); a lot of (+)

A lot of people, a lot of coffee

Do you drink much coffee? Do you know many people?

She hasn't got much money. He hasn't got many friends.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 58.

Вставьте местоимения a lot of, much, many:

  1. Do you drink _______________ tea?

  2. I like reading. I've got _______________ of books.

  3. There isn't _______________ milk in the fridge.

  4. In costs _______________ money to travel rounds the world.

  5. Please be quick! I haven't got _______________ time.

  6. How _______________ foreign languages can you speak?

  7. They didn't ask me _______________ questions.

  8. There was _______________ food at the party but I didn't eat.

  9. We saw _______________ interesting things in the museum.

  10. "Did you enjoy the party?" "No not _______________."

  11. George knows _______________ about economics.

  12. Most of the town is modern. - There aren't _______________ old buildings.

Exercise 59.

Вставьте few, a few, little, a little:

  1. There was _______________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

  2. "When did you see Sarah?" _______________ days ago.

  3. He's very lazy. He does _______________ work.

  4. Last night I went to a restaurant with _______________ friends.

  5. I can't decide now - I need _______________ time to think about it.

  6. He's not well-known, _______________ people have heard of him.

Exercise 60.

Закончите предложения, употребляя количественные местоимения и одно из этих слов: coffee, hotels, rain, tables, time, mistakes:

  1. Her English is very good. She makes very _______________.

  2. I drink _______________ I don't like it.

  3. In summer the weather is very dry. There is _______________.

  4. It's difficult to find a place to stay in this town. There are _______________.

  5. We must hurry. We've got _______________.

  6. It's a small restaurant. There are _______________.

Притяжательный падеж существительных Possessive case

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работThe girl's book  the girls' books.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ The man's report  the men's reports.

НРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работеодушевленные существительные в притяжательном падеже:

ВРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работремя и расстояния:

Second, minute, hour, day, week, night, mouth, year, fortnight

НРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работазвания стран, городов, организаций:

Country, city, state, government, company

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работСлова:

World, earth, sun, moon, water, ship, nature, ocean


  1. A month's holiday - месячный отпуск.

  2. Moscow's theatres - московские театры

  3. The government's decision - решение правительства

  4. Two day's work - двух дневная работа

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 61.

Преобразуйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

  1. The ball of the dog. _____________________________________________

  2. The songs of the children. ________________________________________

  3. The poems of Pushkin. __________________________________________

  4. The room of my friend. __________________________________________

  5. The bags of those women. ________________________________________

  6. The arrival of the ship. __________________________________________

  7. The policy of the company. _______________________________________

  8. Gold reserves of Russia. _________________________________________

  9. A cruise which lasts three weeks. __________________________________

  10. The rest which lasted an hour. _____________________________________

Степени сравнения прилагательных:

1. Односложные и двусложные прилагательные:

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень









The smallest

The largest

The biggest

The happiest

2. Многосложные прилагательные:

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень



More interesting

More beautiful

The most interesting

The most beautiful

3. Запомните особые случай образования степеней сравнения.

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень










The eldest

The oldest

The farthest

The best

The worst

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 62.

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных. Не забудьте употреблять определенный артикль перед превосходной степенью прилагательных:

Hot _____________________________

Long ___________________________

Clever __________________________

Silly ___________________________

Red ____________________________

Black ___________________________

Thin ____________________________

Thick ___________________________

Nice ____________________________

Warm __________________________

Merry ___________________________

Small ___________________________

High ____________________________

Weak ___________________________

Heavy __________________________

Light ___________________________

Dry _____________________________

Clean ___________________________

Wide ___________________________

Deep ___________________________

Important ________________________


Expensive _______________________


Wonderful _______________________


Difficult ________________________


Bad _____________________________

Short ___________________________

Great ____________________________

White __________________________

Fat _____________________________

Cold ___________________________

Tall _____________________________

Strong __________________________

Green ___________________________

Dirty ___________________________

Brave ___________________________

Popular _________________________

Good ____________________________

Exercise 63.

Употребите прилагательные в необходимой степени:

  1. The Vatican is _______________ (small) country in the world.

  2. _______________ (easy) way to travel around London is by bus or underground train.

  3. Jane has got _______________ (long) hair than her sister.

  4. The _______________ (high) mountains are in Scotland and Wales: Ben Nevis and Snow don.

  5. My _______________ (old) Brother is twenty-two.

  6. This book is _______________ (interesting) than the red one.

  7. Tom is _______________ (good) brined I have.

  8. Kate is _______________ (old) than Bill and _______________ (young) than Peter.

  9. Peter is _______________ (old) Child in the family.

  10. Peter is _______________ (tall) than his father. He is _______________ (tall) in the family.


Topic "Holidays"

Lessons 26-33

Exercise 64.

