Урок английского языка в 4 классе «Оборот Thereis/are»

Урок  английского языка в 4 классе для закрепления и автоматизации навыка употребления оборота there is/are, предлогов места по УМК М.З. Биболетовой. Используется  авторская песня, содержащая основные предлоги места. В уроке также имеются упражнения для автоматизации употребления оборота. Урок содержит иллюстративный материал для упражнений по описанию интерьеров дома и местонахождения дома в целях  развития навыка речи и активного употребления изученной лексики.Линвострановедческий аспект урока...
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Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Учитель английского языка

МОУ «СОШ №24» г. Саратова

Артемова Наталия Ивановна


Chapter 1. Introduction.

Chapter 2. Healing.

Chapter 3. Crafts.

Chapter 4. Environmental Value

Chapter 5. Birch diseases

Chapter 6. Conclusion.

Chapter 1. Introduction.

Birch is very old Indo-European tree word, its root *bherja means that birch is the 'bright' tree, a reference to its chalky-white bark. The white birch is found in many places of the world as well as in our country and our Saratov region.

The Birch tree has been known as one of the symbols of Russia; very often Russia is called a "birch land".

The Birch tree has been known as the Giving Tree. It played a huge role in the life of people and other animals throughout history. It seems that in modern day, the tree is still giving. Birch is valued in many different aspects - as a medicine, economically (in cosmetic industries, building) and environmentally.

Novgorod Veliky in the middle ages was one of Russia's wealthiest and culturally advanced towns of Russia: almost all of its population was literate, a fact confirmed by numerous birch bark manuscripts found during archeological excavations. A birch bark manuscript is a piece of birch bark with letters and symbols scratched upon it with a metal stick.

Chapter 2. Healing.

Healers have been using Birch as their ancestors have done throughout their history for medicinal purposes. The leaves, the twigs, bark and the root are all used for medicine; different parts are often used for different purposes. They can be used as a healthy drink for purification of the blood. New findings about the medicinal qualities of the Birch are still being gathered. It is likely that over time, even more medicinal qualities will be discovered of this great tree. Just looking at a Birch tree or standing under a Birch with its beautiful bark, gently swaying branches and shimmering leaves is enough to feed the spirit and bring about a peaceful feeling and state of health.

Chapter 3. Crafts.

Birch bark was always a popular handicraft material. This flexible but strong material was used to make various products (boxes and baskets, pesters, lapti, bread baskets, salt cellars etc.). Major birch bark carving centres in Russia: Veliky Ustyug (Vologda Region), Semenov (Nizhny Novgorod Region), Archangel Region, the Vyatka Region, Tomsk Region and Yakutia.

Birch bark used to play quite a role in the everyday life of northern Russian peasants. It was widely used by native peoples of Siberia and the Russian Far East. It's just impossible to imagine them without birch bark products which were used everywhere, from making toys to building houses.

Thanks to its waterproofing and antiseptic properties, birch bark prevented wet rot. In some villages, bath houses' and barns' roofs are still made of birch bark. Birch bark roof lasts for at least 40 years.

Chapter 4. Environmental Value.

We should be concerned that money might be the main desire for the people and that they will not make efforts to preserve big trees, that they will take them down and the Birch populations will low down to nothing. Without big trees of any species, and without forests and larger ecosystems, our planet and ourselves will still be sick.

It is interesting to know that Birch has been planted in waste areas such as old mines that have toxic grounds and other areas that humans have disturbed so greatly that other plants and animals don't want to go near. Humans have planted Birch trees in these areas to purify the Earth to make way for future generations of native species. Birch trees successfully grow there and cure soil.

Chapter 5. Birch diseases

A healthy birch tree should be able to live for 40-50 years. In many yards, however, it is not unusual for birch trees to die before reaching 20 years of age. Sometimes birch trees begin to decline within a few years, and many trees die before they are big.

Landscape birch trees are often attacked by two common insect pests, birch leafminer and bronze birch borer. Leafminer attacks do not kill trees; however, they can reduce the aesthetic appearance by turning the leaves brown .

The birch borer is a tree killer. The first symptom of birch borer attack is sparse, stunted foliage in the upper crown. The process of decline can take several years before a tree dies, though it can also occur very quickly during a single hot, dry year. We can see birch trees with such symptoms in many Saratov yards. What to do to save birch trees? To monitor and control Insect Problems.

III. Conclusion.

Birch trees are used to create beautiful landscapes.

Plant your birch tree. To avoid problems follow the four basic steps:

• Select an appropriate location for your birch tree.

• Select the most appropriate species or variety of birch.

• Follow cultural practices that will grow a healthy birch tree.

• Monitor and control common insect pests of birch trees.

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