Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Пособие поможет учащимся совершенствовать свои знания по английскому языку, развивать умение понимать иностранную речь, говорить и читать по теме, высказывать свою точку зрения. Использование краеведческого материала на уроках адаптации позволяет учащимся углубить знания по истории родного края, географии, национальным традициям и обычаям. Познание родного края укрепляет чувство патриотизма и уважение к нему. Материал рабочей тетради представлен в яркой и увлекательной форме. Тексты адаптирован...
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Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия

Комитет по образованию г. Улан-Удэ

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №60

социальной адаптации детей-инвалидов»

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Рабочая тетрадь к урокам адаптации для 9 класса

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Улан-Удэ, 2010 г.

Рабочая тетрадь к урокам адаптации для 9 класса по теме «Buryatia», авторы Громова С.С. Ожогина И.А.

Пояснительная записка к урокам адаптации для 9 класса

по теме" Buryatia"

Данная рабочая тетрадь основана на материале национально-регионального компонента по теме " Бурятия" и соответствует требованиям школьной программы. Она рассчитана на цикл уроков, включающий семь адаптационных занятий. Пособие поможет учащимся совершенствовать свои знания по английскому языку, развивать умение понимать иностранную речь, говорить и читать по теме, высказывать свою точку зрения. Использование краеведческого материала на уроках адаптации позволяет учащимся углубить знания по истории родного края, географии, национальным традициям и обычаям. Познание родного края укрепляет чувство патриотизма и уважение к нему.

Материал рабочей тетради составлен в увлечённой форме. Тексты адаптированы, в них учащиеся найдут много интересной и познавательной информации. Предлагаемые вопросы к текстам способствуют более глубокому восприятию прочитанного. Тексты подкреплены тестовыми заданиями развивающего характера. Для лучшего усвоения темы даны упражнения на закрепление материала. Задания построены так, что ответы на них помогут учащимся в составлении собственных рассказов, диалогов, описаний в рамках изучаемой темы.

Рабочая тетрадь написана доступным языком и будет полезна и интересна для учащихся, изучающих иностранный язык.

Lesson 1

I. Read and choose the best way: The people call Buryatia a sunny country. Why?

  1. because the people are kind;

  2. because it has many sunny days;

  3. because Buryatia is a rich country.

II. Listen, read, translate and repeat after your teacher:

Eastern Siberia

is situated in

border on

consist of





is rich in






mineral resources






















III. Name, please:

  1. animals;

  2. all minerals;

  3. trees;

  4. industries;

  5. agriculture.

Model: I know such animals as ……….

IV. Say the same. Use "too".

  1. I live in Eastern Siberia. And you?

  2. I know Buryatia is rich in tungsten, limestone, coal, iron, gold. And you?

  3. I have seen such trees as cedars, fir-trees, birches and so on. And you?

4. I have read Buryatia has many important industries: aircraft, food, coal-mining. And you?

5. I like to take pictures of Siberian animals: a sable, a mink, a squirrel. And you?

V. Work in pairs. Tell your friend what kind of books you want to read:

I want to read a book about Siberia,


fur-bearing animals,

industry of Buryatia,

agriculture of Buryatia,


the taiga,


VI. Read the text and pay attention to new words:

Buryatia is situated in Eastern Siberia. Buryatia borders on Mongolia, Sakha-Yakutia, the Republic Tuva and the Chita region.

The Republic is mostly mountainous. The territory of Buryatia consists of steppes, thick forests, lakes and rivers. The taiga covers 60% of the whole territory. There are a lot of trees in it: pine, cedar, fir-tree, and birch. The taiga is rich in fur-bearing animals: bear, wolf, sable, fox, mink, and hare.

Buryatia is rich in mineral resources: limestone, tungsten, gold, iron, coal.

VII. Find in the text the following words and underline them:

( Восточная Сибирь., граничить, горный, степи, тайга, сосна, лиственница, кедр, ель, берёза, богатый, пушной, норка, минеральные ресурсы.)

VIII. Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. Where is Buryatia situated?