Найдите слова, которые не относятся к теме "Holidays": national, to honor, to invite, popular, to prepare, public, customs, observe, to commemorate, parade, dinner, vocation, tradition, to be proud, anniversary, bonfire, origin, economic, famous, mistake, explain, obey, south, opposite.

Your answer: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 65.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант слова: adopted, custom, France, humor, example, laugh, April Fool's Day, joke, writer, people, popular, television.

Дайте название тексту.

Many people think ________________ is the funniest day of the year.

This holiday originated in ________________. When the French first ________________ the Gregorian calendar in 1582, some people continued to use the old calendar and celebrated the New Year's Day on April 1. These ________________ were called April Fools. The ________________ of playing tricks on this day became ________________ in France and then spread to many other countries. Whatever the trick, if you fall for the joke the prankster cries: 'April Fool!'.

Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and are not meant to ________________ anyone.

Fixing a string to a wallet and leaving a wallet in the middle of the street. When someone tries to pick it up, the prankster pulls it out of the reach.

On this day of national good ________________, ________________ and newspapers join in the fun. British ________________ once told the story of a building that had been built upside-down by mistake. They showed ________________ of modern architecture which actually looked better when it was turned the other way. Many people must have been fooled, and perhaps, the architect himself was puzzled.

In all countries, in all times the best ________________ has always been the one which makes everyone ________________ especially the person on whom the joke is played.

The famous American ________________ Mark Twain said:

'The first of April is the day when we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.'

Text "Witches and Black Cats"

Прочитайте текст:

Witches were greatly feared by nearly everyone less than 300 years ago, and by some people in our own century. At Halloween, people believed they were at their wicked worst, and first blazed across the countryside to frighten them and other evil spirits away.

Superstitions about witches were indeed strange. It was believed that witches held big meetings which were very important. One came on April 30, the eve before May Day. It was called Roodmas in England and Walpurgis Night in Germany. The other fell on October 31. Halloween became the Witches' Night.

What a gay time the witches had! They flew to the meeting on broomsticks. The party was led by the Devil.

Witches had special powers on this night. Heh! Heh! Heh! They laughed as they thought up all sorts of mischief. Bad luck! Storms! Ruined crops! They linked arms, kicking their hells and laughing. In the early morning, they rode their broom sticks home.

There were other superstitions. Witches used their magic to see into the future. They could change themselves into other forms. They could even casts spells over people and change them. They might change a beautiful girl into a snake. Witches were often in company with such things as owls, bats, lizard and frogs.

The witches cooked their magic brews in big black ports. These were called cauldrons. One of William Shakespeare's famous plays tells of three witches mixing a magic brews:

"In the cauldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt, and toe of frog,

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble:

Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

If you want to meet a witch this old superstition tells you what you must do. Put your clothes on wrong side out. Walk backwards to a crossroads on Halloween night. At midnight you will see a witch.

Black cats were the partners of witches. Many people were afraid of cats. Some thought cats were the spirits of the dead. Others believed that witches changed themselves into cats. If people meet a cat, they asked: "Is this really a cat? Or is this a witch changed into a cat?"

The Irish had many superstitions about witches and cats. If they began a trip and met a black cat, they turned back. A witch was in their path. The trip would turn out badly. Even today, many people do not want a black cat to cross their path.

Найдите английские эквиваленты данных слов:























































Переведите «волшебное заклинание» письменно:










Ответьте на следующие вопросы: в письменном виде.

  1. When do Americans celebrate Halloween?


  1. What does Halloween mean?


  1. Is Halloween older than Christianity?


  1. What did people make to keep the ghosts away?


  1. Why do people keep the day?


  1. What are the symbols at Halloween?


  1. How do American children want to look like?


  1. What do they say when they go from house to house?


The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

V+ ed, V2

? Did + V

(Didn't + V)

Yesterday, last year, last week, last Sunday, a year ago,

the other day, in 1996


They collected a lot of stamps last year.

I didn't watch TV the day before yesterday.

Did she understand the play? - No, she didn't.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 66.

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в форме Past Indefinite:

  1. We _______________ (to work) in our garden all day yesterday.

  2. I _______________ (to listen) to the radio until twelve o'clock last night.

  3. He always _______________ (to want) to learn English.

  4. Ann and I _______________ (to talk) over the telephone yesterday.

  5. They _______________ (to live) in France for many years.

  6. The meeting _______________ (to last) about two hours.

7. They (to get off) the train at a small station near a wood.

Exercise 67.

Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме, и образуйте общий, Who и Why - вопрос к каждому предложению:

  1. They stayed in Moscow all summer.




  1. She planned her work well.




  1. The crowd waited a long time to see the famous actor.




  1. He worked in that Institute for many years.




Exercise 68.

