ЕХРО-2017 глазами будущих поваров

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Сабақ жоспары

Оқытушы: Карабалина Гульнар Сабитовна

Пән: Ағылшын тілі

Мамандық,топ: 0508000 «Тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру» П-245

Тақырыбы: Cooks vision of the future EXPO-2017

Күні: 24.11.15ж

Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ

Сабақтың әдісі: ақпараттық-коммуникативтік

Сабақтың формасы: зерттеу

Сабақтың мақсаттары:

Білімділігі: Студенттерді өздігінен ЭКСПО Халықаралық көрмелерінің тарихы туралы деректер мен мағлұматтар жинауға, ойлары мен идеяларын қорытып жеткізуге, дәлелдеуге, жобаны қорғауға үйрету.

Дамытушылығы: Монолог және диалог құру қабілеттерін шыңдау арқылы ізденушілікке баулу,пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, Халықаралық көрмелер туралы білімдерін тереңдетіп, шығармашылық және дарындылық қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелілігі: «ЭКСПО - 2017» көрмесінің Астанада өтуіне мақтаныш сезімін ояту арқылы студенттерді ұлттық құндылықтарды құрметтеп, қастерлеуге жәнеЕлін, Жерін, Отанын сүюге тәрбиелеу.

Әдістері: түсіндіру, өз бетімен ізденуге үйрету.

Сабақ жабдығы:презентация, бейне фильм,(Экспо, Қазақстан, Астананың эмблемасы және жалауы), оқушылардың жасаған жобасы, салған суреттері.Пәнаралық байланыс: тарих, география, қазақ тілі.

Plan of the lesson

Teacher: Karabalina Gulnar Sabitovna

Subject: English language

Specialty, group: 0508000 « Catering services» П-245

Theme: Cooks vision of future EXPO-2017

Lesson type: the combined lesson.

Lesson methods: informatively - communicative

Lesson form: research

The aims of the lesson: to show a role and value of the EXPO-2017 for development of the capital and all Kazakhstan.

Educational: formation of the knowledge of pupils about EXPO-2017.

To cultivate pride of holding the international exhibition of an EXPO-2017 in Astana. Education of love to the hometown-to Astana, the Homeland, achievements of independent Kazakhstan, feeling of patriotism;

Developing: development of skills of active communication, ability to work in group, to reason and defend the opinion and the position.

Methods and receptions: work in small groups, a design method, and the solution of creative tasks, art reading, and the story of the teacher.

Equipment: an interactive board, use media and Internet resources, preparation of presentations with comments, the video, flag and emblem of the Expo.

Intersubject communication: history, Kazakh language, geography

Plan of the lesson

1. Organization moment.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі (greeting, draw students` attention): Good morning students? I am very glad to see you cheerful, healthy and I hope we will well work with you today.

2. Warm up. Updating of knowledge. Өткен тақырыпты қайталау.

Checking home task: To learn the poem, to answer the questions about Expo history. To find a few information on an Expo.

Therefore, Students, the form of today's lesson is research- it means that, you were given a task to find more information on the EXPO, about EXPO history, to read newspapers and magazines, to conduct survey among students and residents, to prepare the presentation. Based on the done work, to create the project of the future restaurant for the Expo.

And so, what is the Expo?

It is the international exhibition which is a symbol of industrialization and the open area for demonstration of technical and technological achievements.The first World Fair was held in the Hyde Park in London at the initiative of the Prince Albert.

What can you tell about Expo history?

We found much information about the Expo, the historyoftheEXPO began in 1851, with holding in London the Great exhibition of industrial works of all nations. It passed in the Hyde park in the Crystal palace which is specially built for it. The Crystal palace built by Joseph Paxton from iron was the main sight of an exhibition. Crystal palace, symbol of the first World exhibition.


We found a lot of material, and we want to show the results of our work.

Let us look at the screen. We want to show 10 most known opening shown at the World Fairs.

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The first telephone. The first telephone set became sensation at the World Fair in Philadelphia in 1876. Inventor B. Alexander

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At a World Fair in Paris in 1878 Thomas Edison invented a phonograph.

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Big wheel

The first big wheel was shown in 1893 at the World Fair in Chicago. The engineer George Washington of Gayle Ferris-Jr. designed the legendary attraction In English the big wheel still is called Ferris.

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The first fastener - a lightning intended for footwear. It was shown at the World Fair in Chicago in 1893 Uitkom Leo Dzhadson

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X-ray device

Properties of X-rays for the first time showed to public in 1901 at the World Fair in Buffalo

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Wafer cup for ice cream.

The first edible glass for ice cream was shown at the World Fair in St. Louis in 1904.

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The presentation of new synthetic material - nylon, took place in 1939 at the

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World Fair in New York.

On the World Fair in New York in 1939 - the U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt opened an exposition on television.

Mobile phone

The first mobile phones and technology of use of cellular communication were provided for the first time at the World Fair in the Japanese city of Osaka in 1970ЕХРО-2017 глазами будущих поваров

Touch screen

The screen sensitive to a touch, for the first time provided to public in 1982 at the World Fair in Knoxville.

