Funny adjectives сабақтан тыс шара

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Funny adjectives сабақтан тыс шараDate:

Theme: Funny adjectives

Aims: 1. Оқушылардың ағылшын тілі пәніне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру

2. оқушыларды жан - жақтылыққа баулу

3. оқушылардың белсенділігін арттыру

Visual aids: active board cards

Type of lesson: competition

  1. "Who is the best?"

1. What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan? (Khan Tengry)

2. What river is the capital situated on, in Great Britain? (on the Thames)

3. Who is the National Hero of Brotain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)

4. Name the days of the week?(Monday……)

5. What holiday celebrated on the 25 th of December in Great Britain?

6. 'Dandelion' is an animal or a flower? ( a flower)

7. Who is the author of the novel 'The way of Abay'? (M. Auezov)

8. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (an eagle)

9. The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan?(akmola, tselinograd)

10. When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed? (16 december 1991)

11. What oceans is the USA washed by? (the anlantic and )

II. who is the clever?

Here are some proverbs you have to find…. Answer should be given in English, Kazakh, Russian

1. All is not…that glitters (gold - алтын - золото)

2. Money spent on the ….. is never spent in vain (brain - ақыл - ум)

3. An …a day keeps the doctor away. (apple - алма - яблоко)

4. Lost … is never found again. (time - уақыт - время)

5. … is power. (knowledge - білім - знание)

6. Better late than … (never - ешқашан - никогда)

7. It is never too … to learn. (late - кеш - поздно)

8. There is no place like… (home - үй - дом)

9. Actions speak louder than … (words - сөздер - слова)

10. A good … makes a good ending (beginning - бастау - начало)

11. East or West home is … (best - жақсы - лучше)

12. The books are our … (friends - достар - друзья)

13. Time is … (money - ақша - деньги)

14. Everything is good in its … (season - мезгіл - сезон)

15. Everyone is a slave of his … (love - махаббат - любовь)

16. Health is above … (wealth - денсаулық - здоровье)

17. Habit is a second… (nature - табиғат - природа)

18. Don't play with… (fire - от - огонь)

19. Money won't make you… (happy - бақытты - счастливый)

20. Daughter is a guest of…. (house - үй - дом )

III. "Do you know?"

Name the film and describe it with adjective.

Comedy horror funny adventure

IV. Write as many more adjectives.

Көрермендермен ойын


The theme: "Wild Animals and Domestic Animals"
Aims of the lesson:
1. Educational: to give more information about animals, to master new words, practice its use in the speech.
2. Developing: to develop pupils' skills in listening, in reading and of prepared and unprepared speech.
3. Bringing - up: to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, to be attentive and foster their love for animals.
Teaching method: Explanation, question - answer, work in pairs
Visual aids: An interactive board, a crossword, pictures of the animals, riddles.
1. Organization moment

Teacher: Children, tell me what animals voice do you hear? Guess! Tell me about animal is it?
- lion - bear
- wolf - dog
- eat - pig
- horse - goat
Today's our lesson we talk about the animals. To work with groups.
The pupils draw a diagram.
Wild [waild]- жабайы
Domestic [dәmestik]- үйдегі
3. " Inside and outside " strategy. Work in groups.
Group A. " Domestic animals''
Group B. ' Wild animals''
Children write Essay about animals and paint a picture.
What kind of wild animals do you know?
What kind of domestic animals do you know?
What kind of bird do you know?
What kind of reptiles do you know?
How do you think which is the fastest land animal?
Which are the fastest animals in the sea?
Which are the fastest animals in the air?
And which the fastest animals of all?
III. Reflection. Vienna diagram.
Teacher: Now, pupils at the end of our lesson I want to know what did you know about animals?

Pupils will divide into 3 groups by types of animals
1) Domestic animals
2) Wild animals
3) Sea world animals
2. New theme
Wild Animals and Domestic Animals
Animals could be mainly divided into two parts as wild and domestic. However, the domestic animals that live under wild conditions are called Feral Animals. It is not very difficult to understand a domestic animal from a wild animal, by looking at them, as there are many differences exhibited between them.