Используйте глагол в скобках в Past Simple:

Yesterday Peter _______________ (have) breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast he _______________ (walk) to school. In the morning he _______________ (have) there classes: French, gymnastics and history.

At lunch time, Peter _______________ (talk) to some of his friends, and in the afternoon he _______________ (attend) the geometry and art classes. Then he _______________ (walk) home, _______________ (cleaned) his room, and _______________ (listen) some music before dinner.

After dinner he _______________ (watch) TV for about two hours. Then he _______________ (study) for a little while and at about ten thirty, he _______________ (undress) and _______________ (go) to bed. It _______________ (be) a busy day.

The Past Progressive Tense

was/were + V + ing

At … o'clock yesterday, when mother came home, from 7 yesterday, the whole morning


We were playing chess the whole evening.

What were you doing yesterday at 9 o'clock?

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 69.

Употребите was или were в данных предложениях:

  1. The Titanic __________ going very fast.

  2. We __________ sleeping in our room.

  3. Another ship __________ passing a party.

  4. We __________ not having a party.

  5. They __________ not firing the rockets in fun.

  6. The captain __________ sleeping in his cabin.

  7. What __________ you doing at the moment?

  8. My mother __________ wearing a nightgown and my father pajamas.

  9. __________ the people crying? - No, they __________ laughing and joking.

  10. What kind of music __________ the band playing?

Exercise 70.

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Past Simple или в Past Progressive:

  1. _______________ she (go) home when you _______________ (meet) her yesterday?

  2. We _______________ (have dinner) when he _______________ (arrive).

  3. When _______________ (see) him last?

  4. What _______________ you (do) yesterday at 8 o'clock?

  5. He _______________ (work) for this company for two years.

  6. She _______________ (eat) a lot of meat when she was younger.

  7. I _______________ (sleep) when you _______________ (phone).

  8. How fast _______________ you (drive) when the accident _______________ (happen)?

Exercise 71.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или в Past Progressive:

  1. When I _____ __________ (to come) home, my little sister _______________ (to sleep).

  2. When Nick _______________ (to come) home, his brother _______________ (to play) with his toys.

  3. When mother _______________ (to come) home, I _______________ (to do) my homework.

  4. When father _______________ (to come) home, Pete _______________ (to sleep).

  5. When mother _______________ (to come) home, the children _______________ (to play) on the carpet.

  6. 6. When I _______________ (to get) up, my mother and father _______________ (to drink) tea.

  7. 7. When I _______________ (to come) to my friend's place, he _______________ (to watch) TV.

  8. When I _______________ (to see) my friends, they _______________ (to play) football.

  9. When I _______________ (to open) the door, the cat _______________ (to sit) on the table.

  10. When Kate _______________ (to open) the door, the children _______________ (to dance) round the fir tree.

  11. When Tom _______________ (to cross) the street, he _______________ (to fall).

The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Will/shall (I, we) + V

(Won't/shan't + V)

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 72.

Употребите глаголы в скобках в Future Indefinite:

  1. I _______________ (be) in St. Petersburg tomorrow morning.

  2. I _______________ (know) the result in a day.

  3. When _______________ he (come) back?

  4. Tomorrow I _______________ (apologize) to him.

  5. I _______________ (not see) him again for a long time.

  6. I am sure I _______________ (recognize) him.

  7. It _______________ (snow) and a strong wind _______________ (blow).

  8. When _______________ you _______________ (know) the results?

  9. Why _______________ she _______________ (go) there by bus?

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ


The Future Simple (Indefinite) не употребляется после союзов till, until, before, after, as soon as, as long as, unless, on condition that, in case, provided, а также в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союза if и when.


When he comes I shall call you.

If he comes I shall call you.

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 73.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильную форму глагола:

  1. Before you _______________ (cross) the park, you (come) to a supermarket.

  2. If you _______________ (translate) this article into Russian, I (use) it in my report.

  3. If she _______________ (be) in Moscow now, she (meet) you at the railway station.

  4. If it _______________ (rain), we (go) to the country.

  5. The child (not be) healthy if you _______________ (not give) him much fruit.

  6. If you _______________ (not hurry), you (miss) the train.

  7. When he _______________ (return) to St. Petersburg, he _______________ (call) on us.

  8. We _______________ (gather) at our place when my brother _______________ (come) back from Africa.

  9. After I _______________ (finish) school, I _______________ (enter) the university.

  10. As soon as I _______________ (return) from school, I _______________ (ring) you up.

  11. I _______________ (stay) at home till she _______________ (come).

  12. What you _______________ (do) when you _______________ (come) home?

  13. If it _______________ (be) very cold tonight, our car _______________ (not start) in the morning.

  14. When they _______________ (cross) the road, they _______________ (see) the hotel.

The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Will/shall + be + V+ing

Won't + be + V+ing

Shan't + be + V+ing

Exercise 74.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite и в the Future Continuous.

