Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Fashion show

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Урок-показ мод для учащихся 9-11 классов.
What do you know About Fashion?

Учитель: Хуснутдинова Л.С.
Цели: 1.Развивать у учеников способность монологически и диалогически высказываться по теме и давать свою оценку, разбираться в стилях и направлениях современной моды, быть активными, изобретательными.
2.Воспитывать культуру внешнего вида.

Оборудование: картинки, фотографии из истории моды, костюмы, фотографии известных кутюрье, ансамблей костюмов различных стилей для показа, аудиозаписи мелодий.

Ход: T:Dear friends! Today we'll have an unusual lesson about fashion. Fashion plays a great role in your life. We are going to start with the history of the 20-th Century fashion in brief.
Видеоролик «Мода за 100 лет»
P1:Before the First World War fashions didn't change very quickly.
P2: In the Roaring Twenties dresses and hair became much shorter.
P3: In the 1930 40s hair, drsses and coats became longer again.
P4:In the 1950s for men this was age of the teddy boy.
P5:The 1960s saw a revolution in clothes.
Музыкальный номер 11 класс «Mad world»
P6:In the late 1960s clothes were very colourful.
Teacher: Thank you! Look at our schhoclchildren! (музыка, показ школьной формы)
P7: In 1870th the clothes of men's fashion from Great Britain came to women's wardrobes.
Показ делового костюма.
T:the best invention is jeans in America.
Показ джинсовой одежды. Песня «Set fire to the Rain» в исполнении Юлии Нигматуллиной.
P8:The next invention is T-shirts. Показ футболок.
P9:I enjoy wearing stylish clothes.
T:What about shoes? Музыка, показ моды.
P10:Everyone wants to buy «designer trainers».
Танец в исполнении учащихся 10А класса.
T:So teenagers prefer sportstyle to feel comfortable in any place.
Интервью с «Валентином Юдашкиным» Показ слайда «Мода в Париже»
T:So, you see, our country is rich in talented people.(музыка)
P11:I want to tell you about one more style which is very special. His manner of clothing expresses protest against society.
T:Is this fashion unpleasant.
P1-P12: Yes, it is.
T:How it is called?
P1: It's a punk style came from hippies and punks.
T:Can they work in an office, company or can they attend classes?
P2: No, they can't. I think it's a street style.
T: Thank you. As for me now you can differ one style from the other and you know exactly what sort of your clothes you should wear in this or that situation. Then you will be attractive and well-mannered.

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