Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Holidays»

Открытый урок по английскому языку для 6 класса « Holidays» по учебнику А.Аяпова.Равивать интерес к культуре собственной страны и воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.  Развивать межпредметную связь и познавательный интерес учащихся и развивать умение диалогической и монологической речи, способность к догадке, воображениеформирование уважительного отношения к языку, умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе и расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышени...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Date: The 25th of January Grade: 6 "A"

Theme: Holidays


• To enrich the pupils' knowledge giving them more information about holidays In Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

• To develop pupils' pronunciation in English. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities, to widen pupil's knowledge about holidays, to speak about holidays

• To great an interest in studying in English language.

The type of the lesson: mixed
Visual aids: Picture, slides, an interactive board, cards

My class was divided into 3 groups

I explain them for actively participation, I will give them stars

Organization moment: (ұйымдастыру бөлімі)

I. Greeting
b) Explanation of the lesson objectives
c) Asking about the dates absents, etc.


-Good afternoon children! I'm very glad to meet you today on our open lesson.

-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What season is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
-Thank you very much, sit down!

II. Checking up the homework

Your homework was to learn irregular verbs. How many irregular verbs did you learn by heart? And To make up dialogue using the past continuous tense .I'll checkup now.

T: read, write, speak, tell, and swim, etc.

Pupils: read, spoke, told, swum, etc.

P: What were you doing yesterday at 7 o clock?

P: I was cleaning the room.

III. Explaining the new material

-Look at the interactive board, please!

-What do you see on the board?


-Yes, thank you, very much!

-What holiday do you know in Britain?

-Thanksgiving day, Halloween, Christmas etc.

-Good job! Thanks

-Now, let's learn about British Holidays but before we need to learn new

words. Look at the interactive board!

New words

• Chimney
• Celebrate
• Neighbour
• Costume
• Guest
• Knock
• Trick
• Threat
• Roast
• Turkey
• Pie
• Sock
• Stocking
Teacher: Now, listen to me, be attentively, Repeat after me! Pupils repeat and read themselves

  • Why did I colour in red?

  • Why did I colour in blue?

  • Why did I colour in green?

Pupils , answer my questions!

-red coloured words are verbs

-blue coloured words are nouns

-green coloured words are adjectives

-Thank you very much, sit down, please!

Now, I switch off my slide. Let's find verbs, nouns, adjectives!

-Who wants to go to the blackboard?

Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Holidays»
















Teacher: Let's read again, pupils!

-How do you call these words?




T: Thank you very much, I ll give you stars for actively participations.

IV. Reading the text

Teacher: I read the text, be attentively!

Pupils read the text with one sentence and translate them.


-What holiday is it?

-Good job, thanks!

T: I ll give you stars for actively participations

Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Holidays»

V. Asking and answering the questions.

T: We have a lot of celebrations and traditions

-What holidays do you know in Kazakhstan?

-When do we celebrate them?

P: answer the questions

Of all these British holidays which one do you like most? Why?

I show you blank how to make up sentences.

I like _______because ____________.

For ex: I like Thanksgiving Day because they have a lot of traditional food.

Pupils make up themselves.

T: Thank you very much! I ll give you stars for actively participations.

Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Holidays»

VI. Working with exercises.

Ex 3 Write. Add these words to the word map. Match them

  1. Parties 1. Holidays

  2. Wear costumes 2. Things we give and receive

  3. Cover their faces 3. Special occasion and activities

  4. With masks 4. Special food

  5. Play a trick

  6. Knock at the doors

  7. A roast turkey

  8. Pudding

  9. Gifts

  10. Decorate

  11. pumpkin pie

  12. Potatoes



2-I etc.

T: Thank you very much! For correct answering I ll give you stars.

VII. Evaluation

Let's play a game.

If the answer A you will show red colored card.

If the answer B you will show blue colored card.

If the answer C you will show green colored card.

If the answer D you will show yellow colored card.

  1. It is a holiday for children in Britain. They dressed in costumes and knock the doors.

  1. British

  2. St. Valentine's day

  3. Halloween

  4. Christmas

  1. On this day many people send cards to people they love.

  1. Christmas

  2. New Year

  3. St. valentine's day

  4. Halloween

  1. People in Britain celebrating this holiday on December 31

  1. Christmas

  2. Halloween

  3. Thanksgiving

  4. New Year


T: Thank you very much, my pupils for actively participating at my lessons. Yesterday you also participated at my out-of-class lesson.

I will count your stars. I say you what groups will be winners.

My congratulations, thanks.

Aruzhan, your mark for today is…..

Ersultan, your mark for today is……


VIII Giving homework

Your homework for the next lesson is learn by heart new words

and to make up 5 sentences using the new words.

IX. The end of the lesson

-The lesson is over

-Good bye!

School-lyceum №5 by I.V. Panfilov.

Open lesson

Theme: "Holidays"

Grade: 6 "A"

Kyzylorda 2013-2014

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