Конспект урока английского языка

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Конспект урока по английскому языку

Класс: 8

Учитель: Онисар Елена Евгеньевна

Тема: «Why are family holidays important?»

Цели и задачи:

  1. Образовательная:

  • развитие способности к догадке, коммуникабельности, способность осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;

  • активизация навыков аудирования; совершенствование навыков грамматики и диалогической речи.

  1. Развивающая:

  • Формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме;

  • Развитие языковой и контекстуальной догадки при чтении учебных текстов;

  • Создание основы для формирования интереса к совершенствованию достигнутого уровня владения изучаемым иностранным языком.

  1. Воспитательная:

  • Развитие умения адекватно использовать формулы вежливого поведения на английском языке в процессе решения поставленной коммуникативной задачи;

  • Формирование нравственных чувств и нравственного поведения у учащихся;

  • Готовность и способность вести диалог с другими учениками и достигать в нём взаимопонимания.

Оборудование: учебник Enjoy English 8 класс.

Литература: УМК Enjoy English, 8 класс.

Ход урока.



I Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения

1.Организационный момент

Good afternoon, students! Nice to see you! Take your places. It`s time to start our lesson. I remind. My name is Elena Evgen`evna. If everybody is present now, I think we can start. Sit down, please.

2. Речевая зарядка

Answer me questions:

What do you usually do on Mondays (Tuesdays) after classes?

What do you like to do at weekends?

Do you spend them with your family?

What do you usually do?

3.Фонетическая зарядка

Today we are going to speak about the important family holidays, but before let`s read and translate tongue - twister.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - Сколько леса может лесоруб срубить, если он умеет рубить деревья?

II Показ функционирования использования усваемоего материала

1. Проверка домашнего задания

What was the home task? Please open the workbooks, I'll check.

Your task is to find the missing words. So, let`s read one by one.

To abuse



To threaten



To blackmail



To defend



To frighten



To prevent



2. Работа аудиозаписью

Let`s start our work with exercise 44. Look at the names of the holidays and their dates. Let`s read them and translate. Your task is to match the holidays and the countries where they are celebrated. Listen to the tape and find out if you are right.




Christmas ( December 25th); St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th); Australia Day (January 26th)


Christmas ( December 25th); St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th); Independence Day ( July 14th)

The UK

Christmas ( December 25th); St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th);


Christmas ( December 25th); St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th); Canada Day ( July 1th)


Valentine`s Day ( February 14th); Victory Day ( May 9th), Independence Day ( June 12th); Christmas ( January 7th)

New Zealand

Christmas ( December 25th); St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th); Waitangi Day (February 6th)

Tell me please, what you know about these holidays. Use the linguistic and cultural guide. But before I divide you into 3 groups. Each ones have got 2 or 3 the holidays and find it. Then you should tell about it.

Christmas ( December 25th);

St. Valentine`s Day ( February 14th);

Australia Day (January 26th)

Canada Day ( July 1th)

Independence Day ( July 14th)

Waitangi Day (February 6th)

Victory Day ( May 9th),

Independence Day ( June 12th);

Christmas ( January 7th)

Look at the exercise 47. We are going to read a text about an American family holiday. But before we'll listen to the words that will appear in the text. Look at the exercise 46. Listen and repeat: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December;

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday;

The USA, the United State of America, the Atlantic Ocean, the south coast of England;

Pilgrim fathers, the Indians, the Mayflower, Plymouth, Thanksgiving Day;

Get together, celebrate, traditional food, pumpkin pie, turkey.

Now let`s translate it.

3. Динамическая пауза

Let`s have a rest. Take sheets of paper and sing a song.

III Управление тренировкой во владении материала

1. Выполнение тренировочных


Look at the exercise 47. You see the pictures under the text. What do you think the text will be about?

Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620, A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practise their religion. And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England. Their ship was called "the Mayflower". There were about a hundred of them. They took their animals with them; pigs, goats and chickens. It took them about a month or two to cross the Atlantic Ocean, Don't forget, there were no engines in those ships - only sails and the wind. At last they saw America on the 9th November. Some people didn't Jive to see America. They had become sick and died before they arrived in America.

The first winter in America was very hard for the travellers, the Pilgrims as they were called.

The Indians helped the Pilgrims. They were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn. The next year the Pilgrims had a lot of food.

The Pilgrim fathers built the town Plymouth. And they thanked God for their new home. It was almost four hundred years ago. And every year on the fourth Thursday in November American families get together and celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The traditional food on this day is turkey and pumpkin pie.

2. Домашнее задание

I want you to write down your home task:

3. Итог урока

Thank you for your work, boys and girls! The lesson is over. You may be free! Good bye!

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