Контрольная работа для 6 класса Кауфман

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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К. И. Кауфман (6класс)


I. Complete the questions.

  1. Pushkin is a great singer, …?

  2. They aren't going to play football today, …?

  3. The girl is reading a book, …?

  4. I am in Pobeda Street, …?

  5. The woman isn't in the park, …?

  6. Masha can play tennis, …?

  7. You don't have a brother, …?

  8. Your mother doesn't speak French, …?

  9. We like to play basketball, …?

  10. Her father works in a hospital, …?

II. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Давайте украсим квартиру.

2. Давайте отметим день рождения.

3. Пусть они споют песню.

4. Пусть они принесут подарки.

5. Пусть он поможет маме.

6. Давайте съедим большой торт.

III. Change the sentences according to the model. Use it, her, him, them.

Model: Look at the dog. - Look at it.

1. Write a letter to Alice. 6. Translate the words.

2. Phone John. 7. Give Ann the book.

3. Answer the questions. 8. Send Mary an e-mail.

4. Ask the girls.

5. Read the text.

IV. Open brackets use Future Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock.
2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o'clock.
5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.

V. Translate into Russian

  1. We will fly to England next summer.

  2. I will read an interesting book in a week.

  3. My mother will not go to the city next day.

  4. His sister will draw a picture next week.

  5. He will not go to Paris next Monday.

VI. Translate into English

  1. Мы пойдем в музей на следующей неделе.

  2. Она напишет письмо через 3 дня.

  3. Мама приготовит вкусный торт через день.

  4. Он будет читать английские книги? (to read English books)

  5. У неё будет квартира? (to have a flat)

IV. Ask questions about the underlined words.

  1. I will help my mother tomorrow. when

  2. We will phone them next week. who

  3. They will give me a present. what

  4. She will be in Moscow next month. where

  5. Robin and his friends will go to Tunbridge Wells to find why

Stone of Destiny

40-44 баллов - «5»

35-39 баллов - «4»

29-34 баллов - «3»

менее 29 баллов - «2»

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