Контрольная работа для 6 класса, раздел 5. УМК SPOTLIGHT

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Progress Check. 6thform. Unit 5.

1. Translate from Russian into English.

Делать покупки

Звонить по телефону

Заваривать чай

Заниматься садоводством

Печь торт, пирожное

Мыть посуду

2. Write short answers.

• Are you reading a book? - ______________________

• Is your mum watching TV? - _______________________

• Are you wearing jeans? - ______________________

• Is it snowing? - ______________________

• Are you sitting on the floor? - _____________________

3. Read the e-mail from Rosa and answer the questions.

• What holiday are all members of Rosa's family preparing for?

• What kind of dish is her mum making?

• Where's her dad?

• Why is Steve washing the grapes?

4. Complete the sentences in Present Continuous.

• We can't go climbing! It's __________________. (rain)

• Why _______ you ________________ for your holiday photos? (look)

• What _______ you ________________ at? (laugh)

• ____ Steve ___________________ an invitation card? (write)

• OK, wait a minute, I ____ ____________ now (get up).

5. Read the text about the Highland games and answer the questions.

• When do the games take place?

• What events do the athletes compete in?

• What other competitions can you see there?

• What is the "tug of war"?

• Is that a free of charge event?

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