Тема: «Друзья или знакомые?»

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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«Средняя школа № 16 г. Пинска»

Тема: «Друзья или


Учитель английского языка:

Меша Татьяна Сергеевна

Пинск, 2015

Тема: «Друзья или знакомые? Говорение»

Цель: формирование навыков говорения с использованием тематической лексики в рамках темы «Друзья или знакомые?»


  1. высказывать собственные мысли с опорой на предложенные лексические средства;

  2. расширять лингвистический и филологический кругозор учащихся;

  3. способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, воображения;

  4. содействовать формированию потребности к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности.

Оборудование: УМК для 9 класса, раздаточный материал, доска.

Этапы урока

Речевое взаимодействие учителя и учащихся

Учебный материал, оборудование

Режим работы

Время выполнения

1.Начало урока

а. Приветствие

б. Речевая зарядка

2. Основная часть

а. Активизация материала предыдущего урока (проверка д/з)

б. Предтекстовый этап (снятие лексических трудностей)

в. Текстовый этап

г. Послетекстовый этап

д. Физкультминутка

г. Выход на монологическую речь.

г) Домашнее задание

3. Заключительная часть

а) Рефлексия

б) Выставление отметок

Hello, my dear pupils! Today we're going to speak about difference between friends and acquaintances and what makes a friend a best one.

Now, children I would like to have a talk with you. Answer my questions and give the full answer. Questions:

  1. How many friends do you have?

  2. Do you have any close friends?

  3. What do friends mean to you?

  4. Is it easy for you to make friends?

  5. Are you always ready to give your friend a helping hand?

  6. Do you think your friends are responsible?

  7. Do you have any misunderstandings with your friends?

  8. How often do you fall out with your friends?

At home your task was to make up questions. Now work in pairs. Ask and answer on these questions.

(Check up)

Now look at the blackboard, there you can see different words and word combinations. Try to explain what do they mean.

To give support - to help;

An acquaintance - a person who knows me, but not very well;

As comfortable with my good friend as … - very nice and pleasant to be with a good friend;

Cheer-leading team - a group of young girls who encourage a crowd to cheer at a sport game by shouting special words and dancing.

Ex. 1, p.21. Read the text and complete with the phrases from the list.

Now, I'll give you the cards. Read the sentences aloud. Say "True" or "False". If it is "False" - correct it.

  1. Friends are a very important part of life. (True)

  2. Best friends are very easy to find. (False)

  3. My best friend is also a great superman. (False)

  4. I hang out with my good friends every weekend. (True)

  5. Good friends are a great thing to have. (True)

  6. Acquaintances are your parents and teachers. (False)

Ex. 2, p. 21. Complete the sentences about friends and acquaintances. Guess the words.

Now we will have a rest. Look at the blackboard; there you can see the 2 columns. The first column the words about friends, the second - about acquaintances. You should go to the blackboard and put the words and word combinations in the right column.

(very hard to find, can call for him only once a week, a great listener, is ready to give a helping hand, a great thing to have him, person who is around, we never hand out together)

Now, work in groups. 1 group - speak about best friends, 2 group - about good friends, 3 group - acquaintances. I'll give you the cards with the questions, it will be your plan)

Group 1 - Best friends

  1. Is it easy to find best friends?

  2. How many best friends can you have?

  3. Can you ask for a help in difficult situation?

  4. Can you share your secrets with your best friends?

  5. What can you do together?

  6. What features should have the best friend?

Group 2 - Good friends

  1. Is it great to have good friends?

  2. Can you have a lot of good friends?

  3. Are good friends usually there for you when you need them?

  4. Can you share your secrets with good friends?

  5. Do you hang out with your friends every weekend or every day?

  6. Can you rely on your good friends?

Group 3 - Acquaintances

  1. Is it nice to have acquaintances?

  2. Who is an acquaintance?

  3. Can you rely on your acquaintances?

  4. Can you share your secrets with acquaintances?

  5. Do you hang out with acquaintances?

  6. Can an acquaintance become a good friend or a best one?

Now open your record books and write down your hometask - Speak about the difference between friends and acquaintances.

Today we spoke about friends and acquaintances. Cive the definitions to the words "friend" and "acquaintance" Work in a chain.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Your marks are … because …

Have a nice day!



Рабочая тетрадь (см. Приложение №1)

Распечатка (см. Приложение №2)

Рабочая тетрадь (см. Приложение №3)

Приложение №4

Приложение №5























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