  2. What does Buryatia border on?

III. What does the territory of Buryatia consist of?

  1. What animals do live in the taiga?

  2. What trees are there in the taiga?

VI. What mineral resources is Buryatia rich in?

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Tasks to lesson 1

I. Remember our words and match the right way:

Eastern Siberia граничить

is situated состоять из

border on степи

mineral resources вольфрам

mountainous Восточная Сибирь

mountain известняк

consist of находится

steppes гора

taiga богата

fur-bearing animals пушной зверь

is rich in горный

limestone минеральные ресурсы

tungsten золото

gold тайга

iron железная руда

coal уголь

larch лиственница

birch дичь

pine норка

cedar животноводство

fur-tree береза

sable ель

mink промышленность

industry сельское хозяйство

aircraft пищевая промышленность

food белка

shipbuilding овощеводство

vegetable-growing овцеводство

sheep-breeding ячмень

cattle-breeding кораблестроение

horse-breeding самолетостроение

coal-mining кедр

agriculture угледобыча

barley сосна

poultry соболь

squirrel коневодство

II. Find the words:



  3. COAL

  4. GOLD

  5. IRON

















































































III. Make up a dialogue. Translate the second part of it:

Hello! Where are you from?

Я из Бурятии. Я живу в Улан-Удэ.

What a surprise! Where is Buryatia situated?

Бурятия находится в Восточной Сибири.

What does Buryatia border on?

Бурятия граничит с Монголией, Саха-Якутией, с Тывой и Читой.

What does the territory of Buryatia consist of?

Территория Бурятии состоит из лесов, степей, озёр и рек.

What animals do live in your country?

В Бурятии водится пушной зверь.

IV. Continue the sentences and translate some words:

l. Buryatia (находится) in Eastern Siberia.

2. Buryatia (граничит) on Mongolia, Sakha- Yakutia, the Chita region, the Republic of Tuva.

3. The territory of Buryatia (состоит) forests, lakes and rivers.
4. Buryatia is (горная) country.

5. Buryatia is rich in (минеральными ресурсами): (вольфрамом), limestone, gold, (углем), and (рудой).

V. Make up the sentences. Put the sentences in the right order:

  1. In, Buryatia, gold, mineral, coal, is, resources, rich, limestone, tungsten, iron.

  2. The, consists, steppes, of, forests, territory, lakes, rivers, and.

  3. Has, Many, animals, Buryatia, fur-bearing, in, taiga, the.

  4. Of, people, are, Buryatia, hospitable, and, kind, friendly.

  5. Is, situated, in, Buryatia, Eastern Siberia.

  6. Many, has, sunny, days, Buryatia.

  7. Like, my, I, country.

VI. Characterize your country where you are from according to the plan:

  1. The location of Buryatia.

  2. The territory of Buryatia.

  3. The taiga.

  4. Mineral resources.

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Lesson 2

  1. Remember the words, listen and repeat after your teacher.

  2. Work in pairs. Answer these questions:

  1. What mineral resources is Buryatia rich in?

  2. What trees are there in the taiga?

  3. What fur-bearing animals is the taiga rich in?

  4. What kind of industry and agriculture has Buryatia?

III. Ask your friend if he has seen this thing as I or if he has been to this
place as I:

Model: I have seen a squirrel. Have you seen a squirrel? No, I haven't.

  1. I have been to the steppes.

  2. I have been to the taiga.

  3. I have been to the mountains.

  4. I have seen a birch.

  5. I have seen a mink.

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

  1. Translate some words and make up substitutions in these dialogues:

1) - I live in Buryatia. Buryatia is a rich country.

- I know it. But what mineral resources is Buryatia rich in?

- Buryatia is rich in (limestone, золото, tungsten, уголь, руда)

2) - I like the taiga. The taiga has many trees.

- What trees are there in the taiga?

- The taiga has many trees as (кедр, берёза, fir-tree, сосна, larch).

3) - The taiga is rich in fur-bearing animals.

- What fur-bearing animals has the taiga?

- The taiga is rich in such animals as (bear, белка, соболь, норка, and hare).

4) - Buryatia is an industrial country. It has many kinds of industries and agriculture.

