Тесты по английскому языку 4 класс

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Класс 4 класс
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Тесты по английскому языку, 4 класс.

Учитель Полякова Е.В.

Тема: «Seasons. Weather»

Тест № 1

l. Подберите правильный вариант

1.hot a. sunny

2.warm b. cold

3.rainy c .early

4.late d. bad

5.good e. cool

ll. Выберитеправильныйвариант.

1.There are many clouds in the sky. It is ( ) today.

a. hot b. windy c. cloudy d. sunny

2.What is the weather like today? - ( )

a. It is hot b. I like it c. It is difficult d. it is Tuesday

3. What kind of weather do you like? - ( )

a. I like spring b. I like to walk in the park

c. I like to skate in winter d. I like warm weather

4. It is winter. The weather is ( )

a. hot b. cold c. strong d. snow

5. It was ( ) in summer last year.

a. June b. frosty c.rainy d. busy


Тест № 2

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы

Sam and his friends went to the forest last Saturday. It was the first day of winter holidays.

The weather was fine^ it was not very cold, only 5 degrees below zero,the sun was shining brightly, there was no wind.Only in the evening grey clouds covered the sky and it began to snow. The snow made the end of the day more wonderful.

  1. Sam and his friends were not at school because ( )

  1. they were ill c. holidays had began

  2. they did not go there d .it was Sunday

  1. It was ( )

  1. Summer c. spring

  2. Autumn d. winter

  1. The weather was ( )

  1. windy c. sunny

  2. rainy d. foggy

  1. Sam and his friends walked in ( )

  1. the street c. the park

  2. the wood d. the garden

  1. It began to snow ( )

  1. at night c. in the afternoon

  2. in the morning d. in the evening

Тест № 3

Завершите разделительные вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант.

  1. It is a nice day today, ( ) ? a. did not it

  2. It looks like rain, ( ) ? b. is not it

  3. It snowed yesterday, ( ) ? c. is it

  4. It was not cold, ( ) ? d. does not it

  5. It was hot yesterday, ( ) ? e. was not it

  6. There are 4 seasons in the year, ( ) ? f. are not they

  7. The days are becoming shorter in g. were not the

Autumn, ( ) ?

  1. Her hands were cold, ( ) ? h. are not we

  2. We are going to have snow, ( ) ?i. can not it

  3. The wind can bring rain, ( ) ? j. are not there

Тест № 4

Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее вопросительное слово

а)How many

b) Why

c) When

d) Who

e) What

1. ( ) is the weather like today? - It is fine.

2. ( ) seasons are there in a year? - Four.

3. ( ) do you like summer? - Because it is hot in summer.

4. ( ) likes winter? - My father does. He likes to ski.

5. ( ) are the nights short and the days long? - In summer.

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