Итоговый тест по английскому языку 7 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
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Английский язык 7 класс

  1. The lesson starts … five minutes.

  1. in, b) through, c) to, d) at.

  1. Somebody has knocked at the door. It … be my friend.

  1. should, b) must, c) have to, d) has to.

  1. If you join … a club, you'll have new friends.

  1. to, b) in, c) into, d) ----.

  1. Mathematics … my favourite subject.

  1. are, b) is, c) were, d) does.

  1. I met … him in the school.

  1. with, b) to, c) at, d) ----.

  1. Western is a film with fights and horse chases … the Wild West.

  1. to, b) on, c) in, d) from.

  1. … Jack come to your birthday party?

  1. shall, b) will, c) is, d) ----.

  1. Mary … over the phone when the letter was brought.

  1. talked, b) was talking, c) was talked, d) had talked.

  1. Jane! … all the dishes!

  1. wash, b) has washed, c) to wash, d) washes.

  1. Johnson is ill … Wednesday.

  1. from, b) since, c) after, d) for.

  1. You see, bullies … coming!

  1. were, b) was, c) are, d) here.

  1. Rita and Clair usually … every Saturday evening together.

  1. has, b) have, c) spend, d) take.

  1. The floor … made of stone in that castle.

  1. is, b) are, c) must, d) ---.

  1. The first bristle toothbrush … invented in China.

  1. is, b) was, c) has, d) had.

  1. The whole house was shaking! It was …!

  1. an earthshaking, b) the earth-shattering, c) an earthquake, d) the earthquaking.

  1. That house is a … home of the middle of the nineteenth century.

  1. typical, b) usual, c) normal, d) common.

  1. People in the past …eat with their fingers.

  1. usually, b) used to, c) using, d) were using.

  1. Did you go there on business or … pleasure?

  1. on, b) in, c) by, d) for.

  1. Oh, we have some problems … our car!

  1. with, b) to, c) about, d) in.

  1. I've been to St.Petersburg twice … this year.

  1. in, b) on, c) at, d) ---.

  1. …. will be a lot of new school subjects in the future.

  1. It, b) There, c) It must, d) -----.

  1. The teacher … us too much homework today.

  1. give, b) gives, c) gave, d) has given.

  1. My dad has seen … Eiffel Tower in Paris.

  1. a, b) an, c) the, d) ----.

  1. Nobody … who built the Pyramids.

  1. don't know, b) doesn't know, c) know, d) knows.

  1. Venus is the hottest planet in our … system.

  1. sun, b) sunny, c) solar, d) sole.

  1. Укажите, какой из глаголов неправильный.

  1. to live, b) to fall, c) to work, d) to call.

  1. Какой из этих глаголов модальный?

  1. have, b) do, c) must, d) be.

  1. Неличная форма глагола, которая обозначает только действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа, это:

  1. инфинитив, b) герундий, c) пассивный залог, d) активный залог.

  1. Для какого из этих слов форма множественного числа совпадает с формой единственного числа?

  1. wing, b) tooth, c) foot, d) sheep.

  1. Существительные в английском языке имеют два падежа: общий и …

  1. родительный, b) притяжательный, c) звательный, d) винительный.

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