Present Simple и Past Simple

Данный проверочный тест разработан по теме "Past Simple Tense" (Простое прошедшее время) и ориентирован главным образом на проверку и закрепление грамматического материала. Тест подходит для 4 и 5 классов общеобразовательной школы (3 и 4 год обучения соответственно). Проверочная работа состоит из двух заданий.Первое (раскрыть скобки и употребить глагол в нужной форме) нацелено на определение уровня знаний пройденных времён английского глагола.Второе задание (образование вопросительной и отрицате...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Variant 1

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Simple или Past Simple

  1. Bill (ride) his bike yesterday.

  2. My father usually (drive) to his work.

  3. Yesterday my sister (go) to bed early.

  4. Jim (travel) a lot in summer.

  5. They (write) a test last Friday.

  6. He (send) this letter two weeks ago.

  7. I always (clean) my room.

  8. It (rain) yesterday.

  9. They (visit) a lot of new places last weekend.

  10. The children often (go) to the forest.

  11. We (play) badminton on the beach last week.

  12. Nell is a doctor, he (work) at hospital.

2. Образуйте вопросы и отрицания от данных предложений

  1. We usually speak English in class. - We spoke English in class yesterday.

  2. He watches films every day. - He watched a new film yesterday.

  3. Ann always drinks milk for breakfast. - Ann drank milk two hours ago.

  4. Will goes for a walk every evening. - Will went for a walk yesterday.

  5. We usually have a lot of fun by the river. - We had a lot of fun yesterday.

  6. They often bring many books to school. - They brought many books to school yesterday.

Variant 2

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Simple или Past Simple

  1. Jane (cook) a tasty cake yesterday.

  2. He usually (listen) to the radio in the morning.

  3. Last Sunday my father (bring) home a kitten.

  4. Tom (paint) his garage yesterday.

  5. They (meet) Helen last week.

  6. He often (swim) in the river.

  7. She always (tell) the truth (правда).

  8. It (be) cold yesterday.

  9. The children (find) a lot of mushrooms in the forest yesterday.

  10. Mary (like) this white dress.

  11. We (have) a lot of fun last week.

  12. Peter (visit) his doctor two days ago

2. Образуйте вопросы и отрицания от данных предложений

  1. We usually play tennis in the evening. - We played tennis yesterday.

  2. He listens to music every day. - He listened to music yesterday.

  3. Ann always waters the flowers. - Ann watered the flowers two hours ago.

  4. Will understands all the words. - Will understood all the words at the lesson.

  5. We usually sing together. - We sang together yesterday.

  6. They often buy newspapers (газеты). - They bought newspapers yesterday.

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