Конспект урока по английскому языку

Данный урок проводится в 7 классе (базовый уровень) по УМК "Английский с удовольствием" Биболетовой М.З.Цель:  формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.Задачи:1)    Образовательная – совершенствование  фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков говорения и чтения, навыков диалогической речи по заданной теме;2)    Развивающая – формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение обобщать и анализировать);3)    Вос...
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Lesson "Школа - это весело!" 7 класс (автор УМК Биболетова М.З.)

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.


  1. Образовательная - совершенствование фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков говорения и чтения, навыков диалогической речи по заданной теме;

  2. Развивающая - формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение обобщать и анализировать);

  3. Воспитательная - воспитание прилежного отношения к учёбе.

Оборудование: учебник, раздаточный материал, аудиоприложение «Enjoy English 7», слайдовая презентация, мяч.

Ход урока


1. Приветствие

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please.

2. Речевая зарядка (мяч)

a) What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

Who is absent?


b) Now demonstrate me that you are ready for the lesson.

Show me your pens, please. Where are your workbooks?

Have you got record books?


3. Фонетическая зарядка

It's time for us to train our tongues. Look at the screen, please. Listen to the sounds and words and then repeat them (Slide 1).

[u] - could, would, should, couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't

[a:] - can't, shan't, are, aren't

[æ] - have, has, haven't, hasn't

[əu] - won't, don't

[i]- did, didn't, is, isn't


4. Цели и задачи урока

Let's guess what we shall do today at the lesson. There are some tips for you on the screen. We shall be fortunetellers today. So, what do you think? (Slide 2)

Well done!


5. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения

And we get down to business at once!

Answer my questions on the topic "School"

Т: Is your school far from the house?

How much time does it take you to get to school?

How do you go to school? Do you go on foot or by bus?

Do you wear a school uniform?


6. Проверка домашнего задания. Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме «Модальные глаголы must, have to, should »

T: Last lessons we learned modal verbs must, have to, should. What do they mean?

Well, you did the exercise 37 at page 69 at home. What should you do and what shouldn't you do in different situations?

(Slide 3) Great!

6. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения. Работа в парах (Slide 4)

Т: Do you like to go to school?

What do you usually do at the lessons?

What do you usually do during the break?

Well, our school life depends on our teachers. You are lucky if they are your good friends. What can you say about their job?

Is it easy or difficult?

Anyway many things depend on you. What should you do and what shouldn't you do to be a good pupil?

Work in pairs. On your desks you can find some sheets of paper. Choose actions for a good pupil. I give you 2 minutes.

Your time is up! Let's check!

Well done!

7. Физкультминутка

You worked hard. It's a high time to rest. Stand up please! Listen to me and do my commands, but be attentive.

Boys hands up!

Boys hands down!

Boys and girls

Turn around!

Girls hands up!

Girls hands down!

Girls and boys

Turn around!


8. Совершенствование навыков чтения, навыков диалогической речи

Open your books at page 70, look at exercise 41. There are 2 dialogues. Look through them. What modal verbs are used there? Translate them.

Ok, let's read them and try to translate.

Wonderful! Now face each other and act out these dialogues. Super!


11. Домашнее задание

Well, now let's write your homework. Open your workbooks at page 70. Look at exercise 43. There are some jokes about school. Your task is to read them and translate. Is it clear to you? Open your record books and write down homework.

12. Подведение итогов. Оценки

Let's draw the line. What did we do during our lesson?

Did you like our lesson?

Как вы оцените наш урок? Что понравилось/не понравилось? Что было легко/трудно? Write your marks in our record book.

Fine! Thank you for your work. Your marks …

The lesson is over. Good bye!

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