Сценарий праздника на английском языке

Сценарий праздника "Christmas in England" написан для учащихся, занимающихся в кружке "English Merry Club". Принимали участие дети с 1 по 5 класс. Было представлено 4 сценки, новогодние песни и рассказ ведущего о праздновании Рождества в Англии. Праздник сопровождался презентацией, аттрибутами и яркими костюмами. Учащиеся занимаются в кружке 2 раза в неделю: распределяют роли, разучивают стихи и песни, работают над выразительностью речи, эмоциональностью, жестами. Лучшие постановки выбираются дл...
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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Сценарий праздника «Рождество в Англии» 2014-2015

Ведущий: Good afternoon boys and girls, dear guests, parents and teachers! Welcome to our party "Christmas in England". Children! What do you know about Christmas holiday? ( презентация картинок)

  1. The 25th of December is Christmas Day.

  2. It's a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries.

  3. Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy.

  4. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends.

  5. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them.

  6. A lot of children make their cards at school.

Исполняется "Jingle bells").

Ведущий. On Christmas Day we'll sing, dance, act fairy-tales.

Pupils from the 2nd class, come here! Recite the poems!

( читают стихи учащиеся А.С.)

Pupils from the 2nd class will act out their favourite tale "The Snow White"

Исполняется сценка «The Snow White».

Ведущий: Pupils from the 2nd and 3rd class, come here! Act out your favourite fairy-tale "The fisherman and the fish".

Исполняется сценка "The fisherman and the fish".

Ведущий: Pupils from the 4th class, come here! Act out your favourite fairy-tale

"Goldilocks and the three bears".

Исполняется сценка " Goldilocks and the three bears".

Ведущий. 1.Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.

  1. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain.

  2. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

  3. In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree.

  4. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, colored balls and little colored lights.

  5. On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree.

  6. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

  7. At night Santa Claus comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children

  8. He puts the presents into the children's stockings.

Исп. "We wish you a Merry Christmas!"

Санта Клаус: New things to learn,

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New joys to greet.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do,

On Christmas Day, in this New Year!

All together: Santa Claus is coming to party!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

2 ребенок. Santa, Santa, I want a doll!

3 ребенок. Santa, Santa, I want a ball!

Santa Claus. Are you a good girl or a boy?

If you are, you can have a toy!

Повторяется танец, хлопушка хлопает

All together: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Исполняется песня-танец "Squirrel's song".(выходит Санта Клаус танцуя с детьми)

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