
1.The theme: Civilised?2.The aims of the lesson:1.To prepare and encourage pupils to achieve a good standard of English in their eighth year of learning;2.To introduce new language in context drawing upon pupils’ skills and developing their ability to deduce meanings;3.To practice listening for specific information, to improve pupils’ production of structure, vocabulary in communicative interactions.I.Warm up:1) Greet pupils as they come into the class2) Phonetic train3) Check up homework
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:


  1. The theme: Civilised?

  2. The aims of the lesson:

  1. To prepare and encourage pupils to achieve a good standard of English in their eighth year of learning;

  2. To introduce new language in context drawing upon pupils' skills and developing their ability to deduce meanings;

  3. To practice listening for specific information, to improve pupils' production of structure, vocabulary in communicative interactions.

  1. Warm up:

1) Greet pupils as they come into the class

2) Phonetic train

3) Check up homework

II. Active presentation:

  1. Org. moment.

Т. Good morning, dear friends. How are you today?

S. We are fine, thanks. And you?

T. Me, too, thank you. All right, let's get down to business. We have got quite a lot of plans for today. First, we are going to check your home task. Secondly, we will see how you remember the passive and then we will have a new tense.

  1. Warm-up:

What do you know about Mesopotamia? Why was Mesopotamia probably the first place for civilization to develop?

  1. Checking the homework

a) Checking oral exercises and speaking in groups of three.

b) Checking the exercises with grammar.

  1. Presentation:

Listen to a TV programme and answer the questions (Ex.5 p.122)

  1. Lesson course.

  1. Underline the words or expressions in the Function File that give reasons and examples (Ex. 7 p.123)

  2. Complete the statements with reasons or examples (Ex.8 p.123)

  3. Match the verbs with the multi-part verbs in the sentences (1-7) from the TV programme about Mesopotamia (Ex. 10 p.123)

  4. Complete the sentences with multi-part verbs from Exercise 10 in the correct form (Ex. 11 p.123)

  1. Homework:

Ex. 1-4 p. 98

  1. Conclusion.

Giving marks. The lesson is over, good-bye.

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