- What kinds of industry and agriculture are important?

- The important industries and agriculture are (aircraft, кораблестроение, пищевая, coal-mining, овцеводство, barley-growing, cattle-farming, коневодство, овощеводство).

IV. Read the dialogue and answer the question: Why is Buryatia a rich country?

  • Hi. What is your name?

  • My name is Jack and yours?

  • My name is Bair. Where are you from?

  • I am from London. And you?

  • I am from Buryatia.

  • Where is Buryatia situated?

  • It is situated in Eastern Siberia.

  • Is Buryatia a rich country?

  • Of course. Buryatia is rich in mineral resources, fur-bearing animals.

  • And what about your agriculture and industry?

  • We have such industries as ship-industry, food, aircraft, coal­mining and others. Our republic is famous for sheep-breeding, cattle-farming, horse-breeding, poultry and vegetable-growing.

  • It was nice to hear about your country. Thank you.

  • You are welcome.

V. Try to tell your friend about Buryatia using this dialogue.

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Tasks to lesson 2

I. Remember our words, play and find the right translation





Is situated






























II. Match the sentences:

1. Buryatia is situated in Eastern Siberia.

2. Buryatia borders on Mongolia, Sakha-Yakutia, the Republic Tuva and the Chita Region.

3. Buryatia is mountainous.

4. The territory of Buryatia consists of steppes, thick forests, lakes and rivers.

5. The taiga has many kinds of trees and fur-bearing animals.
6. Buryatia is rich in limestone, tungsten, gold, iron, coal.

A) Бурятия богата известняком, вольфрамом, золотом, рудой и углем.

Б) Территория Бурятии состоит из степей, густых лесов, озёр и рек.

B) Бурятия находится в Восточной Сибири.

Г) Бурятия граничит с Монголией, Саха-Якутией, с республикой Тыва и Читой.

Д) Тайга содержит много видов деревьев и пушного зверя.

III. Look through the dialogues from Ex.5, Lesson 2 and complete the sentences:

1 .Buryatia is situated in …………………………………………………………….

2. Buryatia is rich in ………………………………………………………………..

3. Buryatia has such industries as …………………………………………………..

4. Buryatia has such kinds of agriculture as ………………………………………..

IV. Do a test. Choose the right answer:

1. Buryatia is situated in ………………………………………………

a) Southern Siberia; b) Africa; c) Eastern Siberia.

2. Buryatia borders on Sakha-Yakutia, the Republic Tuva, and the Chita Region ………………………………………………………………

a) China; b) Mongolia; c) Japan.

3. The territory of Buryatia consists of …………………..

a) steppes; b) thick forests; c) lakes and rivers; d) mountains.

4. The taiga has many ………………….

a) trees; b) fur-bearing animals; c) elephants.

5. Buryatia is rich in mineral resources ………………

a) limestone and tungsten; b) gold and iron; c) coal.

6. The important industries in Buryatia are ………….

  1. aircraft, shipbuilding, coal-mining, food industry;

  2. timber and paper-industries.

7. Buryatia has many kinds of agriculture ……………………………..

a) sheep - and cattle - breeding; b) horse-breeding; c) poultry; d) barley and vegetable-growing.

V. Try to write a letter to your pen- friend about Buryatia. Start this way:

Flat 10,

16, Gagarin Street



October 20th, 2009.

Dear Mary,

I was very glad to receive your letter and I was happy to know about London. Thanks for your letter.

You asked me in your letter to tell you about my country.




Your friend,


  1. Retell the letter in the form of the monolog.

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Lesson 3

The Geographical position of Buryatia

  1. Remember the words, listen and repeat after your teacher.

II. Read the sentences and say what right or false is. Work in pairs:

1. Buryatia is situated in Southern Siberia.

  1. Buryatia borders on Korea, China and the Chita region.

  2. The territory of Buryatia consists of steppes and thick forests.

  1. Buryatia is rich in mineral resources: limestone, gold, tungsten, coal, iron.

5. Taiga covers about 70% of the whole territory.

III. Read the text about Buryatia:

Buryatia is situated in Eastern Siberia. It borders on Mongolia in the south, on Sakha- Yakutia in the north, on the Republic Tuva in the west, on the Chita region in the east.

