Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: My friend. General questions

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Статьи
Формат docx
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«Бекітемін» Сапар А.

№249 мектеп-лицей директорының бағдарлы оқыту

жөніндегі орынбасары


Kushkinbaeva Zarina

Date and time:



5 "A"


My friend . General questions


To use the active vocabulary of the topic and speak about friend.


Engaging students in communication activities


Pair work, group work, individual work

The main ideas:

Cooperative learning, "Think-Pair-Share"

Resources :

Coloured papers, cards, stickers, smiles,




self- assessment, smiles , chat

The procedure of the lesson


Teacher's activity

Student's activity

I.Organization moment

a) greeting

- Good morning students! I'm glad to see you.

I'm sure everybody is all right.

b)checking up attendance

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-Good morning!

-I'm on duty today.

All are present.

II.Warm up

Tongue twister

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"

-Let's read a tongue twister. I will read you, be attentively then one by one repeat after me.

Should listen and repeat

St 1, St2, St3…


New lesson

In general questions, the auxiliary verb (do, be, have, will) is placed before the subject, and the main verb follows the subject, the word order is: auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier). (General questions are also called Yes / No questions or yes-no questions.) General questions are pronounced with rising intonation.

Do you live here? - Yes, I do. / Yes, I live here. - No, I don't. / No, I don't live here.

Вы живете здесь? - Да, живу. / Да, я живу здесь. - Нет, не живу. / Нет, я не живу здесь.

Does Bell work? - Yes, she does. - No, she doesn't.

Белл работает? - Да, она работает. - Нет, она не работает.

Did you like the film? - Yes, I did. - No, I didn't like the film.

Вам понравился фильм? - Да, понравился. - Нет, мне не понравился фильм.

Are you reading now? - Yes. / Yes, I am. / Yes, I'm reading now. - No. / No, I am not. / No, I'm not reading.

Word order in negative questions

Didn't she like the film? - Yes, she did. / Yes, she liked the film. - No, she did not. / No, she didn't like it.

Aren't they reading now? - Yes, they are. / Yes, they are reading now. - No, they aren't. / No, they are not reading now.

Вы читаете сейчас? - Да. / Да, читаю. / Да, я читаю сейчас. - Нет. / Нет, не читаю. / Нет, я не читаю.

Гости уже ушли? - Да, они ушли. - Нет, они не ушли.

Listen to the teacher carefully and write down

IV. The main stage

V. Doing Exercises

'My friend'

I have many friends but Erbol is my best friend. He studies in my class. We go to school together. We also sit together to do our home work. He is good at studies and helps the students who are weak in studies. Erbol is the monitor of our class. He obeys and respects his teachers and parents. He is good at games. He has won many prizes for our school. He comes from a middle-class family. His father is a teacher and his mother, a housewife. He wears clean clothes. He leads a simple life. He wants to become a doctor. All the teachers of our school love Erbol. I am proud of him.

New words:

weak -слабый, әлсіз

monitor- староста

to obey- слушаться, айтқанын тыңдау

to respect- уважать, сыйлау, құрмет ету

housewife- домохозяйка, уйде

lead-вести , жүргізу

- Ok. Let's do the exercises.


  1. Is Erbol his best friend?

  2. Does he study in his class?

  3. Does Erbol help the students who are weak in studies?

  4. Is he good at game?/

  5. Has he won many prizes for our school ?

  6. Does he wear clean clothes?


  1. We go to school together.

  2. We also sit together to do our home work
    3)He comes from a middle-class family.

4)His father is a teacher

5)He wants to become a doctor. 6)I am proud of him.

Listen, read , translate and write

Give short answers to these general questions.

Make general questions.

VI.Ending the lesson

a)homework: to make a short story about your friend

b) self- assessment: students count the smiles then teacher will give the marks

c) saying goodbye. T: all of you stand up

Write down on their diary.

Every one should count their smiles

Say goodbye.

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