Тестовая работа по английскому языку 6 класс

Актуальность введения тестирования сегодня в школьную практику вызвана тем, что оно может служить одним из составляющих методики усвоения базовой программы.Тесты как система оценки школьной успеваемости имеют целый ряд положительных характеристик, которые позволяют:учитывать индивидуальные особенности учащихся в ходе проверки результатов обучения;проверять качество усвоения учащимися теоретического и практического материала;оживить процесс обучения, вводя не только новую для учащихся форму контр...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат rar
Изображения Есть
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School Contest for English Learners Form 6

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий: 120 минут.

Lexical Grammar Test

I. (2 points for each item) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. Между словами ставим один пробел. Записываем/вводим только необходимую форму глагола.

1. I ______ (to be) to London this summer.

2. Yesterday Tom and Janice ______ (to go) to the Zoo.

3. When they ______ (to walk) by the giraffe,

it 4.______ (to begin) to chew Tom`s cap.

5. He ______ (to call) you as soon as he gets home.

6. Helen`s train ______ (to leave) tomorrow at 7 a.m.

7. What ______ (to happen) to you? You are so dirty!

8. The boys ______ (to know) each other for 5 years.

9. A great concert ______ (to take) place in the City Hall last week.

10. Don`t forget your umbrella. It ______ (to rain) now!

IТестовая работа по английскому языку 6 класс

I. (1 point for each item) What do these signs mean? Choose the correct modal verb to form the sentences. Указываем букву правильного варианта ответа.

11. You ___ leave your car here.

a) can b) can`t c) must

12. You ___ take an underground here.

a) can b) can`t c) must

13. You ___ smoke here.

a) can b) can`t c) must

14. You ___ recycle your litter here.

a) can b) can`t c) must

15. You ___ stop here.

a) can b) can`t c) must

III. (1 point for each item) Choose the needed article where it is necessary. Указываем букву правильного варианта ответа.

16. ___ City of London stands on the river Thames.

a) a b) the c) -

17. One of the biggest lakes in the world is ___ Michigan.

a) a b) the c) -

18. The deepest lake in the world is ___ Lake Baikal.

a) a b) the c) -

19. I told ___ children they wouldn`t get presents if they behaved badly.

a) a b) the c) -

20. In fact, Mike is my ___ best friend from school.

a) a b) the c) -

IV. (1 point for each item) Choose the correct question. Вводим/записываем только БУКВУ правильного варианта ответа.

21. ___

  1. Will it make her visit us more often?

  2. Will it make her to visit us more often?

  3. Will it make her visiting us more often?

22. ___

  1. Are you still remembering it?

  2. Have you still remembered it?

  3. Do you still remember it?

V. (1 point for each item) Match the questions with their answers. Вводим/записываем только БУКВУ правильного варианта ответа.

23. What`s Betty like? ___ a) She is fine.

24. What is Betty? ___ b) She is very responsible.

25. How is Betty? ___ c) She is a secretary.

VI. (2 points for each item) Choose the correct answer.

26. The safest topic for conversation in England is ___.

a) politics b) music c) weather d) love

27. A double-decker is ___.

a) a train b) a small plane с) a hotel room for two people d) a bus

28. The common name for a toy bear in England is ___.

a) Michael-bear b) Tom-bear c) Teddy-bear d) Jack-bear

Test on Listening Comprehension


treasure - сокровище

to make sure - убедиться to bend down - нагнуться

a hedge - травяная изгородь to stick - приклеивать

VII. (1 point for each item) Mark the sentences as FALSE or TRUE.

29. Simon finished his work an hour ago.

a) true b) false

30. Simon was walking home from his work.

a) true b) false

31. Simon could easily move the coin.

a) true b) false

32. Simon was about to leave the coin on the road and go home when he heard some strange sounds behind him.

a) true b) false

VIII. (1 point for each item) Answer the questions using the correct variant:

33. When did Simon find the coin?

a) on Monday b) on Tuesday c) on Thursday

34. Where did Simon notice the coin?

a) on the pavement b) on the car c) on the road

35. Who stuck the coin?

  1. two boys b) two men c) two girls

Total number: 48 points.


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