Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Рождество в Британии

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат rar
Изображения Нет
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( Урок английского языка для учащихся 5 -6 классов)

Цель урока : познакомить учащихся с празднованием Рождества в Британии, историей возникновения праздника.

Оборудование : презентация «Christmas in Britain»,карточки с заданиями, реквизит для проведения игр.


Образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся.

Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, формирование

мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Воспитательные: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям Великобритании , умению работать в команде.

Ход урока:

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls. Gad to see you again. We start our lesson about one of the most popular holidays in Britain. But at first I want you to listen to a short poem and guess what holiday we are going to speak about. This is a mix of Russian and English.

A poem:

Santa Claus стучит к нам в дверь

«Open, open поскорей!»

Ему дети говорят: " Please,come in !"

Oчень рад.

Видит он a Christmas tree,

И гирлянды и шары,

А на самом на верху

Видит он a star - звезду.

«Do you like it? - Yes, I do!

Merry Christmas to you!»

( Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос учителя)

Pupil 1 : we'll speak about Christmas.

Teacher: what words helped you to guess?

Pupil 1: Santa Claus

Pupil 2: Christmas tree

Pupil 3 : Merry Christmas to you!

Teacher : Look at the Christmas tree! There are a lot of symbol things connected with the holiday. What are they?

(Ученики называют символы Рождества - рождественские открытки, подарки, Санта Клауса …)

Teacher : What do you know about Christmas?

(предполагаемые ответы учащихся)

Pupil 1: English and American people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. They buy a Christmas tree, send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. At night Father Christmas comes. He puts the presents for children in their stockings and under the tree.

Teacher: And now children let's sing a song " We wish you a Merry Christmas".

But why do people celebrate Christmas?

Pupil 2 : People celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.( слайд 1)

Teacher : Right. Mary and Joseph were Christ' s parents. They went to Bethlehem to the town of David. Their way was dangerous and very long. It was darker and darker. They didn't know where to go. A lot of bright stars appeared in the sky. Suddenly Mary saw a cave. " Let's have a sleep in this place", se said to her husband. At last they found a place where Mary gave a birth to her child. A lot of people came to see him. They brought many presents for him.

Pupil 3 : A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth.( сайд 2)

Pupil 4 : Every year at Christmas Time

We can hear the church bells chime

They rang out on Christmas night

For that's the day when Jesus was born.

Teacher : Do you know what Christmas symbols are?

Pupil 5 : Santa Claus ( слайд 5) The origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicolas. He was a very kind man and he loved children very much. He was their patron.

Pupil 6 : Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square. In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve the streets in London are decorated too.(слайд)

Teacher : Christmas Wreaths. It is usually hung on the door of the house. Many centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas.

Pupil 7 : Christmas Stocking. According to the legend, one kind man had two daughters. His wife died. The daughters wanted to have presents on Christmas but their father didn't have money. The kind St. Nicolas heard the girls' plight and at night he threw three gold coins down the chimney where they fell into the stockings the girls hang by the fireplace to dry.

Teacher : Now we'll have a Quiz.

( Pupils are divided into 2 -3 teams by choosing blue . green, red cards.)

Task 1 : Guess the riddles .

1.You can't hear me ,but you can see me all around. What am I? (Snow )

2. What man cannot live inside the house? ( Snowman )

3. It is decorated with lights, toys, balls and it is in all houses and squares. (Green tree)

4. It is a thing in which children find presents on Christmas morning. (Stocking )

5. It is a thing which people hang on the door of the house or a flat on Christmas. ( Wreath )

6. This is the season when mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing

In the wood and the park.

This is the season when children ski

And Santa Claus brings the Christmas tree.

What season is it ? ( Winter)

7. It is a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas ( Pudding )

8. What goes without moving from its place. ( A clock )

9. A little old woman with 12 children: some short, some long, some cold some hot .What is it? ( a Year)

Task 2 :

Look at the groups of words. In each group there is a word that doesn' t go with others. Find and name the odd word.( Учащиеся выбирают «лишнее» слово и называют его.

1. Turkey, pudding, pumpkin, vegetables.

2. Santa Claus, holiday, Christmas tree, apple tree.

3. Trousers, stockings, presents, socks.

4.Snowflake, winter, sleigh, butterfly.

5. Cracker, tinsel, Easter, wreath.

6. Misletoe, pumpkin, gift, decorate.

Task 3 : Draw a snowman.

Teacher : I will give you some instructions. (Учащимся завязывают глаза шарфом и они выполняют задание под диктовку учителя.)

Draw three circles.

( Учащиеся рисуют 3 круга.)

Draw two eyes.

( Учащиеся рисуют глаза )

Draw a nose.

( Учащиеся рисуют нос)

Draw a mouth.

(Учащиеся рисуют рот)

Draw a hat.

( Учащиеся рисуют шляпу)

Draw two stick arms.

( Учащиеся рисуют руки)

(Жюри подводит общий итог соревнования команд и награждает победителей.)

Time for fun.

Teacher : And now it's time to play a little.

Game 1

Teacher : And now we are having a game .I'm going to tell you what people usually do on Christmas. If you agree, you will say «So, do I» , if

you don't agree you'll say «Oh, never.»

1. I send Christmas cards to my friends and family.

2. I swim in the river.

3. I make a snowman and play snowballs.

4. I give presents to my friends and family.

5. I go to school.

6. I go to the forest to pick up mushrooms and berries.

7. I have a turkey and pudding for a Christmas dinner.

Game 2

«Pin the Tail on the Donkey»

Here is a Donkey but it has no tail. Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the Donkey. It's not so easy, because you cannot see - you have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the tail to the right place is a winner.

Game 3

«Pass the Parcel»

Here is something wrapped in a lot of papers. You' ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing .When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. Then music starts again. The person who takes the last paper off wins the prize.

Game 3


You know that children get presents from socks and stockings. You must guess what presents are in them. If you are right then you'll take the presents. (Предполагаемые вопросы учащихся: Is there a CD there? Are there sweets? Is here a chocolate bar ?)


And now let's sing a song about Christmas. ( The song «Gingle Bells».)

Teacher : So, it's time to finish our lesson. Thank you for taking part in the holiday celebration. I hope you've learnt much about Christmas traditions. I wish you a good luck and a Merry Christmas.

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