Урок. “Health habits” 10 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Күні: 13.10.2014

Сыныбы: 10 "А"

Сабақ тақырыбы: Unit II. Step 3. "Health habits".

Жалпы мақсаты: Дилогтық сөйлеудегі білім деңгейлерін тексеру.Оқу барысында мәтіннен қажет мәліметті ала отырып ойлау қабілетін дамыту.Ағылшын тілінде денсаулықтың жақсы және жаман әдеттер туралы ұғым беру.модальді етістікті қолдана отырып сөйлем құруға үйрету.

Оқу нәтижесі: Оқушылардың сөйлеу қабілеті артады, сөздік қорлары толықтырылады, ақпараттарды бағамдай білудегі танымдары қалыптасады.

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар: Тақырыптық суреттер.


Түрлі-түсті фломастерлер.

Сабақ барысы:


Good morning, dear students

Psychological mood(Giving good wishes to each other)

Топтау/ кеңістік құру. (2 минут)

Түрлі фигураларға бөлінген суреттерді таңдау арқылы оқушыларды топқа бөлу.

Оқушылар 3 топқа бөлінеді. I'll divide our class into 3 groups.

Is anybody absent from the lesson today? Please, take your seats.

How are you?

How are your parents?

- I'm glad that you are all fine!

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Student 1 speaks about the weather.

Thank you.Today we shall have a very interesting and unusual lesson. I think everybody will enjoy it.

I'm sure that you are full of energy and ready for the lesson. So let's begin our lesson.

The procedure

Beginning of the Lesson.

T: Turn over your pictures and read the proverbs. Say theirmeanings, translate into your NL.

Look at the second time:

Practice the pronunciation

Checking pupils knowledge using strategies of " fishbone"

Checking vocabulary using strategies of "Run dictation"

Ability, forgetfulness, raw, dumb-bell, oxygen, memory, stress, health freak,germ, measure, monotonous, survey, injure

Exercise1. Listen, repeat the words.

A problem depressed

An argument happy

A behaviour surprised

A punishment feel

Comfortable look

Angry allow

Upset agree

Exercise2. Give associations:

a trouble


Exercise3. Match the words with the same meaning.

A trouble express disagreement

Comfortable lucky

Happy a problem

Argue astonished

Surprised well

Exercise4. Make up the sentences:

When I

play with my dog






don't have any friends


get good marks


argue with my Mum


am out of luck


don't go to the disco


don't watch TV late


don't have a pet


Exercise5. Agree or disagree. Say why.

I'm allowed to watch TV late.

I'm not allowed to do sports.

I'm allowed to invite my friend's home.

Have you got any problems in your life?

We'll listen the text. One teen, his name is Tim, has got a problem too. Listen to the teen's conversation and say what kind of problem Tim has got.

Have you got any problems with your sister or brother? What kind of problem?

Is it good for your brother or sister that you take care of them?

And what do you think about this proverb:

The good we do today

Becomes the happiness tomorrow.

Добро, сделанное сегодня,

Завтра обернется счастьем.

Read the English equivalent.

Are you tired? We have a rest.

If I speak the negative feelings, you'll stamp your feet.

If I speak the positive feelings, you'll clap your hands.

If I speak the nouns, you'll nick your head/

Energetic, unlucky, depressed, comfortable, happy, argument, angry, school, friend, lucky, lonely, parents, upset, afraid, surprised, sport, uncomfortable, frightened, pleased, situation.

Raise your hands up, reach for the sky, pat on your backs - you are the best students.

Let's go on. Have you got any school problems?

What kind of school problems can you have?

Interview your partner, use worksheet 2. Tell us about your partner's problem

Is a problem a wrong road? Find the English equivalent. Read it.

And what kind of problems do teen's have else?

Read the texts and be ready to make the tasks (worksheet 3).

Simone: I have a big problem. All my friends smoke, they think it's really cool but I don't. They can't imagine any party without alcohol. I am a merry, sociable girl and I needn't such things. My friends don't understand that I really don't want to. I am fed up with them telling me try. But I am so depressed. I feel very alone myself.

Jim: Who can help me? I like to play computer. But I need more pocket money so I can buy some new computer games. All my friends have Saturday jobs, but my Mum won't let me get one. She says I'll be too tired to do my school work. Besides…I have ti take care of my little sister. It's so boring. I am so angry about it.

Julia: I'm in the 9th form and I have to choose the subjects for the next year. My parents and my teachers want me to continue History because I've got good marks, but I really hate History. I want to learn English and French. I want to travel when I leave school. No one listens to me. I'm upset.

Martin: I don't feel comfortable with my classmates. I like to read the books and to learn much interesting about different things. I like to study and I have good marks. But I don't like sport. My classmates call me names and say I'm too tall and pale.

Tick: true or false (ex.1)




Simone has a problem with her friends.


She wants to smoke and drink alcohol.


Simone is very independent.


Jim has enough pocket money.


He is allowed to get a Saturday job.


Julia wants to travel around the world.


Martin doesn't like to study.


Julia wants to learn History.


His classmates call him nicknames.

b) Make up the sentences:

1. Simone is depressed because…

2. Jim gets angry because…

3. Julia feels upset because…

4. Martin feels uncomfortable because…

Рефлексия: кері байланыс. (3 минут)

Оқушыларға парақ таратылады. Бүгінгі сабақтан алған әсерлерін жазады.

- Now, tell me, what are your impressions? Do you like your work? Was it interesting or difficult? Say a few words and the go to your places.


Student's name







Teacher: You've done a lot. Thank you for the lesson. There's the bell. Bye.

School-gymnasium after Gumar Karash

Lesson planning sheet

"Health habits"

(10th grade)

Teacher: Z.S.Utuilina

2014 year

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