Конспект урока английского языка в первом классе: «В зоопарке»

урок предназначен для 1 класса. Цель:учащихся знакомяться с новым учебным предметом «Английский язык», а также с УМК (учебником и рабочей тетрадью);развить речевые способности детей, а также навыков понимания, говорения. Outline of the lesson March 7, 2014 The theme of the lesson: At the zoo. The aim of the lesson: "Educational: presentation of the lesson about: At the zoo. "Up-bringing: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other . "Developing: to develop the pupils habits of the oral speech . "Communicative: understanding, reading and writing , listening. The form of the lesson: traditional lesson. The type of the lesson: mixed lesson. Methods of the teaching: exercises, pair work, demonstration, explana... They have bears. But they don`t have monkeys.- Оларды аю бар. Бірақ маймылдар жоқ.VI. Production VII. Conclusion VIII. Evaluation "IX. Home tasks.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Outline of the lesson

2 nd form

March 7, 2014

The theme of the lesson: At the zoo.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: presentation of the lesson about: At the zoo.

Up-bringing: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other .

Developing: to develop the pupils habits of the oral speech .

Communicative: understanding, reading and writing , listening.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Methods of the teaching: exercises, pair work, demonstration, explanation.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh.

Usual aids: (not mechanical) posters.

Literature: text book by "Almatykitap" 2013

The procedure of the lesson.

Stage of the lesson

Teacher's acting

Pupil's acting


I. Introduction

II. Check-up home task.

III. Presentation


V. Practice

VI. Production

VII. Conclusion

VIII. Evaluation

IX. Home tasks.

- Good day children?

- How are you?

- Nice to meet you?

Let's begin our lesson with the poem.

-Thank you! Sit down please! Take your books and copybooks. Кітап дәптерлерімізді парта үстіне алып қоямыз.

Talk to duty.

-Who is on duty today? Бүгін кім кезекші?

-Who is absent today? Сыныпта кім жоқ?

-Thank you! Sit down please!

-Pupils, what date is it today? Бүгін нешесі?

-What date is it today? Аптаның қай күні?

-Ok, children what was your home task?

Open your exercise copy-book. Now I check-up your home task.

-Will children,open your book at page 52. Our theme of the lesson is " At the zoo." Яғни, бүгінгі біздің тақырыбымыз "Хайуанаттар бағында ".

We have are new words:


Go - жүру





Swim -жүзу

Zoo-хайуанаттар бағы

Listen to me.

Well. Repeat after me all together.

-Repeat after me the 1st row(2nd row. 3rd row)

- Ok. Read please, one by one.

Ex.1 -Listen and learn.

Let`s go to the zoo.- хайуанаттар бағына барайықшы.

Look! These are lions.- Қара!Мынау арыстандар.

Look! A bear! Bears can swim.- Қара! Аю! Аюлар жүзе алады.

These are kangaroos. They can jump but they can`t swim.- Мынау кенгурулар. Олар секіре алады, бірақ жүзе алмайды.

These are eagles. They can fly.- Мынау бүркіттер. Олар ұша алады.

They have bears. But they don`t have monkeys.- Оларды аю бар. Бірақ маймылдар жоқ.

Ағылшын тілінде зат есімді көпше түрде айтқанда s-жалғауы жалғанады.


Lion - lions

Bear - bears

Kangaroo - kangaroos

Eagle - eagles

Monkey - monkeys

Ex.2 Learn the new letter and new words. Listen.


M is for moon.

Hi! I`m Moony. I am on the Moon.

Stand up please! Reaped after me.

Видеоматериалдан қайталай отырып, сергіту сәтін жасату.

Now Pupil open your copy-books at page 36.

Ex-1 Find the words and circle them. Сөздерді кестеден тауып,белгілейміз.

Ex-3 Match the big letter to the small one. Кішкентай әріппен бас әрібін біріктіреміз.

Ex-4 Trace. Бастыру.

-I put your mark. Your mark is excellent because during of the lesson you was active … did all ex/s. Answer my question very well.

-I put you good, because you was active too, but no so and your haven't some mistakes.

-I put you 3,, because you have more mistake and you answer to the question bad. You did more mistakes.

-Оқушылар үй тапсырмасын күнделікке жазамыз. Count and tick.

-Good bye! See late!

Үйде жаңа сөздерді, әріптерді жаттаймыз. P.B. : p.36-37 ex2,5

-Good day teacher.

-We are very well.

-Nice to meet you, too.

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you.

-I'm on duty today.


-Today is

-Today is on …

B.: p.48, ex.1

P.B.: p.35, ex.5


Go - жүру





Swim -жүзу

Zoo-хайуанаттар бағы

Let`s go to the zoo.- хайуанаттар бағына барайықшы.

Look! These are lions.- Қара!Мынау арыстандар.

Look! A bear! Bears can swim.- Қара! Аю! Аюлар жүзе алады.

These are kangaroos. They can jump but they can`t swim.- Мынау кенгурулар. Олар секіре алады, бірақ жүзе алмайды.

These are eagles. They can fly.- Мынау бүркіттер. Олар ұша алады.

They have bears. But they don`t have monkeys.- Оларды аю бар. Бірақ маймылдар жоқ.


M is for moon.

Hi! I`m Moony. I am on the Moon.

Good bye teacher!

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