The republic is mostly mountainous. There are the Barguzin and the Hamar- Daban mountain ranges. But the most famous are the Sayans with its highest peak Munku- Sardyk. We can see boundless steppes, thick forests, quite lakes, mountainous rivers, world famous Lake Baikal in Buryatia.

Buryatia is rich in mineral resources. Taiga covers about 60 % of the whole territory. There are a lot of different trees and animals in it. The rivers of Buryatia are of no great value as waterways. The longest of them are: the Selenga, the Uda, the Barguzin and others.

The climate in Buryatia is sharp continental. The winters are long and cold, the summers are short and hot.

Our republic is famous for different kinds of industry and agriculture. We are proud of our country.

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

IV. Answer the questions:

  1. Is Buryatia situated in Southern Siberia?

  2. What does it border on?

  3. What mountains of Buryatia do you know?

  4. What mountains are the most famous?

  5. What are the longest rivers in Buryatia?

  6. What is the climate in Buryatia?

V. Complete the sentences:

1. Buryatia borders on …………………………………………………………………….

2. The Republic is mostly mountainous. There are ………………………………………

3. We can see ………………………………………………………………………………

4. The rivers of Buryatia are of no …………………………………………………………

5. The longest of them are …………………………………………………………………

6. The climate in Buryatia is ……………………………………………………………..

  1. The winters are …………………………………………………………………………

VI. Look at the map below and try to describe the geographical position of Buryatia according to the plan:

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

  1. Its location

  2. Mountains

  3. Mineral resources

  4. Animals

  5. Rivers

  6. Climate

Tasks to lesson 3

I. Remember our words and give a translation:

Is situated in- ______________________________

Mountainous- ______________________________

Border on- ______________________________

Consist of- ______________________________

Is rich in- ______________________________

Limestone- ______________________________

Tungsten- ______________________________

Iron- ______________________________

Larch- ______________________________________________________________


Mink- ______________________________________________________________

Climate- ____________________________________________________________

II. Guess the crossword:

  1. The world famous lake.

  2. One of the longest rivers.

  1. ... Siberia.

  2. The Country, which Buryatia borders on?

  3. The highest peak.

  4. Sharp....

III. Do a test:

1. The Republic is mostly mountainous. There are …………………………..

a) the Barguzin; b) the Hamar-Daban; c) the Sayans.

2. The highest peak is ……………………………………………………….

a) the Munku-Sardyk; b) the Chigikan

3. The longest rivers are …………………………………………………….

a) the Selenga; b) the Uda; c) the Ob; d) the Dzhida.

4. The climate is …………………………………………………………….

a) continental; b) sharp continental; c) mild.

5. The deepest lake is ………………………………………………………

a) Lake Baikal; b) Lake Gusinoye; c) Lake Oron.

6. The capital of Buryatia is ………………………………………………..

a) Ulan-Ude; b) Moscow; c) London.

IV. Translate into English:

1. Бурятия находится в Восточной Сибири.

2. Мы можем увидеть безграничные степи, густые леса, тихие озера, горные реки, всемирно известное озеро-Байкал.

3. Бурятия - горная страна.

4. Самые длинные реки Бурятии - Селенга и Уда, Баргузин и другие.

5. Климат Бурятии - резко континентальный.

V. Tell about Buryatia. These prompts will help you:

Buryatia is situated in ……………………………………………………………………

It borders on …………………………………………………………………………….

The territory of Buryatia consists of …………………………………………………….

The climate of Buryatia is ………………………………………………………………

The rivers are ……………………………………………………………………………

The most famous mountains are …………………………………………………………

Рабочая тетрадь по теме БурятияРабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Lesson 4

"Americans in Buryatia"

1. Listen and repeat after your teacher:










II. Put the sentences in the right order and make up a dialogue from these answers and questions:

1 .Where is Buryatia situated? a) The people live in Buryatia are

very friendly and hospitable.

2. What does it border on? b) Buryatia has many rivers, but the

longest of them are the Selenga and the Uda.

