План урока по теме Удивительное спасение 11 класс учебник Spotlight Афанасьева О. В

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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The Plan of the Lesson (the 11th form)


Steps and methods



The 12 th January

Theme : An Amazing Rescue

Writing a story


Vocabulary: Writing a story

Grammar: adjectives, adverbs, linkers

Reading: a story- An Amazing Rescue

Skills - reading for structure, for specific information

Writing: narrative techniques' a story

  1. The beginning of the lesson (introducing, asking the date, month, weather)

  2. Phonetic exercises

A memory lasts forever.

Never does it die.

True friends stay together.

And never say goodbye.

  1. Writing a story

Steps of writing a story ex.1 p72

  1. Reading for detailed understanding

Read the text and find examples of different tenses

Ex,3 p72.

Explain the use of tenses

  1. Practising using linking words ex. 4 p73

  2. Narrative techniques ex.5 p.89

7. Ending the lesson. Revision the .

Homework Ex.1-5 p.33 wb

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