Итоговый тест к разделу 6 (учебник англ. яз. 7 класс УМК О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
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Unit 6 Test 6 Form 7

I. Complete the sentences with the words given below (Use the right form)

Contents, devour, manage, fascinating, spoil, spell, search, pick

  1. What … children!

  2. Being a boy, he … Russian fairy tales.

  3. I tried but couldn't … to talk to him.

  4. They spent a lot of time in … of a good job.

  1. Could you … up a book for me?

  2. We'll never forget our … adventure.

  3. The … of the wicked witch was broken.

  4. The … of the film were interesting.

II Translate from Russian into English.

1.Отара овец

2. Вязанка дров

3.Стадо коров

4.Стая птиц

5.Косяк рыбы

6.Стая волков

7.Команда корабля

III. Fill in the article where necessary

  1. What have you eaten for __ brunch?

  2. __ lunch is ready.

  3. __ supper is in the fridge.

  4. Thank you for __ dinner.

  5. That was __ cold breakfast.

  6. Yesterday Nick was taken to __ hospital.

  7. All __ little children should go to __ bed.

  8. The building was made of __ glass and stone.

  9. I'd like __ glass of water.

  10. We don't like __ meat but we like __ chicken.

IV. Use the missing prepositions.

  1. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water ran ___ .

  2. What a pitty! Our money is running __ .

  3. A little kitten was run ___ the car.

  4. Let me introduce you ___ him.

  5. He made a good impression __ me.

V. Open the brackets using suitable future forms.

  1. Look at the clouds. It (rain).

  2. I promise I (buy) you a kitten.

  3. My train (leave) at 6.20.

  4. Nick (finish) his article by 5 o'clock.

  5. I think it (rain) tomorrow.

Unit 6 Keys Form 7


  1. Spoilt

  2. Devoured

  3. Manage

  4. Search

  5. Pick

  6. Fascinating

  7. Spell


  1. A flock of sheep

  2. A bundle of wood

  3. A herd of cows

  4. A flock of birds

  5. A school of fish

  6. A pack of wolves

  7. A crew


  1. -

  2. -

  3. The

  4. The

  5. A

  6. -

  7. -

  8. -, -

  9. A

  10. -,-


  1. Over

  2. Out

  3. Over

  4. To

  5. On


  1. Is going to rain

  2. Will buy

  3. Leaves

  4. Will have finished

  5. Will rain

Unit 6 Should be revised.

  1. Ex. 35,36,37, p. 185

Ex. 43, p.190

  1. Ex.29, p.180

Ex. 15, p. 70 AB

  1. Ex.29, p. 180

Ex. 25, p. 76-77

Ex.27, 28, p. 178-179

Ex. 15, p.70 AB

  1. Ex.34, p.184

  2. P. 166-167

Ex. 13,14, p.167-168

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