Конспект занятия внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку Здоровое питание

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Тип Конспекты
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Горская средняя общеобразовательная школа»


на конкурс

учителей иностранного (английского) языка

«От урока иностранного языка

к иноязычной культуре»

Учитель английского языка

Чумачек Марина Николаевна

с. Горки, 2015

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Горская средняя общеобразовательная школа»


внеурочного занятия по английскому языку

«Healthy food»

Учитель английского языка

Чумачек Марина Николаевна

с. Горки, 2015

Занятие с использованием проектно - исследовательской деятельности

«Typical British food»



2. Тип занятия;

3. Формы работы обучающихся;

4. Необходимое техническое оборудование.

Этапы занятия и цели каждого из них

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика











-The weather is fine,

The sky is blue.

Good morning children,

I'm glad to see you.

  • Sit down, please.

Tell me how are you today? And you?….

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you

Good morning, dear teacher,

We are glad to see you.

I'm fine, thank you. ..


Warming - up Определение темы

Today we'll speak about many interesting sings. Look at the screen please. I have got for you the cartoon film. Let`s make an interesting travel with Gogo together and guess, what about we will speak today.

Look the cartoon film and name the topic of the lesson.


Well done, children. Today we'll speak about food. The British people have their food likings and traditions. And what they like to eat more often, we should know by means of crossword. Please read questions and answer them.

(All questions are on the blackboard or sheets of paper)

  1. People buy food in this place.

  1. It is made from fruit or berries.

  1. A meal between breakfast and dinner.

  1. Christmas food.

  1. The British have a … tooth.

  1. The British like this drink with tea.

  1. This drink is made from fruit.

  1. Children like them very much. They are made from potatoes.

(slide 2)

Children read and answer the questions









  • Read please words all together.

Read words all together.

  • Very well, children. Look at the screen and name the British favourite food all together! (slide 3,4)

Name the word «SANDWICH»

Эвристическая беседа.

Цель: актуализация субъективного опыта

Well done! A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. What kind of sandwiches can you buy in these shops?

(slide 5)

We can buy meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat-and-salad sandwiches. - And we can buy cheese, egg or fish sandwiches.

- We can even buy fish or fruit sandwiches…. etc.

Этап применения изученного материала.

Цель: обеспечение восприятия, осмысления и обобщения учащимися изучаемого материала, развитие навыков чтения.

- Many people prefer to eat fast food. They eat a packet of chips or yoghurt for dinner. They have a glass of orange juice or a coke. And of course they like to eat sandwiches.


Let`s read the text about it. Open your books P.133 Ex.34.

Answer my questions please:

- What kinds of sandwiches do you know of?

- Where can the British shop sandwiches?

- When do the British eat sandwiches?

- Are sandwiches good for children`s health? Why?

Look at the text and choose the best answer:

1. Which of the following sentences is not true?

a) People in England eat sandwiches only for lunch.

b) You can buy sandwiches in shops.

c) Lots of foreigners don't like English sandwiches.

2. English use … for a sandwich.

a) one slice of bread b) two slices of bread c) a roll

3. Some foreigners don't like English tea because

a) it is too sweet b) it is too strong c) it is too hot.

Children read the text "English Sandwiches and English Tea", translate it into Russian and answer the questions.


Динамическая пауза.

I see, you are tide. Let`s have a rest and sing a song

Speaking Цель: формирование у учащихся умений самостоятельно применять знания в разнообразных ситуациях

Look on the blackboard please. There are many pictures with sandwiches.

Choose the favourite sandwich and tell us why do you like it.


Развитие навыков самостоятельной частично - поисковой деятельности.

Well done, children. Let's try to make sandwiches today! Sandwiches can be made using lots of different types of bread - sliced white, brown bread and a lot of filling.

Конспект занятия внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку Здоровое питание

I want you to work in groups now and say, what sandwiches you would like to do. Look on the slide, please. You can see and choose any food you need for sandwich - preparation. There are instructions of your sandwiches.

(The recipes have a wrong последовательность)

  • Please, ….. , what you need for your sandwich?

(Далее предложить рецепты сэндвичей, в которых указана неправильная приготовления и содержится лишний продукт, а также и картинки с продуктами. Нужно восстановить правильную последовательность приготовления и указать «лишний» продукт. В процессе работы можно пользоваться двуязычными словарями)

Put the instructions for the sandwich-making in the right order. Then paste ingredients on the blackboard. Any foodstuffs are unnecessary. Find and name these.

Work in groups

The 1-st group: We need some bread, mayonnaise, eggs, spring onion, salami, salt and pepper.

The 2-nd group: We need some brown bread, butter, ham, cheese and green salad.

Защита проектов.

Are you ready? Please, come to the blackboard and demonstrate us your work (recipes). The first group, please.

Thank you. Take your sits, please.

The second group, come to the blackboard and demonstrate us your work (recipes).

For our sandwich we take 2 slices of bread, butter, some ham, some cheese and green salad. There is unnecessary food in our instruction. It is sugar.

We must … (Kids read their recipe)

For our sandwich we take 2 slices of bread, 2 boiled eggs, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 4 spring onions, salami, salt and pepper. There is unnecessary food in our instruction. It is jam.

We must… (Kids read their recipe)

Заключительный этап.

1. Беседа о здоровом питании.

Thank you. Take your sits, please. And you, children, do you like sandwiches?

Yes, you are right. The sandwich is unhealthy. I wish you to eat only healthy food. And what we must to eat that to be healthy?

  • Yes, I do. I like meat and fish sandwiches.

  • No, I don't. It is fast food. I don't like sandwiches because they make people fat.

  • Yes, I do. I like ham and tomato sandwiches.

- No, I don't. I don't like sandwiches because they are unhealthy.

We must to eat more fruits and vegetables etc…

Lets make a таблицу about advantages and disadvantages of fast food

make a

and read their sentences.


Учитель предлагает учащимся на выбор пословицу, характеризующую их уровень усвоения материала.

А ларчик просто открывался.

Тяжело в учении, легко в бою.

Делу - время, потехе час.

Терпение и труд все перетрут.

Под лежачий камень вода не течет.


Look at our "Train of health". To be always in shape, it is necessary to eat more fruit.

If you agree with it and if you like our lesson, put oranges in the first car.

If you don't agree with it and are indifferent to a lesson theme, put lemons in the second car of the train. Thank you for your work. Let's travel in the Health - city!

Choose oranges or lemons and put in the Health - train

Перечень используемых на занятии ЭОР (указать в приложении)

Название ресурса

Тип, вид ресурса

Форма предъявления информации (иллюстрация, презентация, видеофрагменты, тест, модель и т.д.)

Гиперссылка на ресурс, обеспечивающий доступ к ЭОР


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