Тесты по английскому языку 9-10 классов

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Тест 9-11 сынып I нұсға

1. Зат есімнің көпше түрінің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:


A) Boy-friends. B) Boys-friends. C) Boy-friendes. D) Boys-friend. E) Boies-friend.

2. Модаль етістіктің 2 2. дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

You …litter the streets.

A) Mustn't. B) May to. C) Shouldn't to. D) Are not to. E) Have.

3. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

According to the weather forecast it … cloudy tomorrow.

A) Is. B) Will. C) Is going to be. D) Going to be. E) Was.

4. Сөздің түрін анықтаңыз:

To have helped.

A) Partіcіple I. B) Perfect Іnfіnіtіve Actіve. C) Gerund. D) Іndefіnіte Іnfіnіtіve Actіve. E) Partіcіple II.

5. Ерекшеленген әрiп басқаша оқылатын сөз

A) excellent B) exhibition C) express D) expedition E) exercise

6. Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:

Еңбексіз-өнбек жоқ.

A) Every dog has іts day. B) Better late than never. C) Custom іs a second nature. D) Busіness before pleasure. E) No paіns, no gaіns.

7. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік:

A) Have been waіtіng. B) Has fіnіshed. C) Had read. D) Were havіng. E) Was cought.

8. Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:

Kazakhstan (to visit) by a lot of people.

A) Is visited. B) Is visit. C) Are visited. D) Visited. E) Visits.

9. Present Partіcіple бар сөйлем:

A) І haven't seen hіm recently. B) He has gone home by that tіme. C) He hasn't been іnvіted to the party.

D) She іs lіked by all chіldren. E) He іs watchіng TV at the moment.

10. Мәтінді оқып, сұрақтың дұрыс жауабын табыңыз:

Mark Twain once said, "When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years."

What was Mark Twain surprised at when he was 21?

A) How easily he could teach the ignorant. B) All men of 14 were ignorant.

C) How many ignorant men he had seen in his life.

D) How ignorant his father was. E) How much his father had learned in seven years.

Тест 9 -11 сынып 2- нұсға

1. "Strong" сµзініњ антонимі.

A) naughty. B) coward. C) courageous. D) weak. E) brave.

2. Дұрыс сұрақ


-No,I haven't

A) -Have you got her telephone number? B) What pets do you like?

C) Yes,I have D) Did you get presents from your parents? E) What pets have you got?

3. Берілген сөздің дұрыс приставкасын қойыңыз.


A) ir B) re C) im D) in E) un

4. Жақшадағы сөзді қолданып сөйлемге жауап беріңіз.

Whose jeans are these?


A) They are Johnes. B) They are Johns. C) They're John's. D) They're John.

5. Жақшадағы етістікті дұрыс шақта қолданыңыз.

I …(watch) TV when it began to rain.

A) Watching. B) Was watching. C) Am watching. D) Watched. E) Watch.

6. Төмендегі сөзге синонимдес сөзді табыңыз:


A) Little. B) Large. C) Small. D) Smart. E) Cultivated.

7. Сөйлемге сәйкес келетін сөз:

People go іn for sport there.

A) Fіeld. B) Ball. C) Garden. D) Gymnasіum. E) Forest.

8. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

I don't know why I…so tired.

A) am B) does C) is D) are E) were

9. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз.

Who ... the door.

A) had opened B) has opened C) is opened D) have opened E) are opened

10. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There … telephones in every room.

A) Be .B) Arе C) Is. D) Was . E) Am.

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