Контрольная работа по чтению, 8 класс. Unit I. Britain and its people at a glance. 1 четверть

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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8 класс, 1 четверть. Unit I. Britain and its people at a glance.

Reading test.

Максимум - 20 баллов. Каждое предложение - один балл.

«5» - 19-20 баллов.

«4» - 16-18 баллов.

«3» - 12-15 баллов.

«2» - менее 12 баллов.

  1. Прочитайте текст "English Characteristics".

English Characteristics

In a nation of many millions of people, there are different kinds: good and bad, honest and dishonest, happy and unhappy. However, we can talk about some general things.

The best-known quality 1 of the English, for example, is reserve 2. A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers 3, does not show much emotion. He never tells you anything about himself. If English people are making a journey by train, they will try to find an empty 4 compartment. If they have to share 5 the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation. If a conversation starts, personal questions like "How old are you?" or even "What is your name?" are not easily asked. Questions like "Where did you buy your watch?" or "What is your salary 6?" are impossible.

But the people of the North and West of Britain, especially the Welsh, are much less reserved than those of the South and East.

Closely related 7 to English reserve is English modesty. If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will probably give an answer like "I'm not bad", or "I think I'm quite good", or "Well, I'm very keen 8 on tennis".

1 quality- качество; 2reserve- сдержанность; 3stranger- незнакомец; 4 empty- пустой, незанятый; 5 share- делиться; 6salary- жалование; 7 related- относящийся, связанный; 8 keen - увлекающийся; 9 sense - чувство

The famous English sense 9 of humour is well-known. "Не is a man of humour" or "Не has no sense of humour" is often heard in Britain.

  1. Из предложенных продолжений выберите то, которое наиболее полно соответствует тексту.

  1. In every nation there are

    • good and happy people

    • honest and dishonest people

    • all possible kinds of characters

  2. In the world the English are considered to be

    • emotional

    • reserved

    • very talkative to strangers

  3. If the Englishmen travel in the same compartment

    • they start a conversation after many miles.

    • they will try to ask personal questions.

    • they can keep silence for a long time.

  4. The English people are said to be

    • very modest

    • closely connected with the Welsh

    • very good at tennis

  5. " He is a man of humour"- in England it is

    • a famous sentence

    • a real compliment

    • a well-known proverb.

  1. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова из рамочки.

  1. There are usually some ___________ qualities in a nation.

  2. Reserve is the ____________ quality of the English.

  3. A reserved person ___________ never show much ____________.

  4. It is _______________ for an Englishman to ask a personal question.

  5. A good tennis-player will ___________ only say:" I'm not bad."

Perhaps, general, emotion, impossible, will, best-known, humorous

  1. Соотнесите начало предложений с их продолжениями.

  1. In every nation there are…..

  2. If a person is reserved…...

  3. When he is travelling by train…..

  4. Such quality as modesty…..

  5. If the British say "He has no sense of humour"…..

a)….is also very typical of the British.

b)….an Englishman will look for an empty compartment.

c)….they mean it is not very good.

d)….different kinds of people.

e)….he will never be active in a talk with a stranger.

  1. Отметьте верны данные утверждения (T) или нет (F).

  1. There are some typical features in the English character.

  2. Reserved people never talk to strangers.

  3. The British prefer to travel alone in the compartment.

  4. It is considered impolite to talk about money to strangers.

5. British people like to boast about playing tennis.

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