  1. When I _______________ (get) home, my dog _______________ (sit) at the door waiting for me.

  2. It _______________ (be) the middle of June. They _______________ (come) soon.

  3. If you _______________ (want) to see us, come to Tom's on Sunday. We _______________ (wait) for you there at midday.

  4. At this time next week they _______________ (sit) in the train on their way to Moscow.

  5. They _______________ (have) English from nine to ten in this room

  6. I _______________ (wait) for you when you _______________ (come). Don't let anyone disturb them then.

  7. "I _______________ (call) for her at eight." - "No, don't; she still _______________ (have) breakfast then."

  8. It's beginning to get dark; the street lights _______________ (go) on in a few minutes.

Exercise 75.

Раскройте скобки. Используйте the Future Indefinite если действие постоянно, повторяется или это разовое действие. Используйте Future Continuous чтобы показать что действие временное, имеет место в данный момент в будущем.

  1. You _______________ (know) her. She _______________ (stand) at the news stand. She _______________ (wear) a scarlet rain coat.

  2. I _______________ (tell) her everything and I _______________ (show) her the papers. I promise you she _______________ (not/smile) this time.

  3. There _______________ (not/be) anyone in when we _______________ (come). The secretary _______________ (have) lunch.

  4. It _______________ (rain) when we _______________ (get) there.

  5. Go straight up the street. The car _______________ (wait) for you at the entrance to the department store.

  6. We are much too early. There _______________ (be) no one there.

  7. Of course, I _______________ (be) still here when you _______________ (return). I _______________ (mark) the papers.

  8. Come and speak to me about it in your lunch hour. I _______________ (type) your stuff.

  9. I don't think she _______________ (be) there at that time. She _______________ (sketch) somewhere along the coast.

  10. No one _______________ (see) us come. They _______________ (have) tea on the terrace.

  11. At this time she _______________ (do) her shopping.

  12. When you _______________ (come) to Athens I _______________ (cross) the border.


Topic "Famous People"

Lessons 34-39

Прочтите текст:

Text "Alfred Nobel - a Man of Contrasts"

Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist was a man of many contrasts. He was a scientist with a love of literature, and industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and although cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. During his useful life he often felt he was useless. "Alfred Nobel," he once wrote of himself, "ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life." World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. "I do not see," he once said, "that I have deserved any fame and I have no taste for it." But since his death, his name has brought fame and glory to others.

He was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parent in 1842, where his father made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Most of the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred rejoined them in 1863, beginning his own study of explosives in his father's laboratory. He had never been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward-looking industrialist.

But Nobel's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth he had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because he could not find ordinary human love he never married - he came to care deeply about the whole of mankind. He was always generous to the poor. "I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials," he once said. His greatest wish, however, was to see an end to wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.

(From "Reading for Adults", by R. Lewis, MC Vincent, S Weir)


  1. How Alfred Nobel distinguished himself throughout his lifetime









  1. What the Nobel Prizes are given for







Прочтите текст:

Text "Leonardo da Vinci"


Leonardo was the greatest artist in the world. He was also an astronomer, an architect, and an engineer who made hundreds of inventions. He loved to make wonderful machines. His imagination made him impatient, and it was hard for him to finish anything.

Leonardo would buy lovely birds at the bird market. Taking them to his tower, he set them free. Leonardo studied their flight carefully. I, too, will fly, he thought.

So he made a machine with wings and ropes and pedals, and Marco, his youngest pupil, tested it. The machine trembled and shook like a bowl of pudding, but it did not fly. Leonardo made many such machines.

Next, Leonardo made the giant figure of a man on horseback. It was to be the largest statue in the world ,but it was never cast in bronze. Some said the metal was sent off to make a cannon. Some said that Leonardo did not know how to finish the statue.

Leonardo made drawings of the bones, muscles, and organs of human beings and animals. He also explored the life of plants, flowers, and trees. His 5000 pages of notebooks are a jumble of notes and drawings. He drew stars, flowers, geometrical forms, and a horse's head side by side.

Leonardo studied the heavens and made notes on the wonders of the landscape of the skies.

In 1492 most people believed that the earth was the center of the Universe, steadfast and immovable, with the sun and stars revolving around it.

Leonardo's studies told him something else. In his notebooks he wrote left-handed and backwards. Why? Perhaps it was to keep people from reading what they could not understand. In one notebook is the sentence:


At last Leonardo began to paint. He made a design so extraordinary that all Florence came to marvel. Alas! The wall was as porous as a sponge! As the paint sank in, the wonderful picture disappeared before their eyes. So he painted the Mona Lisa instead.

