Конспект по английскому языку «Музыка»

"Описание материала: " "Цель : "обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме «Музыка»; "Задачи: Образовательные: научить анализировать, оценивать и интерпретировать информацию, делая выводы; научить кратко излагать мысли устно и письменно; Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре, чувство сопричастности к мировой культуре, чувство гордости за свою культуру, свою страну Развивающие: Развивать творческие способности учащихся, самостоятельность, их познавательный интерес, умение логически сопоставить полученную информацию) Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, дополнительный материал по теме. Тип урока: комбинированный
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Конспект по английскому языку «Музыка»

Ахметжанова А.Н

Северо-казахстанская область

Акжарский район


Ленинградская СШ №1

Цель : обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме «Музыка»;


Образовательные: научить анализировать, оценивать и интерпретировать информацию, делая выводы; научить кратко излагать мысли устно и письменно;

Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре, чувство сопричастности к мировой культуре, чувство гордости за свою культуру, свою страну

Развивающие: Развивать творческие способности учащихся, самостоятельность, их познавательный интерес, умение логически сопоставить полученную информацию)

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, дополнительный материал по теме.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Первый этап урока: Организационный момент

T. Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. My name is Alma Nurahmetzhanovna. For today we are going to work together, successfully, I hope. Today we are having an unusual lesson, but first of all I want you to guess one word. Look at the blackboard, please. You can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in each word. Please write down each missing letter.


(учащиеся по очереди вписывают пропущенные буквы и называют получившееся слово)

So, you see the word MUSIC, and our topic is "Music in my life". Open your copy-books and write down the theme of our lesson. Today we shall speak about different styles of music, about different cultures, we shall do some exercises, describing music.

Цель озвучить

(учитель открывает заранее закрытую тему урока "Music in my life"-Slyde 1)

Phonetics: pronounce the given words, and write down into their copy-books

T: Can we use these adjectives describing our future lesson ? I hope we can.

Введение в речевую среду: Цель этого этапа мотивация учащихся на познание нового

T. Music is an important part of our life. Since the man's birth our life is surrounded by musical sounds and melodies. As for me I can't imagine my life without music. We listen to music while working, going somewhere or doing something. I'll start by quoting Henry Longfellow: Music is the universal language of the world./slyde2/ Music without any words expresses emotions and feelings which don't depend on a man's nationality. That's why even listening to some foreign music we understand the message. And what is music for you?

P2. Music helps us to live and learn.

T. What does music reflect?

P3. It reflects our mood, our state of soul, our style of life.

T. Where can we hear music?

P4. We can hear music everywhere: in concert halls, shops, on TV, over the radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and even in the street.

T. What do you think about when you listen to music?

P5. When I listen to music I forget about everything.

P6. When I listen to music I want to sing and dance.

P7. When I listen to music it makes me think of happy and dark days.

P8. When I listen to music I dream about my future life.

P9. When I listen to music I see green forests, high mountains, deep sees and rivers.

Следующий этап урока - мозговая атака. Цель: активизация знаний, имеющихся у учащихся. Ученикам зачитываются определения различных жанров музыки.

T: I see that you feel and understand music. And what kind of music do you know?/slyde 3/ Now we shall see how you know different styles of music. Nowadays there are quite different styles of music, but I have taken some of them. Your task is to listen to me attentively and then decide to what kind of music does the given definition refer to.

T. 1. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It is played by big orchestras. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich.

2. One can hear this music at theatres, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by such great composers as Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Schostakovich. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.

3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern electronic instruments. There are hard and heavy-metal styles.

4. This music lives for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles.

5. It is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

6. It is an American style of music. It was created by black Americans. The constant elements are improvisation.

7. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of musical groups who perform this kind of music.









P1:№1 is symphony. The first is……

Проверка дом. задания: T: Your hometask was to prepare some information about music you like best of all, please you are welcome.

