Lady with the lamp

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Тема: "The Lady with the Lamp"

Составила: Кунисбаева А.Ш.

Lady with the lamp

Байконур 2015г.

Тема: "The Lady with the Lamp"

Тип занятия: Комбинированное с применением элементов технологии опор и приема комментирование

Метод: наглядно - иллюстративный, вопросо - ответный, репродуктивный



. Формирование навыка чтения, нацеленное на понимание содержания текста с извлечением основной информации

. Формирование умения в обсуждении вопросов на основе прочитанного текста и задании

. Закрепление навыка произношение лексики по прошедшей теме


. Развитие устно - речевой деятельности

. Развитие умений говорение по теме с использованием опор


. Воспитание культуры речи, формирование коммуникативных навыков

. Воспитание уважительного отношения к истории своей будущей профессии

Время занятия: 90 минут

Оснащение занятия: доска, мел, учебник, мультимедийный проектор, рисунки, раздаточный материал и т.д.

Хронокарта проведения занятия

1. Организационный момент

2. Вводное слово преподавателя

3. Выявление уровня знаний по предыдущей теме проверка

домашнего задания

4. Изложение новых знаний

5. Закрепление полученных знаний

6. Подведение итогов занятия

7. Домашнее задание

Ход занятия

Этапы занятия

Деятельность преподавателя и студентов

Методические обоснования

1. Организационный момент

- Good morning, my dear students! I am glad to see you!

- Good morning, Aisha Sharapatovna! We are glad to see you too!

-Sit down, please.

Способствует активному включению студентов в учебный процесс Психологический настрой создает благоприятный микроклимат и рабочую атмосферу

2. Вводное слово преподавателя

Преподаватель объявляет тему и цели занятия.

Тема урока: "The Lady with the Lamp"

На данном уроке мы изучим текст "|Из истории медицины".

Цель урока: Практиковать студентов в чтении текста с извлечением основной информации, в обсуждении вопросов по прочитанному тексту и заданий по теме

Поставленные цели определяют направление учебной деятельности и ее конечный результат, что позволяет развитию устно речевой деятельности

3. Выявление уровня знаний по предыдущей теме проверка

домашнего задания Пробуждение

(Приложение № 1)

- повторение и обобщение приобретенных знаний

- фронтальный опрос

(Приложение № 2)

1. Студенты пишут слова, словосочетания на доске, произносят

1. Ролевая игра "The Lady with the Lamp"

Повторение лексики по теме

Предопределение темы урока

4. Изложение и усвоение новых знаний и умений.

План занятия:

1. "F. Nightingale" (Приложение № 3)

2. Глоссарий

(Приложение № 4)

3. упражнение 2 стр.215 (Приложение № 5)

4. вопросы - ответы (Приложение № 6)

1. Преподаватель объясняет задание

2. Преподаватель в форме презентации дает краткую информацию о жизни Ф.Найтингейл

1. Преподаватель объясняет значение новых слов

1. Преподаватель объясняет смысл некоторых выражений

2. Студенты обсуждают в парах, находят примеры с этими выражениями из текста

1. Преподаватель объясняет задание

2. Студенты отвечают на вопросы

Данная методика пробуждает интерес к предмету, способствует успешному усвоению новой темы, и закреплению материала, развивает навык чтения

Направлено на вероятностное прогнозирование предстоящего чтения

Нацелено на понимание содержания текста с извлечением основной информации

Нацелено на понимание содержания рассказа

Тренируют навык понимание выборочной, необходимой информации

Отработка навыка описание человека.

5. Обобщение и закрепление полученных знаний и умений

Задание для закрепления

Приложение №7

Приложение №8

1. Преподаватель объясняет задание

2. Студенты выполняют - тестовое задание (множественный выбор), при выполнение которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов.

3. Студенты в письменной форме выполняют задание

Данный этап должен обязательно присутствовать на занятии, так как закрепление и обобщение знаний оставляет значимый след по данной теме, формирует навык чтение, понимание содержание рассказа, развивает устно речевой деятельности студентов

6. Подведение итогов Выставление комментированных оценок

Преподаватель подводит итоги урока, вызывая положительную реакцию студентов на дальнейший успех

Выводы и оценка результатов.