3. Is Buryatia a rich country? c) Yes, I am. I am proud of my country.

It is the best country in the world.

4. What rivers has Buryatia? d) Buryatia borders on Mongolia, the

Chita region, the republic Tuva, Sakha- Yakutia.

5. Is Buryatia a mountainous country? é) Buryatia is situated in Eastern


6. What does the territory of Buryatia consist of?

f) The territory of Buryatia consists of steppes, thick forests, mountains, lakes and rivers.

7. What kind of people lives in Buryatia? g) Buryatia is mountainous. Its

mountains are The Sayans, the Hamar- Daban, the highest peak Munku-Sardyk.

8. Are you proud of your country? h) Buryatia is rich in fur-bearing

animals, mineral resources.

III. Look through the new words:

To appreciate- оценить

To include in family events- посвятить в семейные события

То explain their customs- объяснить свои обычаи

a refreshing custom- освежающий обычай

IV. Read the text "Impressions of Buryatia" by Marine Harris, Kentucky, USA:

I first arrived in Ulan-Ude September 1, 1995. I was surprised that there was no snow on the ground with this being Siberia! How pleasant the weather has been here even in the middle of winter! The winter is cold but not as cold as I had imagined it would be. It was pleasure to live in Ulan-Ude. There were many architectural monuments I enjoyed. The lifestyle here has been very simple and unhurried. The people of Buryatia were very hospitable, kind and friendly. Being here I had a chance to appreciate the nature of Buryatia.

My first visit to the forest to pick mushrooms was a wonderful experience! I had never done this before and I have found out that this is something that many people living in Buryatia love to do. After that I was invited by a village family to have dinner and use their «banya". What a refreshing custom!

Many people have been eager to explain their customs share their recipes for Russian and Buryat dishes and include me in family events.

Living here has been a very interesting and good experience for me!

V. Answer the questions:

  1. What was her first impression?

  2. What was the weather?

  3. What lifestyle was in Buryatia to Marine's mind?

  4. What kinds of people do live in Buryatia?

5. What was her first wonderful experience?

6. What family was invited her by? What for?

7. What have many people been eager?

VI. Complete the sentences:

1. My first visit to

2. After that I was

З. Мапу people have been

VII. Work in pairs. Tell each other about: a) Visit of Marine Harris to Buryatia b) Impressions of Marine

VIII. Your American friend wants to interview you about your native land. Using these word-combinations make up an interview:

I am interested in such question as

Be so kind as to tell me about

I have a question

Could you answer this question?


I have heard that

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Tasks to lesson 4

I. Do you know these words? Remember them and translate them in the written form:



Сельское хозяйство


Ячмень ________________________________________________________

П. Match the sentences:

  1. Buryatia attracts tourists from over the world.

  2. They enjoy the beauty of our nature.

  3. They go to Buryatia to see one of the deepest and clearest lakes- Lake Baikal.

  4. Americans like Buryat people, because they are hospitable, kind and friendly.

  5. Buryat people include everyone their family events.

  6. One of the refreshing customs is to take a «banya».

7. Buryat people share their recipes for Buryat and Russian food and explain their

А) Буряты обмениваются рецептами бурятской и русской кухни и объясняют свои обычаи.

Б) Бурятия привлекает туристов со всего света.

В) Американцам нравятся буряты, потому что они гостеприимны, добры и дружелюбны.

Г) Они наслаждаются красотой нашей природы.

Д) Один из освежающих обычаев - принять баню.

Е) Они едут в Бурятию, чтобы увидеть один из самых глубоких и чистых озёр - озеро Байкал.

