План урока к курсу Страноведение Великобритании в 10 классе по теме Система высшего образования Великобритании

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
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Lesson Plan

Teacher Irina Labukova Grade 10

Unit Title "Educational system in the UK"

Lesson Title "High education in the UK and Kazakhstan""

Projected Time for Lesson(s) 45 minutes

Students, Setting and Lesson Background: Twelve 15-16 year old students of upper-intermediate and advanced level. The students study at state school-gymnasium the profile of which is studying languages. The students are motivated in learning English and speaking it fluently. The majority of the students are of upper-intermediate, some of advanced level. There are 12 students in class. They get used to working in groups, to interaction changing peers in groups, and do this quite regularly.

Thus there are several extra courses in English except English Oral Practice. They are Basis of Economy (for 10th and 11th Grade students), Basis of translation (for 10th and 11th Grade students), Country Study of the USA (for 11th Grade students), Country Study of the UK (for 10th Grade students), Business English (for 9th Grade students), and Guide translator (for 10th and 11th Grade students). This lesson is one of the lessons in the course of Country study of the UK. There is one lesson of Country Study per week. At the previous lesson the students got general idea about educational system of the UK and at this lesson they will enlarge their knowledge and will learn what unites two systems of education in universities in two countries; they will be also able to find out differences in educational systems of these two countries; they will learn what characterizes the best universities in the UK and Kazakhstan.

The classes are held in the classroom for English classes. There is a computer, a smart-board, a blackboard in the room. The students work at the tables which are located for group work. The students have everything necessary for group interaction: papers, markers, scissors.The students feel comfortable and rather relaxed on the lesson.

Lesson Objectives for Students:

  1. Students will develop their listening comprehension skill watching the video "Universities in the UK", PP presentations "Universities in the UK and Kazakhstan".

  2. Students will develop their monologue speech "Educational System of the UK and Kazakhstan"

Materials Needed During Lesson:

PP presentation "Private schools in the UK", video "Windows on Britain: Schools in the UK", text "Education in Kazakhstan"


  1. Defining the theme and tasks of the lesson: Look at the slide (pictures referring to High Education), analyze them and define the theme of the lesson. Where do students continue their education after passing the final state exam of secondary compulsory schools?

Theme of the lesson: "Universities in the UK and Kazakhstan"

Problem: Differences and similarities in British and Kazakhstani universities.

To solve the problem it will be necessary to study some new information after reading the text, listening to some information and analyzing the got data.

  1. Consolidation of knowledge "Secondary education in the UK and Kazakhstan":

Group discussion: Students get the time tables of Kazakhstani and British secondary schools and study the time tables "One school day at a British and Kazakhstani school" to be ready to characterize the educational system it belongs to. They discuss the time-tables, compare them find differences and common things.

  1. Teacher: Where do students of secondary schools continue their education? What universities in two countries do you know? Let's discuss the system of higher education in two countries. Mind that you have the problem to solve.

  2. Listen to the video and the students' presentations and fill in the conceptual table: "Universities in the UK and Kazakhstan"

Name and location of the university


Activities for students


  1. Group work: Problem solving: Differences and similarities in British and Kazakhstani universities. Make a scheme. Then compare your scheme with ones made by other groups, make additions in the schemes if you find necessary. Discuss the differences and common things all together.

  2. Feed back: The most interesting I've learnt today was … I would like to learn …

Homework: prepare to express your opinion on the theme "Educational system of the UK and Kazakhstan"

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