P1. I want to tell about jazz.. I am fond of jazz. Jazz was created in the United States by black Americans. It is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West America, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Jazz bands were formed in the late 1800-s. Improvisation is an important part of jazz.. Today, people all over the world play jazz. People who like jazz always remember American jazzman Louis Armstrong. And now let's listen to jazz./slyde 4/

What did Frank Sinatra say about the song "Strangers In The Night"?"Thesongisawonderfulmixtureofbluesandjazzmusicllikeit»/slyde 5/расшифровать на доске/

P2. I want to tell you about classical music. As for me I have found classical music the closest to my soul. I find classical music relaxing. This music has been living for centuries. It is heard in every corner of our land. Some people simply don't understand classical music, but it has a deep intellectual appeal and it creates a special spiritual world for the listener that enriches his inner life and makes him happy. I think, we must be taught not only to listen but to understand, which is more important. This music makes me feel like dreaming. And now I want you to listen to a peace of classical music. (звучит фрагмент)

P5. I am going to tell you about rock. It is my music! I can find a firm support in rock. Within this music I feel strength and stability. Rock music, or, rather rock-n-roll, appeared in the 1950-s. The first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presly, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Doors and some others. The70-s were the time of revolution in rock music. Lead Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Subbath told the world about the beginning of new era of hard rock. I'd say that, of course, tastes differ and everybody is fond of particular genre of music.. And now let's listen to rock music. (звучит фрагмент)

P6. I am going to tell you about folk music. This music lives on for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles. The British are very fond of their folk music. They held special Folk Festivals, where the young can learn about their national culture and folk music. It is a pity we don't know much about folk music. But I know that there are some groups now. The members of these groups sing Russian folk songs. They restore old folk songs. I like to listen to these songs because it is interesting to learn about the past (звучит фрагмент )

P9. I love pop music. The dictionary defines pop music as "modern popular music of a simple kind with a strong beat and not usually of lasting interest, liked especially by younger people". I think it is not difficult for understanding. It's unusual and exciting and it's the way of sharing all our hopes and fears. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like. As for me I like new rhythms, I prefer pop music. It is probably the result of changing times and influence of mass media. Pop music unites the teenagers all over the world and makes us feel a part of global family. We can hear this music every day and everywhere. I think music is really, first of all, the background of our life, it helps us to live, and it makes our mood.

Pre-reading tasks:

So, we've listened to the additional information about kinds of music. Thank you, girls. It was very interesting. And now pay attention to the board, please! I want you to guess about one mysterious man….

He was born in 1935.

He learned to sing in the church.

With the help of his manager Tom Parker he became popular not only in America, but all over the world.

He died at the age of 42.

Everyone knows he was King of rock 'n' roll.

(На слайде по очереди появляются предложения о певце. После последнего предложения повторяется вопрос: Who was he? Дети угадывают, по щелчку на экране появляются имя и фото)

Teacher: Have you ever heard the voice of Elvis Presley?

However Elvis was the King of rock'n'roll, a lot of his songs are lyrical. Listen to one of his beautiful songs.

Роль предварительного чтения состоит в том, чтобы создать соответствующее восприятие: снятие возможных языковых и стилистических трудностей, возникающие в процессе чтения.

T. Pop music started with rock-n-roll. When the Beatles replaced Elvis in the early 1960s as the most important figures in rock, John Lenon said"Before Elvis there was nothing". So, who was he, Elvis Presley? At home you have read the text about Elvis Presley and now we 'll use some ways of retelling the text.

Working with the text:

Данный вариант обучения пересказу предусматривает постоянное выполнение 6 упражнений, 1-2 минуты каждое:

1.read a short passage /What influenced Elvis…./

2.answer the questions:

a )What was his mother's name?

b)What did Elvis's mother advise him?

c)Did he get a rifle for his 11th birthday?

d)What did he visit?

F) What influenced Elvis and his music?

Цель следующего этапа - извлечение из текста только той информации, которая необходима для выполнения конкретных коммуникативных задач

3.write down the key words/his mother, blues, popularity, his last period/write down on the board/

4.good retelling in pairs

5.buzz the passage in pairs

6.retell to weak pupils

Следующим этапом урока является проблематизация, цель которого перенос изучения проблемы на жизненную ситуацию.

T. Well, Elvis Presley is one of my favourite singers. I also like Makpal Isabekova, I like Valeriya. And what about you? Who is your favourite singer?

P1:My favourite singer is….

T: We've worked hard and it's time to relax. Let's listen to the song of pop dancing Swedish group "Rednex"/listening to Rednex/

T: But it's not all for today, there some tasks for you here.


Hold Me For A While

  1. Match the halves of the lines and write them down.

  • for a while

  • takes you away

  • me tonight

  • won't last forever

  • Before the morning

  • Hold, hold me

  • I know this

  • So hold, hold





  1. Put the lines in the correct order.

  1. Can you imagine how I'll miss,

  2. Your touch and your kiss?

  3. We have left to share our love

  4. We're in each others' arms

  5. Short moments of time

  6. Soon we're miles apart







  1. Write down the missing lines.

Hold, hold me now,

Save, save me now,

T: So, our lesson is over. We've worked hard today and you 'll get such marks…..Your home task for your next lesson: to write down a short composition about your favourite singer.