III. What do Americans attract in Buryatia? Express your opinion.

To my mind,

As for me,

I think,

IV. Translate some words:

Обмениваться рецептами бурятской и русской кухни

Объяснять свои обычаи


Привлекать туристов

  1. Read the text from Lesson 4 Ex 4 again.

  2. Translate it into Russian.

Lesson 5

"Symbols of Buryatia"

I. Learn new words, write down the given translation:

Coat of Arms




To stand for



Eternal life


To frame

II. Read the text about symbols of Buryatia:

Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия


SOEMBO - соембо

HEARTH - домашний очаг

KHADAK - хадак, голубая лента

A NATIONAL ANTHEM - национальный гимн

STAND FOR - символизировать

The Coat of Arms of Buryatia presents a three colour circle ( blue, white, yellow). In the upper part of the circle there is gold Soembo. It is a traditional symbol of eternal life (sun, moon, and hearth). In the center of the circle there are blue and white stripes of Lake Baikal waves and there are also green mountains.

A blue ribbon "Khadak" frames the lower part of the circle. It is a symbol of hospitality of the Buryat people. The central part of the "Khadak" is the base of the Coat of Arms on which the name of the Republic: Буряад Республика, Republic of Buryatia.

Our flag has three wide stripes on it. The stripes are blue, white and yellow. The blue colour stands for the blue of the sky. The white colour stands for purity. The yellow colour stands for eternity.

Buryatia has a national anthem. It is written by Damba Zhalsaraev and Anatoly Andreev. It is called "Таёжная, озёрная, степная".

III. Answer the questions according to the text:

  1. How many symbols has Buryatia?

  2. What does the Coat of Arms present?

  3. What is there in the upper part of the circle?

  4. What does Soembo present?

  5. What is there in the center of the circle?

  6. What is "Khadak"?

  7. What colour is the national flag?

  8. Who is written the Buryat national anthem by?

9. How is it called?

IV. Match the sentences:

  1. Our flag has 3 wide stripes.

  2. Buryatia has a national anthem.

  3. The Coat of Arms presents a three colour circle.

  4. A blue ribbon "Khadak" frames the lower part of the circle.

  5. In the upper part of the circle there is gold Soembo.

  1. Герб республики Бурятия представлен трёх цветным кругом.

  2. Голубая лента «Хадак» обрамляет нижнюю часть круга.

  1. Наш флаг состоит из трёх широких полос.

  2. Бурятия имеет свой национальный гимн.

  3. В нижней части круга находится золотое соембо.

V. Put the sentences in the right order:

l. In the upper part of the circle there is gold Soembo.

2. Buryatia has a national anthem.

3.0ur flag has three wide stripes on it.

4. A blue ribbon "Khadak" frames the lower part of the circle.

5. The republic of Buryatia's Coat of Arms presents a three colour circle.

VI. Be ready to tell each other about «Symbols of Buryatia".

Tasks to lesson 5

I. Remember the words to the topic «Symbols of Buryatia":

Coat of Arms






To stand for



II. Find Russian equivalents of the following:

To present a three colour circle- …………………………………………………………..

To be a traditional symbol- ………………………………………………………………..

Eternal life- ………………………………………………………………………………..

A symbol of hospitality of Buryat people- …………………………………………………

To be the base of the Coat of Arms- ………………………………………………………..

To stand for the blue of the sky- ……………………………………………………………

To stand for purity- ………………………………………………………………………..

To stand for eternity- ……………………………………………………………………..

III. Look through the text about symbols and complete the sentences:

1. The republic of Buryatia's Coat of Arms ……………………………………………….

2. In the upper part of the circle ……………………………………………………………

3. It is a traditional symbol ………………………………………………………………..

4. in the center of the circle ………………………………………………………………

5. A blue ribbon "Khadak" frames …………………………………………………………

6. It is a symbol of …………………………………………………………………………

7. The central part of the "Khadak" ………………………………………………………..

8. The stripes of the flag are ………………………………………………………………

9. The national anthem is written by ………………………………………………………

10. It is called ………………………………………………………………………………

IV. Match the questions and the answers:

1 .What does the Coat of Arms present?

2. What is there in the upper part of the circle?

3. What is there in the centre of the circle?

4. What is a blue ribbon «Khadak"?

5. What does the blue colour stand for?

  1. What does the white colour stand for?

  2. What does the yellow colour stand for?

  1. "Khadak" is a symbol of hospitality of the Buryat people.