Найдите русские эквиваленты:

1. Astronomer

1) Бронза

2. Backwards

2) Исследовать, изучать

3. Bone

3) Орган

4. Bronze

4) Куча, кипа

5. Cannon

5) Огромный

6. Carefully

6) Освобождать

7. Cast

7) Астроном

8. Explore

8) Кость

9. Figure

9) Воображение, фантазия

10. Flight

10) Чудо

11. Geometrical

11) Пушка, орудие

12. Giant

12) Трястись

13. Horseback

13) Устойчивый

14. Human being

14) В обратном направлении

15. Imagination

15) Мышца, мускул

16. Immovable

16) Неподвижный

17. Impatient

17) Человек

18. Invention

18) Крыло

19. Jumble

19) Педаль

20. Landscape

20) Заботливо, внимательно

21. Machine

21) Верхом на лошади

22. Muscle

22) Вращаться

23. Organ

23) Вселенная, мир

24. Pedal

24) Изобретение

25. Revolve

25) Отливать

26. Rope

26) Геометрический

27. Set free

27) Качаться

28. Shake

28) Полёт

29. Steadfast

29) Пейзаж, ландшафт

30. Tremble

30) Верёвка, трос

31. Universe

31) Фигура

32. Wing

32) Машина, механизм

33. Wonder

33) Нетерпеливый


































The Present Perfect Tense

To have + Participle II (V + ed, V3)

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

have has (she, he, it)

ever, never, just, already, yet, recently;

this morning, this evening, today, this week, this month;

for, since;

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 76.

Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect:

  1. I don't know this man. I never _______________ (meet) him before.

  2. "Where is Nick?" - "He just _______________ (go) out."

  3. "Don't you know what the story is about?" - "No, I _______________ (not/read) it."

  4. Don't worry about the letter. I already _______________ (post) it.

  5. "Is he a good boy?" - "Oh, yes, he _______________ (help) me a lot."

  6. I know London perfectly well. I _______________ (be) there several times.

  7. I can't find my bag. I think, somebody _______________ (take) it by mistake.

  8. "Do you speak Greek?" - "No, I never _______________ (study) it."

  9. "Do you know where he lives?" - "No, he recently _______________ (move) to a new flat. I _______________ (not/be) there yet."

Exercise 77.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Perfect:

  1. What's the matter? Why he _______________ (to stop)?

  2. My cousin _______________ (to look) for a job, but he _______________ (not to find) a job yet.

  3. It _______________ (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here.

  4. What you _______________ (to study) now?

  5. They______just ____________________ (to give) you a pay rise?

  6. Sophie is busy. She __________ (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.

  7. You only _______________ (to have) a piece of cake? You _______________ (not to eat) much.

  8. People _______________ (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now.

9. you _______________ (to go) to plant tomatoes this year?

10. Johnny, who finally _______________ (to find) a new job, _______________ (to give) a big party.

11. How long you _______________ (to be) sick?

12. you _______________ (to see) any good movies recently?

Exercise 78.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple:

  1. Helen speaks French so well because she _______________ (to live) in France.

  2. She _______________ (to live) there last year.

  3. The rain _______________ (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.

  4. The rain _______________ (to stop) half an hour ago.

  5. Mary _______________ (to buy) a new hat.

  6. I _______________ (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday.

  7. The wind _______________ (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it.

  8. The weather _______________ (to change), and we can go for a walk.

  9. The wind _______________ (to change) in the morning.

  10. We _______________ (to travel) around Europe last year.

  11. My father knows so much because he _______________ (to travel) a lot.

  12. I _______________ (to see) Pete today.

  13. She _______________ (to see) this film last Sunday.

  14. Alex _______________ (to meet) his friend two hours ago.

  15. I just _______________ (to meet) our teacher.

The Past Perfect Tense

Had + Participle II (V + ed, V3)

(I'd / I Hadn't)

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работwhen I call him

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работHe had finished his work

by 5 o'clock yesterday

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 79.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Past Perfect:


Why didn't you listen to that play? (hear)

I didn't listen to that play, because I had heard it before.

  1. Why didn't Kate want to go to the cinema? (see the film)


  1. Why did you come home so soon? (spend all money)


  1. What did you learn about Bob? (marry)


  1. What did you learn about the expedition? (return)


  1. Why couldn't you get into your flat at once? (lose the key)


  1. What did she learn about Helen from the letter? (be ice for a month)


Exercise 80.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect:

  1. Tom _______________ (to return) from the cinema at five o'clock.

  2. Tom _______________ (to return) from the cinema by five o'clock.

  3. I _______________ (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock.

  4. I _____ _____ _____ (to finish) my homework by seven o'clock.

  5. He _______________ (to think) that he (to lose) the money.

  6. Ann (to tell) me that she _______________ (to see) an interesting film.

  7. When I _______________ (to come) home, mother already _______________ (to cook) dinner.

  8. When father _______________ (to return) from work, we already _______________ (to do) our homework.

  9. When the teacher _______________ (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already _______________ (to open) their books.

