План урока по английскому языку на тему I like oranges. (5 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Lesson 33

Subject: English

Grade: the 5 -th form


Theme: I like oranges

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: students must be able to learn new words on food .

Developing: students must be able to develop their skills reading, speaking and improve pronunciation

Bringing-up: students must be able to bringing up the interest to the learning English language, to know how to work with partner.

The type of the lesson: new theme

Visual aids: cards, wordbook

The procedure of the lesson:

Stages of the lesson


Teacher's actions

Pupils' actions

I. Organization moment.

II. Warm-up

III. Checking homework

IV. The main part

V. Vocabulary

VI. Doing ex

VII. Reflection

VIII. Homework

IX. Commenting











-Stand up, please. Good morning, children.

-I am glad to see you.

- Thank you, how are you?

-Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- Answer my questions, please.

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Very well.

Repeat early learn themes.

(фронтальный опрос)

The theme of our lesson is "I like oranges". What do you think about what we will talk today?

Yes, of course, we are talking about food.

We need write new words on this theme.

Ex 1 p 131 listen and read.

Ex 2 p 131 listen and read.

Ex. 3 p. 131 Match the words to the pictures.

New words

Lemonade-[lemə'neid]- лимонад

Pepsy-[pepsi] - пепси

Cake- [keik] торт, пирожное

Salad-[ sᴂləd] салат

Coca-cola-[ kəuk-kəulᴂ] кока-кола

Water-[wɔ:tə] - вода


Tea-[ti:]- чай

Milk- [milk]-молоко

Pizza-[pitsə]- пицца

Banana- [bəna:nə]-банан

Chocolate-[ʧɔkələt]- шоколад


Oranges-[ɔrinʤ]- апельсин


Hamburger-[hᴂmbə:gə]- гамбургер

Juice-[ʤu:s]- сок


Ex. 4 p. 132 Write the words to the box

Ex. 7 p. 133 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 8 p. 133 Listen and repeat the words.

Delicious- [diliʃəs]- очень вкусный

Sweet- [swi:t]- сладкий

Wonderful (great) - [wʌndəful]- прекрасный

Good - [gud]-хороший

Interesting-[intrəstiƞ]- интересный

Sour [saʊə]- кислый

Terrible- [terəbl]- страшный, ужасный

Awful- [ɔ:fl]- страшный, ужасный

Ex. 9 p. 133 Listen and read.

Ex. 11 p. 133 Write about your interview.

What was the theme of our lesson?

Yes, that's right.

Let's remember the new words.

Learn new words Ex. 12 p. 134 Write four food and one drink words. What are the words?

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!

Good day to you

Good day to you

We are all in our places

With sunshine faces

I am on duty today.

Today is the th of January

Today is sunny

Today absent is…

I think about food.

Pupils write in vocabularies new words from theme Would you like to order?

Food Drink

Pupils write in dairy homework

Good bye teacher

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