  2. In the center of the circle there are blue and white stripes of Lake Baikal waves and there are green mountains.

  3. The yellow colour stands for eternity.

  1. In the upper part of the circ le there is gold Soembo.

  2. The white colour stands for purity.

  3. The blue colour stands for the blue of the sky.

  4. The Coat of Arms presents a three colour circle.

VI. Using the information from Ex.4 and Ex.5 make up your own dialogue about the symbols of Buryatia.



Mike: __





Bair: ________________________________________________________________

VII. Try to learn this dialogue with your partner.

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Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия Рабочая тетрадь по теме Бурятия

Lesson 6

I. Listen to the words and repeat after your teacher:

Soembo Coat of Arms




Stripe Flag ………

II. Listen and read the words from the Anthem of the Republic of Buryatia:

My motherland is taiga, lake and steppe;

It is full of warm and kind sunny light,

Blooming from end to end

Be happy, my native land.

  1. Рабочая тетрадь по теме БурятияRead the text about the symbols of Buryatia from Lesson 5.

  2. Answer the questions according to the text:

  1. What does the Coat of Arms present?

  2. What is gold Soembo?

  3. What is there in the center of the circle?

  4. What does frame the lower part of the circle?

  5. Is "Khadak" the symbol of hospitality of Buryat people?

  6. What is the base of the Coat of Arms?

V. Say if the sentences are true or false:
1. The Coat of Arms presents a four colour circle.
2. Soembo is a traditional symbol of eternal life.
3. "Khadak" is a symbol of hospitality of the Buryat people.
4. Our flag has three wide stripes.
5. The blue colour stands for the sky and Lake Baikal.
6. The white colour stands for winter.
7. The yellow colour stands for the sun.
8. Buryatia has not a national anthem.
9. It is written by Alexandra Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov.

VI. Complete the dialogue and replay it in the pair:
-Every country has its own national symbols. What national symbol has Buryatia?

-Buryatia has three symbols: the Coat of Arms, the national flag, and the anthem.

-What can you tell me about the Coat of Arms?

…………………………………………………………………………………………….-What can you tell me about the national flag? I know that it is a symbol of glory. It stands for our Republic's ideals.

………………………………………………………………………………………………-And the third symbol is the anthem. Who wrote the national anthem of Buryatia?


VIII. Try to tell each other about the symbols of Buryatia according to the plan:

l. The Coat of Arms.

2. Our flag.

3. The national anthem.

IX. Sing the national anthem.

Гимн Республики Бурятия

композитор - А.Андреев, стихи - Д.Жалсараев

Таежная, озерная, степная,

Ты добрым светом солнечным полна.

Цветущая от края и до края,

Будь счастлива, родная сторона.

Брусничный дух, черемухи дыханье,

Лилового багульника настой.

Я не дышу, а пью благоуханье

Моей земли, равнинной и лесной.

Прими, земля, сыновнее спасибо,

Святой водой Байкала угости,

Чтоб я обрел невиданную силу

Для дальнего нелегкого пути.

С тобой, земля, мы слиты воедино,

Моею стала и судьба твоя.

Поклон тебе от сердца, край родимый,

Любимая Бурятия моя!

О, Мать-земля!

Tasks to lesson 6

I. Remember the words:







II. Answer the questions and give the necessary answers:

  1. How many symbols of Buryatia do you know?

  2. What do they present?

3. What does Soembo symbolize?

4. What elements has gold Soembo?

5. What do these blue, yellow and white colours stand for?

III. Make up sentences, according to these sentences make up a story about

1 .live, in, I, Buryatia.

2. is, my, it, native, country.

3. situated, in, it, Siberia, is, Eastern.

4. the, thick forests, lakes, and, consists of, territory, steppes, rivers, mountains.

5. the, rich, fur-bearing, and, trees, taiga, different, is, in, animals.

6. Buryatia, rich, mineral, in, is, resources.

7. famous, for, Buryatia, kinds, industry, of, is, different, agriculture, and.

8. has, three, Buryatia, symbols: the Coat of Arms, a, national anthem, flag, a, and.

9. symbols, republic, present, eternal, and, purest, our, the, countries, these, as, hospitable,

one, of.