  10. Kate _______________ (to give) me the book which she _______________ (to buy) the day before.

  11. Nick _______________ (to show) the teacher the picture which he _______________ (to draw).

  12. The boy _______________ (to give) the goats the grass which he _______________ (to bring) from the field.

Exercise 81.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous u Past Perfect:

  1. By eight o'clock yesterday I _______________ (to do) my home­work and at eight I _______________ (to play) the piano.

  2. By six o'clock father _______________ (to come) home and at six he _______________ (to have) dinner.

  3. By nine o'clock yesterday grandmother _______________ (to wash) the dishes and at nine she _______________ (to watch) TV.

  4. When I _______________ (to meet) Tom, he _______________ (to eat) an ice cream which he _______________ (to buy) at the corner of the street.

  5. When father _______________ (to come) home, we _______________ (to cook) the mushrooms which we _______________ (to gather) in the wood.

  6. When I _______________ (to see) Ann, she _______________ (to sort) the flowers which she _______________ (to pick) in the field.

  7. When I _______________ (to come) home yesterday, I _______________ (to see) that my little brother _______________ (to break) my pen and _______________ (to play) with its pieces.

  8. When I _______________ (to open) the door of the classroom, I _______________ (to see) that the teacher already _______________ (to come) and the pupils (to write) a dictation.

  9. When I _______________ (to come) home, my sister _______________ (to read) a book which she _______________ (to bring) from the library.

The Future Perfect Tense

Shall / will + have + Participle II

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ when I call him

HРабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работe will have finished his work

by 5 o'clock tomorrow

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Exercise 82.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Future Perfect:

  1. We _______________ (finish) all the house work by 6 o'clock this afternoon.

  2. I _______________ (read) this book by tomorrow evening.

  3. Thousands of people _______________ (see) this exhibition by the end of the month.

  4. They _______________ (build) this house long before the end of October.

  5. They _______________ (do) half of the journey when they reach the Volga.

  6. I _______________ (write) my composition by the time you come back.

  7. I am sure they _______________ (complete) the new road by June.

  8. He says that before he leaves he _______________ (see) every show in town.

  9. By the time you arrive, 1 _______________ (finish) reading your book.

  10. I _______________ (be) in this country two years on next January.

  11. A year from now he _______________ (take) his medical examinations and _______________ (begin) to practice.

  12. If you don't make a note of that appointment, you _______________ (forget) it by next week.

Exercise 83.

Образуйте отрицательную форму, задайте общий, Who и Why вопрос к следующим предложениям:

  1. Ann will have done every thing by 5 o'clock.


  1. They will have graduated the university by next June.


  1. He will have returned home when you call him.


  1. The Claptons will have moved to a new flat by January,


Exercise 84.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Simple, Future Continu­ous или Future Perfect:

  1. I _______________ (to do) my homework tomorrow.

  2. I _______________ (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.

  3. I _______________ (to do) my homework by six o'clock tomorrow.

  4. Tomorrow I _______________ (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. I _______________ (to do) my homework from three till six. My father _______________ (to come) home at seven o'clock tomorrow. I _______________ (to do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we _______________ (to go) for a walk together.

  5. When I come home tomorrow, my family _____ _____ _____ (to have) supper.

  6. When you come to my place tomorrow, I _______________ (to read) your book. I _______________ (to do) my homework by the time you come.

  7. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I _______________ (to write) a composition the whole evening.

  8. I _______________ (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I _______________ (to watch) TV the whole evening.

  9. What you _______________ (to do) tomorrow?

  10. What you _______________ (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow?

  11. You _______________ (to play) volleyball tomorrow?

  12. You _______________ (to do) this work by next Sunday?

  13. When you _______________ (to go) to see your friend next time?

  14. How many pages you _______________ (to read) by five o'clock tomorrow?


Артикль и его употребление

Определенный артикль (The definite article)




с существительными, единственными в своем роде

the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, the air, the world

с названиями морей, океанов, рек, пустынь, гор

The Pacific Ocean

с порядковыми числительными

Our classroom is on the first floor

с прилагательными в превосходной степени

This is the biggest building in our town

с названиями достопримечательностей

The Kremlin

с некоторыми географическими названиями, названиями музеев, газет и журналов, кораблей и гостиниц

The United States of America, The Crimea, the Caucasus, the British Museum, the 'Life'

с названиями сторон света

The North, the South, the East, the West

с фамилиями во множественном числе для обозначения семьи в целом

The Petrovs

с названиями предметов, о которых уже говорилось (это могут быть сущ. в ед. и мн. числе, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые)

The coat was large, the trousers too long

Неопределенный артикль (The indefinite article)




с существительным, обозначающим профессию.

