Конспект урока по английскому языку для 8 класса “Find your Way in the world of information”

"Описание материала: "Задачи "урока. "Учебная:  "развивать "речевые "навыки ("подготовленная "монологическая "речь);  "обучать "чтению "с "извлечением "запрашиваемой "информации; "страдательные "конструкции "в "Present "Simple, "Past "Simple, "Present "Perfect, "Present "Progressive.     ""Воспитательная: "расширить "кругозор "обучающихся "об "изобретениях "человечества, "воспитывать "личностные "качества "учащихся, "например, "уверенность "при "ответе.   ""Развивающая: "развивать "познавательны...
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Тип Презентации
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(в рамках ЕМД)

Учитель: Бородина Т. Н.

8 класс

Тема "Find your Way in the world of information."

Урок 4

Задачи урока.


1) развивать речевые навыки (подготовленная монологическая речь);

2) обучать чтению с извлечением запрашиваемой информации;3

4) совершенствовать грамматические навыки: страдательные конструкции в Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Progressive.

Воспитательная: расширить кругозор обучающихся об изобретениях человечества, воспитывать личностные качества учащихся, например, уверенность при ответе.

Развивающая: развивать познавательные навыки, развивать умения работы с текстом, развивать навыки общения на иностранном языке.

Межпредметные связи: история.

Речевой материал:

  1. Egypt

  2. the Egyptions

  3. Samuel Morse

  4. Sir Rowland Hill

  5. Alexander Graham Bell

  6. John Logie Baird

7. mass media

8. condensed

9. intriguing headlines

10. source of information

11. to focus on smth.

  1. celebrity

  2. reliable

  3. financial

Грамматический материал: страдательные конструкции в Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Progressive.

Оборудование урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, бланки с заданиями.

Ход урока.

  1. Оргмомент.

  1. Приветствие.

  2. Сообщение цели урока.

Dear friends, today we'll speak about some means of communication and sources of information and practice Passive Voice of the Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect and Present Progressive tenses.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

а) фонотработка слов: (Презентация. Слайд 1.)

  1. Egypt

  2. the Egyptions

  3. Samuel Morse

  4. Sir Rowland Hill

  5. Alexander Graham Bell

  6. John Logie Baird

7. mass media

8. condensed

b) Приложение 1. (Презентация. Слайд 2.)

Match the words and their translations. Соотнесите слова с их переводом.

  1. intriguing headlines a) источник информации

  2. source of information b) надёжный

  3. to focus on smth. c) знаменитость

  4. celebrity d) финансовый

  5. reliable e) интригующие заголовки

  6. financial f) сосредотачивать внимание

  1. Речевая зарядка. (Презентация. Слайд 3.)

T.: Answer my questions, please.

1. Are a lot of books and magazines printed in the world?

2. How are the main kinds of newspapers called?

3. Is serious information given in broadsheets or in tabloids?

4. Information about celebrities, sport, crime stories and scandals is published in tabloids, isn't it?

  1. Практика устной речи.

T.: And now let's speak about two main types of newspapers of the UK.

  1. Работа с текстами.

T.: What is a newspaper or a magazine, a book or an exercise book made of?

So, now you'll read about such inventions as paper, alphabet, ink, the telegraph, the Penny Black and answer the questions. (Презентация. Слайд 4.)

1). Приложение 2. (Презентация. Слайд 5.)

( Tregubova Nastya, Lomakin Sasha)


Paper came from China, in the second century BC. The oldest piece of paper in the world is made from hemp (конопля; пенька). The archaeologists found the oldest piece of paper in a tomb in China. They think the Chinese made paper between 140 and 87 BC.


1. archaeologist [ ] археолог

2. tomb [tu:m] могила

Answer the questions

  1. Was paper made by the Egyptians or by the Chinese?

  2. When was paper made by the Chinese?

  3. Where was the oldest piece of paper found?

2). Приложение 3. (Презентация. Слайды 6-7.)

(Strel'tsova Margarita, Gololobova Anya, Ledkov Dima)


People used to think that the first alphabet appeared between 1700 and 1500 BC in the Levant region, in what is now Syria, Lebanon and Israel. However, modern archaeologists found facts to show that the alphabet is older and first appeared in 1900 BC. It came from Egypt, and other cultures copied it.