Wild Animals
All the species start their journeys on Earth as wild species, some stay as wild, but some become domesticated. Animals that live in wild conditions without being domesticated are the wild animals. It would be important to note that there may be a portion of a particular species found in wild while the rest has been domesticated, such as elephants. In fact, there are only few species that have become completely domesticated such as dogs, chicken, or cattle. Wild animals live the life that has been gifted from the Mother Nature, which is far from the human influence. They would not have to obey commands of humans but can live on their own.
Wild animals have their own preferences to survive in the environment that they live. However, they face an array of problems caused by humans or anthropogenic activities. Hence, the free roaming environment has been reduced to small areas compared to the earlier situations. As a result, the human - wildlife conflict has been resulted. Wild animals raid on agricultural crops, destruct human habitations, or they can even kill humans for food in worst cases. However, wild animals have been a great source of information for the world of science. Wild animals are sometimes a great source of income, which can be earned through tourism - related activities. If sustainable harvesting is practised, wild animals could be reasonably used as a source of protein for humans, as well.

Domestic Animals
The definition of domestic animal includes three types known as companion, livestock, and working animals. People have been domesticating animals under their control to gain economic benefits through agricultural purposes. Humans control their behaviours, feeding, and other biological requirements. People even manipulate the genetic backgrounds of domestic animals through selective breeding. Farm animals have been important to fulfil milk and protein requirements, and the dogs have been useful for protection, and large animals (viz. horses, elephants, donkeys… etc.) have been vital for fulfilling working purposes. However, the relationship is crucial in handling the domestic animals because they are well capable of injuring the humans sometimes to death. However, domestic animals have played a major role in the human, in cultures including entertainment, agriculture, transportation, and companionship.

3. Answer the question
What is the difference between Wild and Domestic Animals?
• Wild animals live without direct influence from the human whereas domestic animals live under the care of humans.
• Aggression is higher among wild animals than in domestic animals.
• Domestic animals are trained to obey the human commands but not the wild animals.
• The number of wild species is much higher than the domesticated number.
• Wild animals are pests of agriculture, but domestic animals are friends of agriculture.
• Domestic animals are useful for various anthropogenic activities but not the wild animals.
• Anthropogenic activities may be mostly problematic for the wild animals, but domestic animals do not usually get disturbed from those.

4. Doing tasks
Wild & Domestic animals

1. Put the names of these wild animals in text box. Remember that the first word is with capital letter.
2. Watch the video and pay attention to the amimals (wild and domestic) that appear in it.
3. Search in the wordsearch the animals that appear in the video. There are 18 animals. Good luck!
5. Conclusion

