Урок английского языка по теме условные предложения

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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The theme: The problem of ecology

The Aims:

1. To revise grammar material, how to use conditionals

2. To develop pupils' reading, speaking and pronunciation habits

3. To bring up interest in learning English

The equipment of the lesson: slide presentation of the lesson, test paper, cards.

The type of the lesson:

The procedure of the lesson

(слайд 1)

  1. Translate the sentences
    1. If she had kissed me, I would have cried.
    2. If she had smiled at me, I would have written a poem for her.
    3. If she had asked me, I would have carried her bag
    4. If she had wanted, I would have kissed her hand
    5. But if she had laughed at me, I would have died

(слайд 2)

Answer the questions
1.What if you have enough money?
2. What if you have time this weekend?
3. What if there is nothing to do tonight?
4. What if you are hungry?
5. What if you are ill?

(слайд 3)

Read the sentences and say which conditional sentence they are

a. Where would you go for a holiday if you won a million dollar?

b. Who would you ask for help if you needed?

c. If they discovered that the monument needed some help they would give money for repairs.

d. If carbon dioxide in the air increases the temperature will rise a lot.

e. If the ice melts the sea level will rise.

f. Would they have made a film if the Titanic had not sunk?

g. What would have happened if I hadn't gone to the dentist?

(слайд 4)

Key: a-2, b-2, c-2, d-1, e-1, f-3, g-3


Match the beginnings with the correct endings
a) If you drink milk with honey 1) you'll enjoy the Alps
b) If tourists know what weather 2) you will sleep well
to expect
c) If you like mountains 3) we'll hire a car
d) If we have enough money 4) they will take suitable clothes
e) If we want to travel around 5) I'll take some food
f) If I get hungry 6) we'll go to the Caribbean

(слайд 6)

Key: a2, b4, c1, d3, e6, f5

(слайд 7)

Use the right conditional sentence.

1. You borrowed the money. You bought a new bike.

2. You got up late. You were late for school.

3. You didn't meet a friend. You didn't go to the cinema.

4. You can't use a computer. You have to write a project.

5. You don't have enough money. You want to buy a present.

6. You don't work hard at school. You'll not enter the university

(слайд 8)

Make up sentences If I were a millionaire …

(слайд 9)

Home task : Write an essay If I were a President…

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