План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: Present Perfect

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Lesson Plan


Teacher: A. Bulakhova

Topic: Present Perfect

Objects: 1) to present Present Perfect so that students could recognize this tense in texts and use this tense in all types of sentences

Visuals: blackboard, flashcards, copies with exercises.

Language: tables and grammar exercises.



Present Perfect

Brief Notes:

I. Entry

1) Greeting

2) Giving the lesson plan

II. Follow up Activities

1) Presentation of a new grammar item (Present Perfect)

- teachers' explanations the rules, giving examples

- doing exercises

III. Closure

1) Giving homework for the next lesson

2) Rounding off and saying good bye


I. Entry ( Warming-up Activities)

  1. Greeting

T1,2: Good morning, dear pupils. Nice to see you.

2) Giving the lesson plan

T1: Let's start our lesson with the the new portion of grammar - one more present tense which is called the Present Perfect. We translate this tense as Настоящее совершенное.

II. Follow up Activities

  1. Presentation of a new grammar item (Present Perfect)

T: So, let's read the examples and try to understand where this tense is used, be ready to translate some of my sentences. Читаем примеры и пытаемся понять , где используется это время. (the teacher writes examples on the desk)


T: Kate has bought a new car. Кэйт купила новую машину.

Итак, Present Perfect обозначает:

  1. действие, которое произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом. Время действия не упоминается, так как это не важно. Нам важен результат. Учащиеся делают записи в тетрадях.

T: I have known him for six years. Я знаю его 6 лет.

Итак, Present Perfect обозначает:

Действие, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем.

Учащиеся делают записи в тетрадях.

T: She has made a cake today. Она испекла торт сегодня.

Какое действие обозначает это время?

T: Действие незаконченное в прошлом (сигнальными словами служат: this week, this year, today, this morning, since, for, never, ever). Если мы хотим подчеркнуть большой отрезок времени, где интересующее нас действие не закончено к моменту разговора.

Учащиеся делают записи в тетрадях.

T: А теперь запишем слова-подсказки для этого времени( учитель пишет на доске слова-подсказки, студенты пишут в тетрадь): how long, for, since, lately/recently, already, yet, just, always, ever, never, so far.

T: So. How do we form Present Perfect? Как мы строим простое завершенное время?

I, you, we, they + have V3/Ved

He, she, it+ has V3/Ved (the teacher writes the rule on the blackboard)

В утвердительных предложениях на первое место мы ставим подлежащее. Затем вспомогательный глагол have/has. С местоимениями I, you, we, they- have, c местоимениями he, she, it- has. После вспомогательного глагола ставим основной глагол. Если он правильный, прибавляем к нему окончание -ed, если неправильный то находим его в таблице неправильных глаголов ( 3-я колонка).

For example: I have bought a present. She has already eaten her lunch. You have been ill since Monday.

Let's write the rule and the examples in the copybooks.

Now, let's do the exercise. ( the teacher gives copies with the exercise 1)

T: So, let's look at the blackboard. Now we are going to talk about negative sentences.

I, you, we, they + have not V3/Ved

He, she, it+ has not V3/Ved

В отрицательных предложениях появляется отрицательная частица not после вспомогательного глагола have/has, все остальное остается без изменений.

For example: I have not bought a present. She has not already eaten her lunch. You have not been ill since Monday.

Let's write the rule and the examples in the copybooks.

Now, let's do the exercise. ( the teacher gives copies with the exercise2)

T: А теперь посмотрим как образуются вопросительные предложения.

Have + I, you, we, they+ V3/Ved

Has+ he, she, it V3/Ved

For example: Have they read the book? Has she read the book?

Let's write the rule and the examples in the copybooks.

T: А теперь рассмотрим другие типы вопросов:

  1. Alternative question. Это вопрос, в котором будет употребляться союз or (или).

For example: Have you known him for six or seven years? Has she been in Japan or in China? (the teacher writes the examples and students write them in their copybooks)

2) Next question is tag question. For example: He hasn't published a book, has he? They haven't known him for 7 years, have they? Вопросы с хвостиком. Если в первая часть предложения утвердительная, то вторую часть делаем отрицательной при помощи hasn't/haven't. For example: He has published a book, hasn't he? They have known him for 7 years, haven't they? Если в первой части есть отрицание, то вторую часть предложения делаем утвердительной. (the teacher writes the examples and students write them in their copybooks)

3) Special question.


Where Have + I, you, we, they+ V3/Ved

Why Has+ he, she, it V3/Ved


For example: How long has she been an air hostess? When have they been in Moscow? В специальном вопросе мы ставим слова what,where,why,when на первое место. (the teacher writes the examples and students write them in their copybooks)

4) Subject question. Вопрос к подлежащему. For example: Who has ever been in London? Who has bought this game? Who has played this role? На первое место мы ставим вопросительное слово who, затем вспомогательный глагол has+ Ved/V3.

Who+ has+ Ved/V3 (the teacher writes the examples and students write them in their copybooks)

T: Let's do the exercise. ( the exercise 2, now we try to make up different types to the question)

III. Closure

1) Giving homework for the next lesson

T: Good. Your home assignment is Ex 3,4 in this copy.

2) Rounding off and saying good bye

T: Thank you for your work. We hope you liked this lesson. Goodbye.

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