Form: 4
The theme: Trains. Travelling.
The aims: - to enrich students knowledge about Astana and London;
- To develop students grammar skills and habits of oral speech;
- To develop interest in learning English, to improve their pronunciation skills;
- To develop students skills and habits in dialogue and monologue speech through asking questions;
The method: explanation, group work, question - answer
The types: lesson by travelling
The visual aids: pictures, cards, crosswords, videos of cities.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
А) Greeting
В) Check up the attendance
II. Phonetic drill
III. Checking up the home task: write an essay "Dream vacation"
IV. Introduction of the new lesson
Teacher: Today I'd like to speak to you about travelling. We are going to travel beautiful cities and you'll get some more information about Astana and London. We'll learn some new words, we'll read texts, answer the questions and do some exercises.
Warm - up: I think everybody likes travelling. So, during our lesson we'll talk about travelling, means of transport, share and express opinions, and exchange ideas.
Now I'd like to start our lesson with the quotation written on the board:
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page"
- What does it mean?
Pupil: - If you don't travel you can not see the beauty of the world;
Pupil: - If you don't travel you can not discover new things and different ways of life;
Teacher: OK. That's all. Today's our new theme is "Trains. Travelling"on page 69. Write down the date and the new theme.
Teacher: Now, let's check your home task. - What was your home task for today? Ok, your home work: write an essay "Dream vacation" - Are you ready? - Who wants to read? Please….
So, I'd like you to answer the questions:
- Why do people travel?
- What are the reasons for travelling?
P1: People travel to discover new places.
P2: People travel to learn a language.
P3: People travel to see the sights.
P4: People travel to enjoy beautiful places.
P5: People travel to make new friends.
P6: People travel to discover different ways of life.
P7: People travel to see other countries and continents.
- What means of transport do you know?
- What are the most popular ways of travelling?
P1: The most popular ways of travelling are:- by plane
- by bus
- by train
- by bike
- by ship
- by car
- by taxi
- by motorbike
- by boat
- by tram
- on foot
Teacher: Now, students, do you like to travel? - Yes, we do.
- Which of the transport do you prefer?
Our 1 task: Who is fastest?
Now, divide these transports into 2 groups:
I group: Astana ---------- Public transport
II group: London ----------- Private transport
First, we are going to travel Astana. We'll see sights of Astana, beautiful places
and we learn some more information about Astana.
- Let's look the videos about Astana on the board
Answer the questions:
- The residence of President of Kazakhstan?
- What's the capital of Kazakhstan?
- What is the White House?
- The head of the Kazakhstan?
- What is official language in our country?
Second, we are going to travel London. We'll see sights of London, beautiful places and we learn some more information about London.
- Let's look the videos about London on the board
Answer the questions:
- What's the capital of England?
- Where is London situated?
- How many people live in London?
- What place is the official home of the Queen?
- The London's residence of Queen Elizabeth II is…..
- The head of the state in United Kingdom is….
Speaking. - What's city of Astana?
Astana is a beautiful, expensive, crowded, clean, modern and new city.
- What's city of London?
London is a beautiful, expensive, crowded, old and famous city.
Now, you must find from the sentences adjectives. Adjective is а describing of places, people and things. Answer the questions: What kind? Which one? How many/much?
Look at the board.
Open your books on page 69
1 group - Transport car
2 group - Transport train
Now read the text.
1 group - The Orient Express
2 group - High - Speed trains
Now you must find the adjectives from the text.
Conclusion. 1. Marking
2. Giving home task: Ex 2 - 4 p. 71
Evaluation. Our lesson is over! You were very active today. Good bye! See you soon.

Wild Animals
All the species start their journeys on Earth as wild species, some stay as wild, but some become domesticated. Animals that live in wild conditions without being domesticated are the wild animals. It would be important to note that there may be a portion of a particular species found in wild while the rest has been domesticated, such as elephants. In fact, there are only few species that have become completely domesticated such as dogs, chicken, or cattle. Wild animals live the life that has been gifted from the Mother Nature, which is far from the human influence. They would not have to obey commands of humans but can live on their own.
Wild animals have their own preferences to survive in the environment that they live. However, they face an array of problems caused by humans or anthropogenic activities. Hence, the free roaming environment has been reduced to small areas compared to the earlier situations. As a result, the human - wildlife conflict has been resulted. Wild animals raid on agricultural crops, destruct human habitations, or they can even kill humans for food in worst cases. However, wild animals have been a great source of information for the world of science. Wild animals are sometimes a great source of income, which can be earned through tourism - related activities. If sustainable harvesting is practised, wild animals could be reasonably used as a source of protein for humans, as well.

Domestic Animals
The definition of domestic animal includes three types known as companion, livestock, and working animals. People have been domesticating animals under their control to gain economic benefits through agricultural purposes. Humans control their behaviours, feeding, and other biological requirements. People even manipulate the genetic backgrounds of domestic animals through selective breeding. Farm animals have been important to fulfil milk and protein requirements, and the dogs have been useful for protection, and large animals (viz. horses, elephants, donkeys… etc.) have been vital for fulfilling working purposes. However, the relationship is crucial in handling the domestic animals because they are well capable of injuring the humans sometimes to death. However, domestic animals have played a major role in the human, in cultures including entertainment, agriculture, transportation, and companionship.

Funny adjectives сабақтан тыс шара

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