Конспект занятия The field of wonders

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Hello boys and girls. We are glad to meet you at our funny show -game «The field of Wonders». The theme of our game is London. As you know, London is the capital of Great Britain, one of the biggest and the most interesting cities in world. Now, listen to the rules of the game. We will play games. We have a difficult word and we need to guess the letters of the word.

( SIGHTSEEING) -11 letters.

Now let`s greet the players.( приветствие участников)

We will know not only the word but we`ll know information about GB.

Look at the board and listen to the task. This is soldier who guards the Tower in a medieval costume. What is it?

( Beefeater)

Now let`s play the game. Opposites. You have the words. We need to match them.

Now we know the first letter of the word. It is S.

Are you ready to hear the new information about England? This is an ancient castle in London.

( Tower of London).

Ok, next game. Put in a letter. We need to complete the words.

(dog, cat, long, red, pen, apple, mother, father, sister, car, please, thank)

Next letter (i)

Congratulations. You have the second letter of our word. We continue to study new information.

You know that there are many old and new parks in London. This park is the largest one. It`s one of the most popular places of Londoners. The park is famous for its Speaker`s Corner.

(Hyde Park)

Next game. Now let`s have a rest.

Утром Mr. Tongue проснулся

Посмотрел в окно и обрадовался u-u-u-u

Потом он решил сделать уборку и выбить пыль из дивана down-down-down

А теперь пыль из ковра sit-wait-sit-wait

Он убрал свою квартиру и позвонил в колокольчик, чтобы позвать друзей ring-ring-ring

Пришла в гости английская собачка, которая рычит вот так вот run-run-run-run

А дверь у Mr. Tongue в домике скрипит jump-jump-jump

Пришла в гости к языку черная кошка black cat-black cat

Прилетели английские пчелы, которые жужжали this-this-this

Когда гости сели за стол, Mr. Tongue зажег свечку и потом потушил ее вот так one-one-one-one

Следующая буква -g

Now next game. Узнай друга по голосу.

Вам предстоит узнать по голосу своего друга.

Next letter- h

Listen. The world on the blackboard means one of the sights, which was founded in 1050. It`s situated in the centre of London. Many great Englishmen were buried here. What is it?

(Westminister Abby)

Next letter- t

Let` s play a game. Pantomime.

Now we will watch the video about England. And then we will have four letters.

Next letter - g, s, e, e, i, n.

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