План классного часа по английскому языку на тему: “Three language –three fame”

В этой разработке говорится о трех языках: английском, казахском и русском. Объясняется их важность. Ученики покажут свои знание на этих трех языках. Будут петь песню про алфавит. Расскажут стихи "My Land", " Alouetta", " Auld Lang Syne". Покажут сценку. По картинке состовят предложения на трех языках. На экране появятся пословицы на английском языке, ученики переводят их на русский, казахский, узбекский язык. Ученики будут соревноватся между собой на знание этих языков. В конце все вместе будут...
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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Theme: "Three language -three fame".

The educational aim: To complete pupils'


The developing aim: To develop pupils' oral


The aim of upbringing: To teach pupils to be

friendly to each other.

The proceeding of the party :

I The anthem of Kazakhstan.

II Song "ABC"

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I I

J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r

S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

This is called alphabet

Which we never must forget.

III. Poem.

My Land

By Thomas O. Davis.

She is rich and rare land;

Oh! she's a fresh and fare land,

She is a dear and rare land-

This native land of mine.

She's not a dull or cold land;

No! She's a warm and bold land;

Oh! She's true and old land-

This native land of mine.


План классного часа по английскому языку на тему : “Three language –three fame”.

V. Scene.

Mother: Alice, come and do your homework

Alice: Oh, Mum, I can do it after tea.

Mother: No, come and do it now. You can't play all


Alice: But I can't work all day.

Mother: Do your homework first. You can play

after tea… Show me your hands… Go and

wash them. You can't do your homework

with those hands.

Alice: ( washing her hands): Wash your hands, do

your homework, do that. That's all I hear

from morning to night.

VI. Fairy-tale. To tell this fairy-tale in English,

Kazakh , Russian, Uzbek languages.

План классного часа по английскому языку на тему : “Three language –three fame”.

План классного часа по английскому языку на тему : “Three language –three fame”.

План классного часа по английскому языку на тему : “Three language –three fame”.

VII. Waltz.

VIII. Proverbs. To tell these proverbs in English,

Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek languages.

1 Live and learn

2 Knowledge is power

3 First think then speak

4 Language is the weapon of life

5 Knowledge is the antidote of fear

IX. Song.

План классного часа по английскому языку на тему : “Three language –three fame”.

X, Riddles

  1. I have a face, My hands are black.

I have a little hand, I have no feet,

I have a big hand, I can go.

My face is white, What am I?

(o'clock,сағат, часы, соат)

  1. I have many leaves,

but I am not a tree.

I have something nice

Come and read me.

(a book, кітап, книга, китап)

3. What has four legs but cannot walk?

( a chair, орындық, стул,стул)

XI. Uzbek dance.

XII. Song "May there always be sunshine".

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