My sister is a doctor

Моя сестра - врач

с существительным после оборота there is, а также после этого оборота в прошедшем времени there was и в будущем времени there will be

There is a big pool in our garden

В нашем саду есть большой пруд

в восклицаниях

What a nice evening!

Какой чудесный вечер

после слова such

It was such a wonderful day!

Это был такой замечательный день!

с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе (в этом случае имеется в виду один или какой-либо (любой) предмет из общего количества предметов)

Take a pencil, please

Возьми, пожалуйста, карандаш

Отсутствие артикля перед именами существительными



перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе при отнесении предметов, обозначаемых этими существительными, к какому-либо классу или категории, так как неопределенный артикль в этом случае невозможен

These are very good flowers

Вот это очень хорошие цветы

перед неисчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими вещество, материалы, отвлеченные понятия, когда эти существительные выражают данные понятия в наиболее общем виде

Life begins early in Moscow

Жизнь в Москве начинает бурлить рано

перед существительными breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, supper, имеющими значение времени или процесса приема пищи

We have lunch at 11 a. m.

перед существительными bed, school, town, table, sea, которые обычно употребляются с предлогами и потеряли значение предметности

to go to bed

идти спать

перед многими другими существительными в предложных оборотах

by train at night

запомните некоторые выражения глагольного типа, в которых существительные употребляются без артикля

to take place иметь место, происходить to keep house

вести хозяйство

перед именами собственными

Moscow, France; Smith, Petrov

перед названиями дней недели, месяцев

Monday, Tuesday, January, February

перед существительными, обозначающими членов семьи, родных и близких (Father, Mother, Aunt, etc.), если они употребляются членами той же семьи или при обращении к членам этой семьи. Обычно в таких случаях эти существительные пишутся с прописной буквы

Father! Can you help me?

Виды и особенности употребления местоимений

Personal Pronouns

(Личные местоимения)

имеют два падежа: именительный и объектный и указывают на лицо или предмет

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them

Possessive Pronouns

(Притяжательные местоимения)

указывают на принадлежность лицу или предмету. Имеют две формы: основную(1) и абсолютную (2)


2.mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs,

Indefinite Pronouns

(Неопределенные местоимения)

указывают на различ­ную степень неопреде­ленности предмета или его признака. Бывают простыми и сложными

some, any, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something, anything, little, few, a lot of, all, every, both, either, neither

Reflexive Pronouns

(Возвратные местоимения)

употребляются, когда подлежащее и допол­нение являются одним и тем же лицом или предметом. Имеют ед. и мн. число

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself

Demonstrative Pronouns

(Указательные местоимения)

служат для выделения какого-либо определен­ного предмета или его признака среди других

this - these

that - those

such, the same

Interrogative Pronouns

(Вопросительные местоимения)

используются для постановки вопросов

who, whom, whose, what, which, how much, how many

Reciprocal Pronouns

(Взаимные местоимения)

местоимение 'each other'

употребляется, когда речь идет о двух лицах

each other

(друг друга)

one another

(один другого)

Negative Pronouns

(Отрицательные местоимения)

Употребляются с одушевленными и неодушевленными предметами

nobody, nothing

Personal pronouns

(Личные местоимения)

Именительный падеж:

Объектный падеж:

































Possessive pronouns

(Притяжательные местоимения)

единственное число

множественное число

my - mine

your - yours

his - his

her - hers

its - its

our - ours

your - yours

their - theirs

Неопределенные местоимения



all, both, few, one, either, any, every, many, some, neither, each, little, much, several

anybody, anything, everybody, everything, somebody, something, anyone, everyone, someone


местоимения much (много), little (мало) и a little (немного) употребляются только с неисчисляемыми существительными

местоимения many (много), few (мало), и a few (несколько) употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными

Indefinite pronouns

(Неопределенные местоимения)


Случаи употребления


Much (много)

Little (мало)

A little(немного)

с неисчисляемыми существительными

I have little time for dancing today

У меня сегодня мало времени для танцев

Many (много)

Few (мало)

A few (несколько)

с исчисляемыми существительными

She told me many interesting facts about this writer

Она рассказала мне много интересных фактов об этом писателе


в утвердительных предложениях в значении «несколько, некоторое количество»

I have got some new pictures

У меня есть несколько новых картин

в вопросах, выражающих просьбу

Can I have some more tea?

Можно мне еще чая?


в вопросительных предложениях, где оно усиливает вопрос

Have you got any new dresses?

Есть ли у тебя какие-нибудь новые платья?

в утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой, какой угодно»

Take any cake you like

Возьми любое пирожное, какое хочешь



в повествовательных предложениях в значении «кто-нибудь, кто-то»

Somebody, open the door!

Кто-нибудь, откройте дверь!



в вопросительных предложениях в значении «кто-нибудь, кто-то»

Is anybody absent today?

Кто-нибудь отсутствует сегодня?

