План-конспект викторины My hobby (5класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Викторина по теме "Hobby"


Цели урока:


  1. Закрепление лексики и систематизация знаний по теме "Hobby".

  2. Обучение навыкам аудирования.


  1. Формирование интереса и дальнейшей мотивации к изучению предмета.

  2. Развитие умений сравнивать, анализировать, правильно соотносить информацию.

  3. Развитие смекалки, языковой догадки, внимания, сообразительности.


  1. Воспитание уважительного отношения к профессиям, хобби, занятиям.

  2. Воспитание навыкам взаимопонимания и ответственности при работе в группе.

  3. Воспитание духа соревнования.

Задачи урока:

  • Обогащение словарного запаса по теме "Hobby"

  • Развитие умений воспринимать на слух иноязычный текст.

  • Совершенствование произносительных навыков

  • Обучение составлению предложений.

  • Обучение сопоставлять и соотносить лексику по теме.


Компьютер, аудиозапись, карточки со словами, доска.

Форма урока

Урок закрепления и обобщения.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, children. I am glad to see you!

How are you?

Let's begin our lesson. Who is on duty today?

What date is it today? Thank you.

What day is it today? Thank you.

Who is absent?

  1. Речевая разминка

Now, children, answer my questions, please.

  • What kinds of hobby do you know?

  • What is your hobby?

  • How do you spent your spare time?

  • How many times does it make you your hobby?

  • What is the hobby? In your opinion, give your definition.

  1. Начало викторины.

Ученики делятся на 2 команды. Команда выбирает капитана. Далее идёт работа в группах, в командах.

Now, your first task is to make a sentence from the words.

What is the hobby?

  1. What is the hobby?

Ученики составляют из перемешанных слов предложение.

Words: something, like, you, hobby,is, time, your, spare, the, to, do.

Answer: Hobby is something you like to do in the spare time.

  1. Your second task names "Guess the hobby"

Задание зачитывается учителем.

I am reading the words connecting with some hobby. You have to guess this hobby and name it.

-a novel, a hero, an author, a detective story, a book. (Reading)

- guitar, piano, to listen, to play instruments, Pop, Rock. (Music)

- films, news, weather forecasts, shows. (watching TV)

- kitchen, salads, pies, tarts, cakes. (Cooking)

-computer, to play, basketball, tennis, football. (games)

-to go by car, to go by bus, to go by trane, to go by plane, to go abroad. (Travelling)

-To grow flowers, plants. (Gardening)

-camera, pictures, to say "cheese". (Photography)

  1. Magic words.

In this task you see 6 sectors (6 topics) on the blackboard and you have words on your cards. You have to accord the word to the convenient sector.


1 Music to play

3.Sports to play

5.Reading and watching TV

2 Music to listen to

4.Sports to do

6.Collecting and photography


Guitar jazz

rock' n' roll novel

tennis ping-pong

picture detective stories

swimming to take photos

comedy rap

stamps football

diving piano



  1. "Interview"

Задание на аудирование.

Pupils listen to the text and then do exercises after the listening.

  1. Interviwer

H- Harry

Возможные слова для понимания на доске:

- nowadays - в наши дни, сегодня

-to keep fit - сохранить форму, фигуру

-Twice - дважды

-advice - совет

-calm - спокойный, тихий

I: Harry, do you think sport is important nowadays?

H: Well, I think sport was always important but today it becomes more popular. Er…more and more people begin to do sport. Fitness is very popular nowadays. Everybody wants to keep fit.

I: Do you do any sport?

H: Oh, I am not a professional sportsman but I also try to keep a good form. Twice a week I go to the gym and exercise for an hour. On Saturday afternoon I usually play tennis or go for a run. Really I enjoy running in the forest or in the park. You know I enjoy getting fresh air.

I: How do you think what kinds of sport are more effective to keep fit in this busy life?

H: I think they are running, swimming or cycling. You don't spend much time to do these kinds of sport but you are always healthy and active. But sometimes is very helpful just to have a good walk.

I: Well, I see you are very active. Could you give some advice for those people who think sport is not so important in their lives?

H: Er. I don't know. People, be active! Our life is boring and stressful when it is calm.

I: Thank you very much, Harry.

Are the statements true or false?

  1. Sport becomes more popular today. (true)

  2. Harry is a professional sportsman (false)

  3. He goes to the gym once a week (false)

  4. On Saturday Harry plays tennis or goes for a run (true)

  5. Harry considers running, swimming and cycling as more effective kinds of sport (true)

  6. Harry thinks walking is also good for keeping fit (true)

4.Подведение итогов урока, выявление команды победителя и выставление оценок.

T: So, today you work very well. It was interesting to know how you know hobbies. I'd like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Do you like our lesson? What do you like to do? I give excellent marks to …, good - to …, etc

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