Тесты по английскому языку

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Класс -
Тип Тесты
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Тесты по английскому языку

1. Соедините правильно две половины в одно предложение:

1) I asked if

2) She says

3) I wonder

4) Did you ask her

5) He told us

a) where he is now.

b) they were away on holiday.

c) what time she would be here.

d) his car had been repaired.

e) she has been invited to the party.

2. Составьте пары антонимов:

1) intelligent

2) exciting

3) costly

4) complete

5) beautiful

6) interested

7) excellent

a) cheap

b) unfinished

c) poor

d) indifferent

e) stupid

f) plain

g) boring

3. Соотнесите английские предложения с русскими:

1) She couldn't come on time.

2) She should have come on time.

3) She may have come.

4) She must have come.

5) Could she come?

6) She had to come on time.

7) She should come on time.

8) She needn't come.

a) Она могла бы придти?

b) Ей пришлось придти вовремя.

c) Она не могла придти вовремя.

d) Ей следует приходить вовремя.

e) Она, должно быть, пришла.

f) Возможно, она пришла.

g) Ей надо было придти вовремя.

h) Она может не приходить.

4. Правильно соедините придаточные предложения с главными:

1) If the weather is fine

2) If the weather was fine

3) If the weather were fine

4) If the weather had been fine

a) they spent the day outside.

b) we should go to the country.

c) we shall have a good time.

d) we shouldn't have stayed at home.

5. Подберите пары синонимов:

1) to come in

2) to be a success

3) to answer

4) to come to see

5) to find out

6) to surprise

a) to visit

b) to discover

c) to make progress

d) to astonish

e) to enter

f) to reply

6. Соотнесите глагол и существительное:

1) sign

2) make

3) become

4) get

5) post

6) diagnose

a) model

b) illness

c) job

d) appointment

e) contract

f) letter

7. Соотнесите предложения с обстоятельством времени:

1) I was last there

2) He has been very busy

3) She promised to come and see us

4) What are you doing

5) I hope the telegram will have arrived

6) Have you had your dinner

7) I had stayed with her

a) lately

b) tonight

c) by Monday

d) yet

e) a month ago

f) one of these days

g) till 3 yesterday

8. Соотнесите придаточные предложения с главными:

1) If she knows English well

2) If she knew English well

3) If she had known English well

a) she could help you.

b) she can help you.

c) she could have helped you.

9. Подберите слова, близкие по значению:

1) describe

2) writer

3) interesting

4) novel

5) famous

6) hero

7) scene

8) main

a) exciting

b) book

c) author

d) well-known

e) write about

f) leading

g) character

h) action

10. Соедините правильно две половины в одно предложение:

1) She plays tennis

2) She is playing tennis

3) She has played tennis

4) She played tennis

5) She will play tennis

a) at this moment

b) an hour ago

c) every Monday

d) next Monday

e) for two hours



  1. - b

  2. - e

  3. - a

  4. - c

  5. - d


  1. - e

  2. - g

  3. - a

  4. - b

  5. - f

  6. - d

  7. - c


  1. - c

  2. - g

  3. - f

  4. - e

  5. - a

  6. - b

  7. - d

  8. - h


  1. - c

  2. - a

  3. - b

  4. - d


  1. - e

  2. - c

  3. - f

  4. - a

  5. - b

  6. - d


  1. - e

  2. - d

  3. - a

  4. - c

  5. - f

  6. - b


  1. - e

  2. - a

  3. - f

  4. - b

  5. - c

  6. - d

  7. - g


  1. - b

  2. - a

  3. - c


  1. - e

  2. - c

  3. - a

  4. - b

  5. - d

  6. - g

  7. - h

  8. - f


  1. - c

  2. - a

  3. - e

  4. - b

  5. - d

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