Пробный урок по теме The Weather с использованием стихов, пословиц и поговрок

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Цель урока: Формирование и развитие лексических навыков r теме: «The Weather».


Образовательная: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме «The Weather».

Развивающая: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, наглядно-образной памяти, творческих способностей.

Воспитывающая: воспитание чувства толерантности и взаимопомощи при работе в группах, воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению других людей.


  1. ноутбук, проектор, экран.

  2. карточки для парной и групповой работы.

  3. картинки с временами года и погодой.

Тип урока: Урок формирования лексических навыков.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент (3 мин.)

  2. Фонетическая зарядка (5 мин.)

  3. Формирование лексических навыков по теме: «The Weather». (30 мин.)

  1. Презентация новых лексических единиц.

  2. Тренировка новых лексических единиц.

а) на уровне слова;

б) на уровне словосочетания;

в) на уровне предложения.

3. Активизация новых лексических единиц в речи

  1. Домашнее задание (4 мин.)

  2. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок (3 мин.)

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент:

Teacher (T:): Good-morning, my dear friends! I'm glad to see you! How are you? How are you feeling today? Who is absent today? What day is today? What is the weather like today?

  1. Фонетическая заряда:

Look at the blackboard! Listen to the rhyme and try to understand it. Ok. Now All together read the rhyme.

Evening red and morning grey

Help the traveler on his way.

Evening grey and morning red

Bring down rain on his head.

T-…- P-…-P

  1. Формирование лексических навыков по теме: «The Weather».

The topic of our lesson today is « THE WEATHER». People speak about weather every day. They like to speak about it in England too. The weather is so changeable there so the English often say "We have no climate". The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the afternoon, when it rains in the morning and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say 'It's raining cats and dogs'. But the weather is not so dreadful in England. There are four seasons in the year. What seasons are there in the year?

Pupil (P:): They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

T: That's right! Do all these seasons have different kinds of weather?

P: Yes, of course!

T: Let's talk about it today. (у учащихся есть это стихотворение) Please, read this poem with me and try to understand it.

«The Seasons»

Oh, do you remember

When springtime was here,

The snowdrops and catkins,

The bird songs so clear?

Oh, do you remember

The long summer hours,

The hum of the bees

And the scent of the flowers?

And do you remember

When autumn came round,

How leaves red and yellow

Lay thick on the ground?

But now it is winter,

The branches are bare;

There is ice on the puddles

And frost in the air.

I played in the sunshine,

I play in the show,

And which is my favourite?

I really don`t know!

What is the boy`s favourite season?

  1. Презентация новых лексических единиц:

Look at the picture. Guess and say what you see in the pictures.

Look at the blackboard. Let`s read the new words. Repeat after me. Let`s write down these words in your copy-books.

Lighthing - молния, overcast- хмурый (о небе), thunder-гром, thunderstorm-гроза, weather forecast- прогноз погоды, degree-градус, thaw-оттепель, a thick fog-густой туман, a hard frost-сильный мороз, raindrops- капли дождя, dewdrops-капли росы, flakes of snow-хлопья снега, slush-слякоть, hoar-frost-иней, puddles of water-лужи.

  1. Тренировка новых лексических единиц:

а) на уровне слова

Give a more general word:

  1. A frost, snow, …

  2. Lighthing, rain, yellow lists…

  3. Birds, brooks, first flowers,…

  4. Sun, heat, the longest days, …


б) на уровне словосочетания

Match nouns and adjectives:

Frost thick

Rain cold

Winter bring

Summer loud

Lighthing hot

Thunder strong

Sky hard

fog overcast

(индивидуальная работа)

с) на уровне предложения

Please, translate these sentences.

Я боюсь грома и молнии. Зима мое любимое время года. Лето самая жаркая пора. Осенью много луж и слякоти после дождя . Капли дождя похожи на росинки.

  1. Активизация новых лексических единиц в речи.

What proverbs about weather do you know? Only hand up!


Look at the blackboard! All tell you about some new signs forecast.

Listen to them and translate .

If bees stay at home,

Rain will soon come;

If they fly away,

Fine will be the day.

The moon and the weather

May change together;

But change of the moon

Does not change the weather.


Write these rhymes in your copybooks.

  1. Домашнее задание: Your task is to write about your favourite season. Learn the new words and rhymes.

  1. Подведение итогов:

Today we've learnt the words, proverbs and read poems about the weather. Your marks for today are…

Our lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye. See you later.

Конспект пробного урока английского языка по теме:

«The Weather»


Крамской Ольгой Валериевной

Орел, 2012

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