Мероприятие по английскому языку на тему Travelling to the world of inventions

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Жудро Кристина Николаевна,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ лицей № 1

Travelling to the world of inventions.

Ведущий - Today we are going to travel around the world of inventions. This travelling will show you the greatest scientists and their inventions, which make our life today easy and comfortable. Sherlock Holmes and Mrs. Hudson will help you to know the history of the most important inventions in the world.

Входит Ш. Холмс и садится в кресло, разворачивая газету.

Mrs. Hudson - Dear Holmes, I have a letter for you. Wait a minute; I will bring you a torch.

Sh. Holmes - It's as old as Chaucer. What do you know about the electricity?

Mrs. Hudson - The electricity? Shame on me! I think I know not enough to make a diploma on this topic.

Sh. Holmes - Now, you should listen to the pupil of the 10th form very attentively. …….. Knows all about this great invention. Moreover, you will know more about the electricity due to the pupil …

Презентация №1 (лампочка).

Презентация № 2 (фонарь).

Sh. Holmes - Now, let us have a look at the letter. Oh! It is from Scotland.

Mrs. Hudson - How do you know it? It is impossible! You do not even read it!

Sh. Holmes - My dear Mrs. Hudson, it's very easy with the help of the stamp. It shows what country is the letter from.

Mrs. Hudson - May be you have one more friend who will tell us about this invention?

Sh. Holmes - I think ………….. Can tell us about it.

Презентация № 3 (почтовая марка).

Sh. Holmes - Photo album? It is very interesting! May I have a look?

Mrs. Hudson - Of course! This is my family!

Sh. Holmes - Oh! It is black and white! Now I want you to listen to … to know about the multicolor photo.

Презентация № 4 (цветная фотография).

Sh. Holmes - Dr. Watson is late. I will call him.

Mrs. Hudson - Of course, you will use the telephone. To my mind the invention, not every person can live without!

Sh. Holmes - I absolutely agree with you! Moreover… can help us with the history of this invention.

Презентация № 5 (телефон).

Гудок поезда.

Sh. Holmes - Oh! Do you hear?! Dr. Watson is coming!

Mrs. Hudson - That's great! And now we are ready to listen about the train invention!

Sh. Holmes - My dear, don't be in a hurry! I have a surprise for you! What do you think is the fastest way of travelling?

Mrs. Hudson - You mean we have a chance to listen about the invention of the helicopter?

Sh. Holmes - Yes, you catch my idea! , our next presentations are about the train and the plain. So we are ready to listen to …………. at first, and then to……………

Презентация № 6 (поезд).

Презентация № 7 (вертолет).

Mrs. Hudson - Dr. Watson will be in 5 minutes, bit I have no time to clean the house! What should I do?

Sh. Holmes - Do not worry. ………… will tell you about the invention, which will help you to solve this problem.

Презентация № 8(пылесос).

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