Урок. Политическая система в России Из опыта в работы

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Из опыта работы преподавателя «Белгородского техникума промышленности и сферы услуг» Кривцовой Е.И.


"What political system does Russia belong to?"по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева

Цели : познавательный аспект - знакомство с политическим устройством Российской Федерации;

Развивающий аспект -;развитие умения понимать схемы

Воспитательный аспект -осознание реалий родной культуры, формирование понимания того, что ещё, кроме демократически избранного президента, важно для развития реальной демократии.

Учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков чтения; развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию в деталях.


to practice using words related to politics

- to understand a scheme

-to practice listening for details

- to translate sentences

2. Phonetic drills - students repeat the words after the teacher to practice their pronunciation

The Federal Assembly -

A chamber -

The Counsel of Federation

The State Duma

The Chair of the Government

A deputy

The Cabinet of Ministers

The Constitutional Court

To guarantee

To dissolve

Speaking drills -ex.4 р 48

We live in the Russian Federation which adopted it/s constitution in 1993.

Please, answer the questions:

What political system does Russia belong to?

- The Russian Federation is a Presidential Republic

-What political institutions represent power of the Russian Federation?

-Executive brunch - the Federal Government

-Legislative brunch -the Federal ASSEMBLY

-Judicial branch - the Supreme Court , the Constitutional Court


-Who guarantees the basic rights of the people?

-The president

Who elects the members of the Federal Assembly?

-The people

-Who appoints the Chairman of the Government?

-The President

- Who approves the Chairman of the Government?

-The Duma

-Who elects the President?

-The people

-Who can dissolved the Duma?

-The President

Who can declare law unconstitutional?

-The Constitutional Court

-Who can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly?

-The President

3. Dealing with a scheme (ex.1 p48-49)/ The teacher has to find out if the students know what political system the Russian Federation represents according to the Constitution. Then students share their ideas about the peculiarities of the political system in our country.

4. Listening for detail(1.(8) p.341

Teacher- Listen to the information about the political system of Russia to check your answers.

5. Choose the correct statement-

  1. a)The Russian president is elected by the Representatives.

b).The Russian president is elected directly by the people.

2a).The president can dissolve the Duma.

b) The president cannot dissolve the Duma

3. a) The president's Administration is the part of the federal Government.

b) The president has his administration but it is not part of the Federal Government.

4. f) The Duma makes laws

b) The President makes laws

5. a) The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power.

b) The Federal Governmeпt represents the legislative branch of power.


Suggest that students to translate some sentences in order to sum up the information.

T. Translate from Russian into English:

1)Глава парламентской республики России- президент.

2)Правительство Российской Федерации состоит из законодательной ,исполнительной и судебной властей, подконтрольных президенту.

3)Законодательная власть осуществляется Федеральным собранием, избираемым всенародным голосованием на 4 года.

4)Во главе каждой из палат стоит спикер.

5)Законопроект становится законом, если президент не наложит на него вето.

6)Законопроект должен быть одобрен обеими палатами и подписан президентом.

7)Исполнительную власть представляет кабинет министров, возглавляемый премьер - министром.

8)Судебная власть осуществляется конституционным судом, Верховным судом и другими судами.

9)К государственным символам относится флаг, гимн и герб.


1) The head of the parliamentary republic of Russia is the President.

2) The government of the Russian Federative Republic consists of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Checked by the President.

3) The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly, elected by vote for a four- year period.

4) Each house is headed by the Speaker.

5) A bill becomes a law if the President doesn`t veto it.

6) A bill must be approved by both houses and signed by the President.

7) The executive power belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister.

8) The judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts.

9) The state symbols include the flag, the hymn and the national coat-of-arm

Now let's have a talk about the election. The 7th of September was the election day. You see slogan « The election - it's your choice»

From the "Universal Declaration of Human rights Adopted the United Nations General Assembly,Dec. 10, 1948"

"The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be help by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures"

What do you think about the political and economical situation in Russia? What do you think about the election?( Предполагаемые ответы)

Student. The political and economic situation in our country has been rather complicated recently.

Student. The industrial production was decreasing.

Student The prices were constantly rising, the rate of inflation was rather high. People were losing their jobs because many factories and plants were going bankrupt.

Student .But in spite of the problems Russia is always one of the leading countries in the world. I'm sure that the younger generation can do very much to make Russia as strong and powerful as it used to be .The youth always try to change the world to the best and now they have the real opportunity to do this. So , we have to go and vote and choose our deputies.

T. . Do you know, how long is the President elected for?

St/ The President will be elected for 4 years.

  1. What kind of person do you want to be the head of state?

St. In my opinion, its very important for the President to be a real person No image - maker can help a person who is nothing .It is impossible to improve 'nothing"

T.What kind of people can succeed in politics? What traits of character should they have?

St. A politician should be gifted.

St. A politician should be risky

St. A politician should be ambitious

St. A politician should be revise his or her ideas if he /she wanted to live a long life in politics.

St. A politician should be…

St. A politician should be…

St. A politician should be…

T. And what about you? Do you want to be the President?

St. I am the President of our students' electoral headquarter .

T. Have you got a program?

St. Sure. The most important purpose, to my mind, is the rising of salary of our citizens. Every person has the right to get а deserving salary and to a social defence. No shall be such salaries on which it is impossible to live. I'll struggle with breaking laws and demand keeping order.

St. As for me, I guess, demographic consequences of the crises of family are very serious.

Mortality eхceeds the birth rate. I consider that strengthening of the family is the strategy of country's policy.

T. I agree, and I hope life will be better if all citizens vote for the real honourable persons

T. And in conclusion:

Article 29 From the "Universal Declaration of Human rights Adopted the United Nations General Assembly, Dec. 10, 1948"

Every has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of the meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

The lesson is over. Good buy.

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