  1. Imagine this situation: You are in America. You miss your country. You remember its steppes, forests, fields, rivers, the taiga and the people live in Buryatia. Express your opinion about your country in the American friend's circle.

  1. Prove that people live in Buryatia are proud of it.

VI. Be ready to tell about Buryatia according to the plan:

  • The geographical position of Buryatia.

  • The industry and agriculture.

  • The symbols of Buryatia.

Lesson 7

"Around Buryatia"

  1. Remember the words with your teacher.

  2. Work in pairs! Choose one of the best statements:

  1. Buryatia is a sunny country.

  2. Buryatia is a rich country.

3) The territory of Buryatia consists of mountains, rivers, the taiga, steppes.

4) Buryatia attracts tourists from over the world.

  1. Buryatia is famous for sheep-breeding, horse-breeding, barley- growing, ship-building, aircraft- industry, coal mining and so on.

b) The taiga has different trees such as cedar, birch, larch, fir-tree.

  1. The nature of our country is very beautiful and the Buryat people are hospitable, ready to help and to understand.

  2. Buryatia has many places of interest, the Buryat share their customs and traditions.

e) Lake Baikal is the pearl of Siberia.

f) Buryatia has many sunny days.

g) Buryatia contains different mineral resources, fur-bearing animals and forests.

III. Imagine this situation: You love your country, because it is the best country in the world. What would you do to see our country more beautiful and prosperous?

  1. make a business-plan.

  2. invite rich American investors.

  3. build new trading international centers . I would d) develop our culture and education.

  1. develop our industry and agriculture.

  2. develop friendship and understanding between China, Mongolia, Korea.

IV. Tell your speech partner why you prefer to live in Buryatia.

V. Give some information about the symbols of Buryatia using the text from Lesson 5 Ex.2. Make the necessary notes.

VI. Do a project. Draw and describe your own national symbols of Buryatia including the Coat of Arms, the national flag. Tell each other about your project.

We wish you success!

Tasks to lesson 7

I. Translate the words and make up sentences:

  1. mountains

  2. is situated in

  3. border on

  4. is rich in

  5. limestone

  6. tungsten

  7. iron

  1. mineral resources

  2. cedar

  1. pine

  2. larch

  3. fur-bearing

  4. aircraft

  5. coalmining

  6. agriculture

  7. sheep-breeding

  8. cattle-breeding

  9. barley

  10. ribbon

  11. to stand for

  12. Coat of Arms

  13. anthem

II. Check your knowledge about Buryatia. Answer these questions:

  1. Where is Buryatia situated?

  2. What does it border on?

  3. What is the territory of Buryatia?

  4. What is Buryatia rich in?

  5. What fur-bearing animals are there in the taiga?

  6. What trees do grow in the taiga?

  7. What rivers are the longest ones?

  8. What mountains has Buryatia?

  9. What kinds of people do live in Buryatia?

  1. How do Buryat people behave themselves with the American people?

  2. How many symbols has Buryatia? What are they?

  3. What do the symbols present?

  4. What kinds of industry and agriculture is Buryatia famous for?

  5. Do the Buryat people love their country?

III. Look through the work-book and find these sentences in English and continue them:

  • Buryatia is situated in ……………………………………………………….

  • Buryatia borders on …………………………………………………………

  • The territory of Buryatia consists of ……………………………………….

  • Buryatia is rich in mineral …………………………………………………

  • The Buryat's mountains are …………………………………………………

  • The rivers of Buryatia are of no great ………………………………………

  • The climate in Buryatia is …………………………………………………..


  • The taiga covers …………………………………………………………….

  • The taiga is rich in ………………………………………………………….

  • The people of Buryatia are …………………………………………………

  • The people are eager to explain ……………………………………………..

  • The Republic of Buryatia's Coat of Arms …………………………………..

  • "Khadak" is a symbol ……………………………………………………….

  • Our flag stands for the blue of the sky, purity and ………………………….

  • The national anthem "Таёжная, озёрная, степная" is written by ………….

  • The symbols present …………………………………………………………

  • The Buryat people love their country and are proud of it.

  1. Write a composition «Buryatia and its symbols."

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