T: Did you like our lesson? How can we describe it ?

P1: It was fascinating….

P2: It was enthusiastic…


1. When ::...... born?

did Elvis Presley be

Elvis Presley was

was Elvis Presley

did Elvis Presley

2. Who::::him his first guitar?


did buy

did bought


3. Where :::..his first song?

he recorded

did he record

did he recorded

recorded he

4. Why :::: to Hollywood?

he went

went he

did he go

did he went

5. In 1958 Elvis joined the American army,::::..?

did he

joined he

didn't Elvis

didn't he

6. ::::::.to the USA in the early 60s?

did he return

he returned

did he returned

he did returned

Национально-региональный компонент образования предусматривает возможность введения содержания, связанного с традициями региона. Формирование у учащихся представлений о диалоге культур как сознательно избираемой жизненной философии, требующей от его участников уважения к другим культурам готовности к изучению культурного наследия мира, к духовному обогащению достижениями других культур, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран; воспитание чувства патриотизма, чувство гордости за свою культуру, свою страну; воспитание потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи. Межкультурная коммуникация, как диалог культур может быть реализована исключительно на наследии собственного народа, национальной культуре, культуре родного края.

Включая в материал урока национально-региональный компонент, я стремлюсь развить у учащихся умение представлять не только свою страну, но и свою малую родину в условиях межкультурного общения.

Работа с лексикой. Цель - систематизация знаний по теме «музыкальные инструменты»

T. It's simply amazing that Vanessa-Mae tries to mix different styles of music. She makes violin music popular. Violin sounds beautiful.

But we know that there are a lot of different musical instruments. Now, let's watch how you know the musical instruments. Change the letters and say what musical instrument it is.

Цель следующего этапа - развитие коммуникативных умений на основе полученной информации; обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений, связь новых с ранее полученными и сформированными.

T. Can you play musical instrument? What musical instrument would you like to play? Well, to sum it up I want you to talk to our partner about music. Use these questions in your dialogues

Do your parents like the music you listen to? Why?

Do you like the music your parents listen to? Why?

Exhausted - уставший, изможденный
Confused - сконфуженный
Ecstatic - восторженный
Guilty -виноватый
Suspicious - подозрительный
Angry - злой
Hysterical - истеричный
Frustrated - расстроенный
Sad - печальный, унылый
Confident -самоуверенный
Embarrassed - смущенный
Happy - счастливый
Mischievous - вредный
Disgusted - в омерзении
Frightened - испуганный
Enraged - в бешенстве
Ashamed - пристыженный
Cautious - осторожный
Smug - самодовольный
Depressed - депрессивный
Overwhelmed - ошеломленный
Hopeful - обнадеженный
Lonely - одинокий
Jealous - ревнивый
Bored - скучный
Surprised - удивленный
Anxious - озабоченный
Shocked - потрясенный
Shy - в стеснении, в нерешительности

You can choose one which really shows how you are feeling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it. (отметить настроение) (См. приложение 1)

Конспект по английскому языку «Музыка»

Put the lines of this poem in the correct order.
To the Zoo
A. We're going to see the kangaroo
B. We haven't a moment to spare
C. We're off to the Zoo! We're off to the Zoo!
D. And feed the big brown bear

1. ____; 2. ____; 3. ____; 4. ____.

Key: 1. C; 2. B; 3. A; 4. D









Применение видео является очень эффективным при формировании коммуникатнвной культуры школьников, т.к. видеоматериалы представляют учащимся живую речь носителей языка. При просмотре можно проводить следующий вид работы: информационный поиск. После первого просмотра учащимся предлагаются упражнения на поиск информации, и сюжет просматривается снова, по сегментам или целиком, в зависимости от уровня класса и задач урока; Дополнение учебных заданий по усвоению представленных образцов - вставить пропущенные реплики, проанализировать ключевые слова, фразы и т.д. - способствует крепкому овладению основными навыками монологического и диалогического поведения в определенной коммуникативной ситуации и появлению чувства психологического комфорта и удовлетворенности от достигнутого успеха. Работа с отдельным сегментом. Этот этап работы предоставляет наибольшие возможности для формирования элементов коммуникативной культуры. Кроме того, на этом этапе проводится
отработка основных навыков дешифровки текста, что является важнейшим аспектом аудирования. Учащиеся просматривают

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