7. Домашнее задание

Прочитать текст

Домашнее задание - это следующий вид самостоятельной деятельности, формирует творческий поиск студентов

Ход проведения занятия

1. Организационный момент

  • проверка присутствующих, готовности студентов к занятию

2. Вводное слово преподавателя

  • Ознакомление студентов с темой занятия

  • Постановка целей

3. Выявление уровня знаний по предыдущей теме проверка домашнего задание.

  • фронтальный опрос (Приложение № 1)

4. Изложение новых знаний

"The Lady with the Lamp"

Ролевая игра "The Lady with the Lamp" (Приложение № 2)

  • "The Lady with the Lamp" (Приложение № 3)

  • Глоссарий (Приложение № 4)

  • упражнение 2 стр.215 (Приложение № 5)

  • вопросы - ответы (Приложение № 6)

5. Закрепление полученных знаний

  • Multiple Choice (Приложение № 7)

  • Приложение № 8

6. Подведение итогов занятия

7. Домашнее задание: чтение текста

Приложение № 1

Write in English

Card №1 Card№2

1. медсестра 6. больной

2. лечить 7. высокая температура

3. рецепт 8. артериальное давление

4. неотложная помощь 9. сестринский процесс

5. выполнение 10. оценка

Card №3 Card №4

11. прописывать 16. ежедневно

12. здоровье 17. два раза в день

13. заболевание 18. анализ крови

14. прощупывать пульс 19. планирование

15. сбор информации 20. скелет

1. nurse, 2. treat, 3. recipe, 4. emergency service, 5.implementation, 6. patient,

7. high temperature, 8. blood pressure, 9. nursing process, 10. evaluation, 11. prescribe,

12. health, 13. disease, 14. to take the pulse, 15. assessment, 16. daily, 17. twice a day, 18. blood test, 19. planning, 20. skeleton.

Приложение № 2

"The Lady with the Lamp"

Student 1: She spared no one, least of all herself. She often worked for twenty - four hours on end, dressing wounds, helping surgeons in their operations, easing the pain of sick, comforting the dying. Every night, carrying a little oil - lamp to light her way, she walked by the beds, four miles of them. To the soldiers she was the "Lady with the Lamp", and they worshipped. One of them wrote:

Student 2: "What a comfort it was just to see her pass. She would speak to one, smile to many more. She could not speak to all, you know. We lay there by hundreds, but we could kiss her shadow as it fell on the wall". But that is only one side of the picture.

Приложение № 3

F. Nightingale

(1820 - 1910)

1. F. Nightingale was born in May 12. 1820

2. Whenever she was abroad she visited hospitals, read secretly, books on nursing, reports of medical societies, histories of hospitals. In 1849 she spent some weeks as a sister in a hospital in Paris and three months in nursing school at Kaiserwerth in Germany.

3. In 1853 she became superintendent of an «Establishment for Gentlewomen during illness» in Harley Street, London

4. In 1854 Crimean War broke out and she with thirty eight nurses sailed for Scutari

5. She was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea in 1855.

6. Peace was declared in 1856, she returned home an invalid for life.

7. In 1856 she changed the whole system of hospital organization of the army. She began the reform of the health service in India.

8. In 1858 she wrote books on nursing. «Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army»

(«Заметки о факторах, влияющих на здоровье, эффективность и управление госпиталями британской армии»)

9. In 1860 «Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not»

(«Как нужно ухаживать за больными»)

10. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St.Thomas's Hospital.

11. In 1907 she was given the Order of Merit.

Приложение № 4


1. flatter льстить

2. drain бревно

3. swarm рой, стая

4. soak пропитать, намочить

5. charge обязанность

6. admire восхищаться

7. superintendent управляющий

8. lack испытывать недостаток

9. regulation устав

10. scrub чистить щеткой

11. sting уязвлять

12. founder основоположник

13. hospital госпиталь

14. bandage бинт

15. dress перевязывать

16. pain боль

17. sickness болезнь

18. wound рана

19. surgeon хирург

20. invalid инвалид

Приложение № 5

Find these expressions from the text

1. speaking from memory

2. disturbing reports

3. long past fighting age

4. his letter crossed hers

5. Florence was not to be turned aside

6. the Crimean War broke out

7. the stone wall of officialdom

8. she spared no one

9. peace was declared

10. an invalid for life

Приложение № 6

Answer the questions:

F. Nightingale

1. What kind of people were the Nightingales?

2. Give short account of Florence Nightingale's education.

3. In what ways had she prepared herself for her task?

Mention the conditions of nursing in England before F. Nightingale's time

4. In what way was the building at Scutari unsuitable to be a hospital?

5. What was wrong with the condition there before F.Nightingale arrived?

6. Who invited F.Nightingale to go to the Crimea?

7. How did F.Nightingale overcome the shortage of supplies?

8. What did Hob mean by saying "She sounds more like an eagle than a nightingale"?

9. Mention some of duties she did as a nurse, as "a hard, practical woman"

Приложение № 7

Read the text again and choose the best options:

1. F.Nightingale had a passion to be …

a. a teacher

b. a nurse

c. a physician

2. She read secretly books on…

a. nursing

b. engineering

c. cooking

3. S.Herbert the Minister of War wrote to … asking if she would go out to the Crimea with a band of nurses.

a. G.Darling

b. F.Nightingale

c. E.Fry

4. In 1854 Miss Nightingale and 38 other nurses went to the … to help in care of the sick and wounded British soldiers during Crimea War.

a. America

b. Africa

c. Crimea

5. When she arrived at Scutari she found conditions even …

a. better

b. worse

6. Everywhere she met with … and confusion.

a. comfort

b. inefficiency

c. difficulties

7. To the soldiers she was the …

a. The Lady with the Hat

b. The Lady with the Flower

c. The Lady with the Lamp

8. … is the founder of a modern nursing.

a. M.Boyko

b. F.Nightingale

c. J.Austen.

Приложение № 8

Put these events in the order they might have happened in the story. Then read the text again and check whether your order is correct.

a. Out of hopeless confusion she brought order.

b. In 1856 she returned home - an invalid for whole life.

c. In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea.

d. There were no bandages and no linen to make bandages, few medicines and scarcely any proper food.

e. She and her nurses got down on their knees and scrubbed floors and walls.

f. England was at war with Russia and English army was fighting in the Crimea.

g. She took fever but continued her work from her bed.

h. The only nurses were old soldiers long past fighting age, who knew nothing of nursing and were quite unable to do the work.

i. Within a week she was ready and with thirty eight nurses she sailed for Scutari.

j. When she arrived at Scutari she found conditions even worse than reports had stated.

k. She found that everything was lacking.

l. Disturbing reports began to come to England of the terrible conditions in hospitals where wounded men were being treated.

m. The chief hospital the one at Scutari in Turkey was an old barracks.

n. Sidney Herbert the Minister for War wrote to Florence Nightingale asking if she would go out to the Crimea with band of nurses.

1. f 2. l 3. m 4. h 5. n 6. i 7. j

8. k 9. d 10. e 11. a 12. c 13. g 14. b

Приложение № 8

Put these events in the order they might have happened in the story. Then read the text again and check whether your order is correct.

a. Out of hopeless condition she brought order.

b. In 1856 she returned home - an invalid for whole life.

c. In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea.

d. There were no bandages and no linen to make bandages, few medicines and scarcely any proper food.

e. She and her nurses got down on their knees and scrubbed floors and walls.

f. England was at war with Russia and English army was fighting in the Crimea.

g. She took fever but continued her work from her bed.

h. The only nurses were old soldiers long past fighting age, who knew nothing of nursing and were quite unable to do the work.

i. Within a week she was ready and with thirty eight nurses she sailed for Scutari.

j. When she arrived at Scutari she found conditions even worse than reports had stated.

k. She found that everything was lacking.

l. Disturbing reports began to come to England of the terrible conditions in hospitals where wounded men were being treated.

m. The chief hospital the one at Scutari in Turkey was an old barracks.

n. Sidney Herbert the Minister for War wrote to Florence Nightingale asking if she would go out to the Crimea with band of nurses.

She was born in the city of Florence in 1820. When she was a child she had nursed the villagers and the sick dogs, cats, horses round her home and had a passion to a nurse. Her parents were horrified and did all they could to prevent it, but Florence was not to be turned aside. In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in Crimea. It meant long, uncomfortable journeys in snow and rain, cold. She took fever but continued her work from her bed. In 1856 peace was declared after 5that she returned home - an invalid for life. Though she couldn't leave her house, often not even her bed, she worked as fiercely as she had done at Scutari and brought about more changes in English life than perhaps any other private person of her time. She changed the whole system of hospital organization of the army. She began the reform of the health service in India. She wrote books on nursing. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St.Thomas's Hospital, now one of the finest in the world. She changed the whole idea of hospital planning and is the founder of modern nursing. In 1907 she was awarded the Order of Merit.

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