ЕХРО-2017 глазами будущих поваров

3. Method of a statement of a new material. The list of the taken-up questions.

So it was the result of your research work, and how our country won the Expo?

On November 22, in 2012- In Paris within the 152nd session of General assembly of the EXPO International Bureau of Exhibition, the capital of Kazakhstan-Astana is chosen as avenue of the international EXPO-2017 exhibition.

During session by ballot, 161 states defined the city for carrying out EXPO-2017. 103 member countries of MBV voted for Astana, the Belgian Liege got 44 voices.

And, now look at the screen; let's watch the small movie about the Expo 2017

( видео )


What do we expect from an Expo-2017?

On an EXPO-2017 in Astana will be presented the development and ideas from around the world in the field of green, renewable and steady energy.

What is the energy of the future?

It is using of the renewable and alternative energy sources, using of wind, solar, thermal and bio thermal energy, power effective construction materials, biotechnologies, and development of the technologies preserving energy.

What the president Nazarbaev told about the Expo?

"ForKazakhstan, the EXPO has to become a mega-project which will benefit each and every region. This will give a powerful impetus to the innovative development of the country. The national pavilions that will be built to house the EXPO will be retained for future use, including as a laboratory science park for the introduction of new technologies in Kazakhstan

And, now we want to show the video poll of opinions of the inhabitants and guests of Astana on the Expo 2017. ВИДЕО

Expo 2017. Opinions of the inhabitants and the guests of Astana

4. Independent work of the students, protection of the project work

«The restaurant of my dream».

There are many restaurants in Astana, but there is no restaurant with the real Kazakh dastarkhan. Therefore, what shall be the restaurant constructed for an Expo? Then and how we will surprise guests? How we will show national dishes to the whole world? Now you will show and protect your project work.


We want to provide the restaurant, which will be constructed in the form of a dombyra. What is the Dombyra? Dombyra is the symbol of Kazakh. Kadyr Myrzaliev spoke: «The real Kazakh is not the Kazakh, the real Kazakh is dombyra». Our project is called «The restaurant of my dream». We would like to invite our guests in such restaurant.

Dombyra is the heart, soul of the Kazakh; we always give to foreign guests a dombyra. Near the restaurant there will be a greenhouse where will grow up greens all the year round. The restaurant and hotel are located on the first and second floors, on the top there will be an observation deck, guests will rise there on energy saving elevators, and escalators and the roof of the restaurant will be made of energy saving batteries.

Well it is very interesting restaurant, with the Kazakh color. It is an outside of restaurant, and what is the inside of your restaurant?

The restaurant is decorated in the Kazakh style, tables round, on picture walls showing the nature of Kazakhstan, on the screen show sights of Astana, in the left corner there is a small scene-where models show national suits and jewelry from all regions of Kazakhstan, stage show of pro-scale where show national traditions and customs, the national games where foreign guests can take part in them.

Together with the menu distribute to guests the brochures telling about sights of Astana, about the museums, galleries, exhibitions. Sell national souvenirs.

It is a good opportunity to introduce foreign guests with our national cuisine, to show to the whole world all our customs, traditions.

What will be the menu, what service will be, what dishes will offer for the visitors?

Through the glass show, windows are visible as the cooks prepare national dishes, knead dough for beshbarmak, cook shujik, kazi, meat, and prepare sauce for beshbarmak, fry bauyrsak. Guests can see as prepare national dishes.

Tasty smells from kitchen awaken their appetite. Cooks work quickly. All products and drinks local and fresh, useful to health. Reasonable prices. We think that our restaurant will be the best. Welcome to our restaurant!

Good afternoon dear guests, welcome to our restaurant, please sit down for this little table, here the menu, what you would like to order?

Now take your earphones.

Audition of the text and work on a pronunciation of the words on a subject « At the restaurant»"

5.Work with words.

What new words and phrases you learned during preparation for this lesson? What pronunciation of the words was the most difficult for you?

The renewable - жаңартылу, возобновляемый

The steady energy- қалыпты энергия,устойчивая энергия

The technologies of the preserving energy- энергияны сақтау технологиясы,технология сохранения энергий

The innovative development- инновациялық даму,инновационное развитие

The introduction- кіріспе, введение

Sights -түрлері, виды

National suits- ұлттық киімдер, национальные костюмы

Jewelry-әшекейлер, украшения

To knead dough- нан есу,нан жазу, месить тесто

Useful to health- денсаулыққа пайдалы, полезный для здоровья

6. Conclusion.

Today we spoke about the Expo, dreamed about the future restaurant for an Expo, and received much information. I think that the lesson was interesting and useful. What was your impression for today`s lesson?

(good, well done, it was very interesting, useful, took a lot of information).

7. Giving the home task. To write a short essay about «At the restaurant».

8. Putting marks, singing of a song «What a wonderful land»

Expo-2017is a World Fair, and it means that representatives about 100 countries will gather in Astana and we want to tell how it is wonderful that so many countries will gather in our capital and we want to sing asong «What a wonderful land».

At the end of our lesson, we want to treat you with our pie from our future restaurant.

Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal!

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