1. archaeologist [ ] археолог

Answer the questions

  1. Where was the first alphabet created?

  2. Was alphabet copied by other cultures?


In 1835 a professor of arts and design at New York University, Samuel Morse, developed telegraph wires. He also invented Morse code, an electronic alphabet. With the help of that alphabet it was possible to transmit the letters and signs of a language.

Morse gave a public demonstration of his invention in 1838, but it took 5 years to get the money for the first experimental telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore.

Answer the questions

  1. Whom was an electronic alphabet invented by?

  2. When was the public demonstration of this invention given?

3). Приложение 4. (Презентация. Слайд 8.)

(Abapolova Tanya, Petrov Vova, Avetyan Lyova)


People invented ink before 2500 BC. Some books say that it was the Chinese, but probably the Egyptians invented ink at the same time. At that time ink was a mixture of soot from pine smoke and lamp oil mixed with gelatin from donkey skin, and musk. Other countries had ink too. They used natural pigments from trees, flowers and minerals. Ink is used for drawing, writing with a pen, printing and in letterpress.

Answer the questions

  1. Ink was invented by the Chinese and the Egyptians, wasn't it?

  2. What is ink used for?

4). Приложение 5. (Презентация. Слайд 9.)

(Tumas'ev Roma, Chuzhen'kov Vanya, Kasterin Dima)

The Penny Black

In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, an English school master, published a pamphlet called "Post Office Reform". The main ideas of the pamphlet were: "Letters shouldn't be so expensive. The price of a letter shouldn't more than one penny. Everybody should be able to send letters."

Sir Rowland Hill invented the first official stamp in the world and became the "father of modern post office".

The stamp is called the Penny Black because it cost one penny, had a water mark of a small crown, and was black in colour.

Answer the questions

  1. Where was the first stamp in the world invented?

  2. Whom was it invented by?

  3. Why is the stamp called the Penny Black?

  1. Cовершенствование грамматических навыков: страдательные конструкции в Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Progressive.

T.: Now let's make acquaintance with some other inventions. (Презентация)

a) Change Active into Passive. (Слайды 10-14.)

(The pupils work with the sentences changing them from Active into Passive)

b) Before checking your homework let's match these schemes of the predicates with the names of the tenses. (Слайд 15.)

Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense form of the Passive Voice. (Слайд 16.)

  1. This essay (write) by Tom now.

  2. The roses (plant) by my mother at this moment.

  3. New metro stations (build) by the workers now.

  4. Breakfast (cook) by my sister now.

  5. Post (deliver-разносить) by the postman at this moment.

  6. The text (translate) by the students now.

  7. The flowers (water) by Ann at this moment.

  8. This book (read) by my father now.

  9. My car (test) at this moment.

Change Active into Passive. (Слайд 17.)

  1. Someone is interviewing Dr. Johnson at the moment.

  2. About 30 million people are watching this programme.

  3. She is using the computer at this moment.

  4. Kate is cleaning the room at the moment.

  5. Look! The builders are repairing the bridge now.

  6. The secretary is typing a letter at this moment.

c) Now do this test. Приложения 6, 7. (Презентация. Слайд18.)

The first version. Choose the right version.

1. Pictures (paint) by the students now.

a) are painted; b) are being painted; c) were painted

2. All the cars (test) every day.

a) have been tested; b) are being tested; c) are tested

3. This article (write) yesterday.

a) was written; b) has been written; c) is written

4. This letter (not send) yet.

a) wasn't sent; b) hasn't been sent; c) isn't sent

5. Usually she (meet) at the station by her brother.

a) was met; b) is being met c) is met

6. … you ever (teach) how to read English words?

a) Have … been taught; b) Were … taught; c) Are … taught

7. This church (build) in 1815.

a) has been built; b) was built; c) is built

8. We (show) a wonderful collection of stamps at this moment.

a) are being shown; b) have been shown c) are shown

The second version. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense form of the Passive Voice

1. Pictures (paint) by the students now.

2. All the cars (test) every day.

3. This article (write) yesterday.

4. This letter (not send) yet.

5. Usually she (meet) at the station by her brother.

6. … you ever (teach) how to read English words?

7. This church (build) in 1815.

8. We (show) a wonderful collection of stamps at this moment.

7. Заключительный этап урока.

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

2) Домашнее задание: 1) ex. 8, p.118.

2) do the task in your card.

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