в сочетании с отрицанием not в отрицательных предложениях

Не didn't see anybody in the room

Он никого не увидел в комнате

в утвердительных предложениях в значении «кто угодно»

Anybody can do that

Любой может сделать это


в вопросительных предложениях в значении «что-то», «что-нибудь»

Can I do anything for you?

Могу ли я сделать что-нибудь для вас?

в сочетании с отрицанием not в отрицательных предложениях

Не could not find anything in the basket

Он не мог ничего найти в корзине

в утвердительных предложениях в значении «что угодно»

You can do anything you like

Ты можешь делать все, что угодно


(Каждый в отдельности)

с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе

I asked each pupil to come

(при этом имеется в виду, что был приглашен каждый человек в отдельности)


(всякий, любой)

I asked every pupil to come

(при этом имеется в виду, что были приглашены все)

Everybody, Everyone

указывают на лица

Kate knows everybody in our house

Катя знает всех в нашем доме


указывает на предметы и отвлеченные понятия

Everything must be ready by 5 o'clock

Все должно быть готово к пяти часам

Рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ

Неправильные глаголы

(2-ая и 3-я форма этих глаголов образуется по-разному)

1-ая форма

2-ая форма

3-я форма

Глагол заканчивается на букву е

to live

буква е при добавлении окончания ed выпадает



Глагол заканчивается на букву y с предшествующей согласной to study

буква y меняется на i и прибавляется ed



Глагол заканчивается на букву y с предшествующей гласной to stay

буква y сохраняется и прибавляется ed



Глагол заканчивается на согласную букву с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком to stop

глагол перед добавлением ed удваивает свою согласную букву в окончании



I форма

II форма

III форма







was, were






сделаться, стать




























гореть, жечь





































мечтать; видеть во сне








вести, гнать




есть, кушать
















бороться, сражаться
















получать; стано­виться, делаться








идти, ходить




расти, становиться



























































read [red]

read [red]





ездить верхом
































сиять, блестеть
























нюхать, пахнуть
























































носить, изнашивать








крутить, заводить (часы)






First [fə:st]


Second [`sekənd]


Third [θə:d]


Fourth [fo: θ]


Fifth [fıfθ]


Sixth [sıksθ]


Seventh [sevnθ]


Eighth [eıtθ]


Ninth [naınθ]


Tenth [tenθ]


Eleventh [ı`levnθ]


Twelfth [twelfθ]


Thirteenth [θə:`ti:nθ]


Fourteenth [fo:`ti:nθ]


Fifteenth [fıf`ti:nθ]


Sixteenth [sıks`ti:nθ]


Seventeenth [sevn`ti:nθ]


Eighteenth [ei`ti:nθ]


Nineteenth [naınti:nθ]


Twentieth [`twentıθ]


Twenty-first [`twenty`fə:st]


Thirtieth [`θə:tiiθ]


Fortieth [`fo:tiiθ]


Fiftieth [`fiftii θ]


Sixtieth [`sikstiiθ]


Seventieth [`sevntiiθ]


Eightieth [`eitiiθ]


Ninetieth [`naintiiθ]



[`h Λndrıdθ]


Hundred and first

[`h Λndrıd ənd fə:st ]


Hundred and twenty-first

[`hΛndrıd ənd twenty` fə:st]


Thousandth [`θauzəndθ]Количественные числительные Порядковые числительные


One [wΛn]


Two [tu:]


Three [θri:]


Four [fo:]


Five [faıv]


Six [sıks]


Seven [`sevn ]


Eight [eıt]


Nine [naın]


Ten [ten]


Eleven [ı`levn]


Twelve [`twelv]


Thirteen [θə:`ti:n]


Fourteen [fo:`ti:n]


Fifteen [fıfti:n]


Sixteen [sıks`ti:n]


Seventeen [sevn`ti:n]


Eighteen [eı`ti:n]


Nineteen [naın`tın:n]


Twenty [`twentı]


Twenty one [`twenty`wΛn]


Twenty two [`twentı`tu:]


Thirty [`θə:tı]


Forty [`fo:tı]


Fifty [`fıftı]


Sixty [`sıkstı]


Seventy [`seventı]


Eighty [`eıtı]


Ninety [`naıntı]


One hundred [`wΛn hΛndrıd]


One hundred and one[`wΛn hΛndrıd ənd`wΛn]


Two hundred [`tu: hΛndrıd]


One thousand [wΛn`θauzənd]


One thousand and one

[wΛn`θauzənd ənd`wΛn]


One million [wΛn`mıljən]

Список литературы

  1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2004.

  2. Дроздова Т.Ю. English grammar: Reference and Practice: Учебное пособие СПб.: Антология, 2005.

  3. Шалаева Г.П. Вся грамматика английского языка в таблицах. - М.: «ЭКСМО», 2004.- 63с.

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