Check your knowledge in Passive Voice

Пассивный залог Passive Voice Залог (Voice) – это форма глагола, которая показывает, является ли предмет или лицо исполнителем действия или же они испытывают на себе действие, выраженное глаголом. В английском языке существует два залога – активный и пассивный. Пассивный (страдательный) залог (Passive Voice) используется, если нет необходимости называть исполнителя действия, который подразумевается из контекста или же ясен из той или иной ситуации.E.g.:The article was written on Monday.The artic... The Present Simple is (am, are) done The Past Simple was (were) done The Future Simple will (shall) be done The Present Perfect has (have) been done The Past Perfect had been done The Future Perfect will (shall) have been done The Future in the Past would be done The Present Continuous is (am, are) being done The Past Continuous was (were) being done В пассивном залоге не употребляются времена Future Continuous, Future Continuous in the Past и все формы Perfect Continuous.В вопросительных предложения первый вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.E.g.:Was the article written on Monday? When was it written?Has the article been sent this morning? В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола.E.g.:The article was not (wasn’t) written on Monday. The article has not (hasn’t) been ...
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Check your knowledge in Passive Voice. 7th form

1. Give the right meaning of the given sentences and underline ONLY the predicate

1. The book was written five years ago

a.Книгу написали пять лет назад b.Книга написана пять лет назад c.Кто-то написал книгу пять лет назад

2. The storm will be heard far away from here

a.Далеко я слышал грозу b.Грозу будет слышно далеко отсюда 3.Гроза слышалась далеко отсюда

3. The windows have just been broken with a baseball bat

a.Бита разбила окна b.Окна разбились из-за биты c.Окна только что были разбиты бейсбольной битой

2. Match the sentences with P if they are in passive voice

  1. The reporter must finish the work today

  2. The report must be finished as soon as possible

  3. The criminal had been caught for some days

  4. The police had caught the criminal

  5. Nothing bad has happened to him

  6. The key has been lost recently

  7. We have lost our keys recently

3. Complete the sentences (be-am,is,are; aso by or Participle II)

  1. English _______ spoken by many people in the world

  2. I was _______________ (give) the word by my friend

  3. The Titanic was damaged _______ a huge iceberg

  4. We __________ be taken to the moon in 50 years))

  5. The glasses _______ lost some days ago

4. Find the wrong part, cross out the word and write down the correct one

  1. My watch have been stolen recently

  2. You will be punished of your mother

  3. The theatre were restored five years ago

Check your knowledge in Passive Voice. 7th form

1. Give the right meaning of the given sentences and underline ONLY the predicate

The book was written five years ago

a.Книгу написали пять лет назад b.Книга написана пять лет назад c.Кто-то написал книгу пять лет назад

The storm will be heard far away from here

a.Далеко я слышал грозу b.Грозу будет слышно далеко отсюда 3.Гроза слышалась далеко отсюда

The windows have just been broken with a baseball bat

a.Бита разбила окна b.Окна разбились из-за биты c.Окна только что были разбиты бейсбольной битой

2. Match the sentences with P if they are in passive voice

  1. The reporter must finish the work today

  2. The report must be finished as soon as possible

  3. The criminal had been caught for some days

  4. The police had caught the criminal

  5. Nothing bad has happened to him

  6. The key has been lost recently

  7. We have lost our keys recently

3. Complete the sentences (be-am,is,are; aso by or Participle II)

  1. English _______ spoken by many people in the world

  2. I was _______________ (give) the word by my friend

  3. The Titanic was damaged _______ a huge iceberg

  4. We __________ be taken to the moon in 50 years))

  5. The glasses _______ lost some days ago

4. Find the wrong part, cross out the word and write down the correct one

  1. My watch have been stolen recently

  2. You will be punished of your mother

  3. The theatre were restored five years ago


1 task




2 task

b, c, f

3 task

a - is, b - given, c - by, d - will , e - were

4 task

a - have has, b - of by, c - were was

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